Group 7-day waking average?

@Grannylorraine If you post a link to your page I am sure we would be happy to support you too.
@Grannylorraine If you post a link to your page I am sure we would be happy to support you too.
Thank you, but I am not running for Diabetes, I am running for Tommys who helped my daughter when she was having a miscarriage. But that is very kind.
Thank you, but I am not running for Diabetes, I am running for Tommys who helped my daughter when she was having a miscarriage. But that is very kind.
Doesn't mean we don't still want to support your for pushing yourself to do something that most of us would find incredibly daunting. You are part of our community and you are doing it for charity. That's all I need to know.
4.6 for me this morning. 🙂
Well done @Bloden on your House Spesh 🙂
@Kaylz we've got your snow over here. It's 1C with continuing snow and so far 2 inches lying. No walkies for me today. 😱

4.6 for me this morning. 🙂
Well done @Bloden on your House Spesh 🙂
@Kaylz we've got your snow over here. It's 1C with continuing snow and so far 2 inches lying. No walkies for me today. 😱

I quite like the idea of a bit of snow. I am a little envious. Today is quite bright down here in Kent, but too many days of battleship grey clouds and 8 degrees.
@Kaylz we've got your snow over here. It's 1C with continuing snow and so far 2 inches lying. No walkies for me today. 😱
It's currently 0C here and looked like something was ready to come down earlier as it suddenly got very black but nothing came and it's brightening up again, good job seen as my mum's not back from Lidl yet! lol xx
Morning all, 5.8 here. It’s above freezing here, an improvement on yesterday. I have to venture out to post my passport off. Ever the optimist, I’m renewing it in the hope that I might get some use out of it soon. Trotted off to Timpsons yesterday to get a photo done, rather than faffing about trying to get OH to take one, (worth the money for the sake of my marriage). It was tipping down and blowing a gale yesterday, so the result is the usual axe-murderer look with a bit of drowned rat thrown in.
Timpsons are such a great company. What their boss has done to support people is an inspiration.

And post the pic here so we can see exactly how axe-murdery they’ve made you look!
Boiler sorted.
The pressure was low so it’d turned itself off. Couldn’t see the fill loop anywhere but eventually found it behind a panel that’s behind the back of a cabinet I had to move the fridge out of the way to access.
So full marks to the previous plumbers for making such a basic tool almost inaccessible.

(There’s now a note on the inside of the boiler cabinet door saying where the fill valve is located.)
It’s currently 3 degrees here. It’s cold outside but sunny. Even the cats refuse to go outside and they hate being inside all day
Morning all, another wet, windy and generally depressing day here.

6.0 at 8:40. Off to the dentist as I've either broken a tooth or a filling has dropped out.


@Gruers - not a lot I can do from this distance, but sending virtual hugs.
Timpsons are such a great company. What their boss has done to support people is an inspiration.

And post the pic here so we can see exactly how axe-murdery they’ve made you look!
Yes, they’ve got a good scheme running, we met one of the retired directors of Timpsons on a river cruise once, who said he made a habit of popping into their shops regularly just for a chat and to check on how things were going.
I'm not posting the picture, I don’t want to frighten anyone of a nervous disposition!
Yes, they’ve got a good scheme running, we met one of the retired directors of Timpsons on a river cruise once, who said he made a habit of popping into their shops regularly just for a chat and to check on how things were going.
I'm not posting the picture, I don’t want to frighten anyone of a nervous disposition!
I did not know they did passport photos. When I last renewed my passport, my Post Office directed my to Snappy Snaps, rather than the photo booth in store.
I did not know they did passport photos. When I last renewed my passport, my Post Office directed my to Snappy Snaps, rather than the photo booth in store.
Yes, it was very easy as well, because they give you a physical copy of the photos, but also a digital code to put in when you get to that section of the passport form, which finds your photo on the system, so no uploading or anything to do. It cost £14.99, which was worth it for the lack of hassle, and I’ve got four physical photos to use on other things (like my OAP bus pass when I turn 66 in a few days time).
A 6.2 for me at 05:28 on this grey and dank day in West Berks. Been on calls all morning and just having some lunch and a big mug of tea before the next call at 13:30
8.4 for me today. Finally it’s Friday! Feels like the week lasted a whole month.
going to be first because I fell asleep at 7pm last night so woke up super early. 😳
14.7 (meh)

Outcome of yesterdays phonecall with the nurse was to stop metformin slow release (and never let it darken my doorstep again) and go back to old dose of gliclazide for the weekend.
I have an appointment booked for Monday to discuss medications and options from here with the practice pharmacist.
Booked my hba1c for 19th as well.

Have a fantastic day everyone 🙂
Morning all. 7.7 today. It’s really weird, or I’m really weird, but when I was ill with a chest infection my BGs were nice and steady and sometimes quite low. Now I’m feeling loads better they’ve gone high! I thought it was supposed to be the other way round! 😳

Good news, I managed a five mile walk yesterday. It was blooming cold but I took it easy. Well if you count having 7kgs of meat and fish in your rucksack and pushing a 21lb baby in a buggy, easy! TBF it was between us, although there was a ginormous cauliflower in the bottom of the pram, it must have weighed at least 3 kilos! I hardly coughed and felt good. Hurrah!

Off for my fourth jab at 2.30. Usually whilst up that end of town we have a walk through a local nature reserve but the forecast is terrible, heavy rain all day, so we’ll go to the Aldi up there. It’s the first Aldi that was built, probs 25 years ago and I’ve never been. Quite excited, how sad am I? 😛

Congratulations @Sitosea on the House Special. Incase you didn’t know as you’re new to this thread, it was decided way back when that 5.2 was the optimum level to be on a morning. Not too high but not too low. It’s nothing scientific, just a bit of fun and something we all try to strive to. I’m rubbish at this game though! 😉
Have a super Saturday all. 🙂