Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all... is there no end to this wet, windy gloom we are living in down here?

5.9 this morning. Did wake in the wee small hours and started panicking a bit because I had a call from the pump DSN asking me to pick up my Omnipod Dash and telling me that the training video conference session will be on the 19th of this month. That’s fine but what is getting to me is that she also said “I know you probably have a different basal set for each of the 24 hours, but we prefer to start you on time blocks”. I’m thinking WHY? It will be using the same insulin and I’ve titrated my basals so that I am getting 91% in range with only 1% hypo. Eventually around 4 am I came to the answer. Do what they want during the training session, then when it’s over alter my basals back to where they are now.

CONGRATULATIONS @Sitosea and @TinaD on the HS.
Meant to say yesterday that mum cut my hair on Thursday, the shaved side is easy and has done it plenty times before but really needed my long side done, she was up for it then not so much when she actually had the scissors in her hand but she's done a really good job!
Oo, Oo, a noo hairdoo - let’s see some pics!
Morning All. A 4.8 from me. Have a good day - despite the weather ! What would we Brits talk about is we didn’t have the weather?
11:04 BS 7.8 🙂 Still very consistent!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Nice episode of DIP last night: only worked out half of it; little twist at the end I didn’t get! :D Like the new addition to the team.🙂

Weellll! After posting about Joan Collins & Dynasty the other day, I’m now watching it online from the start of season 2 where Alexis debuts: don’t think I ever watched season 1; only from Joan Collins onwards! Halfway through season 3 now & OH MY! I realise just how much influence the clothing on that show influenced the fashion of the 80’s; those shoulder pads, power suits paired with the pencil skirts & of course the siletto’s albeit in the days WELL before the camera tilting down & back up again in Sex & the City decades later, the shoes weren’t really shown on the screen! 🙄:D AND those “right humdingers” of catfights mainly between Alexis & Crystal but, also Sammy Jo & Fallon, both pairs having literally dirty fights slinging mud at each other! 😱:D It was a show that was known for “Catfights & Caviar”!😱:D😛😎😉 And later on, from what I remember & not reached yet, a real life European royal, Catherine Oxenberg, played Alexis’ daugher Amanda: her mother was Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia; through her mother also related to our own royal family!😎 This was, of course, decades before civil war & the breaking up of Yugoslavia resulting in the end of that monarchy. And those Alexis dolls that some Americans paid $10,000 for!😱 I’m having a right old laugh at the sheer opulence & outrageousness!😱:D😛😎😉
those shoulder pads, power suits paired with the pencil skirts & of course the siletto’s
Well thats took me right back to the 80s :D!! I loved my suits and the higher the stiletto the better. I once had a pencil skirt that was so tight that i used to hobble to the bus stop and needed to turn sideways to lift my leg onto the step of the bus, there was no chance i could sit upstairs wearing that. I thought i looked absolutely fabulous!! Mind you, i had the figure for it back then.
Well thats took me right back to the 80s :D!! I loved my suits and the higher the stiletto the better. I once had a pencil skirt that was so tight that i used to hobble to the bus stop and needed to turn sideways to lift my leg onto the step of the bus, there was no chance i could sit upstairs wearing that. I thought i looked absolutely fabulous!! Mind you, i had the figure for it back then.
Haha I was the same. I used to wear a suit that had a really tight pencil skirt, white shirt and silver tie and I used to have to hold the pole and jump to get on the bus (the old buses with a conductor). Once when I left the disco it had snowed and I had to walk uphill to the bus stop in stilettos and this ridiculously tight skirt, I didn’t care I thought I looked really cool 😳😳😳😳
Once when I left the disco it had snowed and I had to walk uphill to the bus stop in stilettos and this ridiculously tight skirt
Ha! I remember those days too, not feeling the cold. No coats were worn as they didn't look right with the outfit and even in snow and ice, it had to be stilettos. I once wore a boiler suit, bright turquoise blue, with the arms and sleeves rolled up, a really wide white belt pulling it all in, the highest white stilettos and a massive white bead necklace and matching earrings. With my big permed hair, sprayed to within an inch of its life, and a white handbag, i thought i looked the bees knees! Oh dear, i must have looked a right sight!!! The only good thing was that friends were dressed similarly so i wasn't alone 😳 .
Aw! I LOVED those power suits & pencil skirts too: I was teens & I started out with 2 inch siletto’s; could only go as high as 3.5 inches, just about, & mostly 3 inches, more comfortable, as I was only size 3 & my feet are only SO long! I was always jealous of the taller ladies that had bigger feet to go up to 6 inch heels: I once, against my own better judgement, tried out & bought a pair of 4 inch heels but, only wore them once as it was SO painful to walk in; literally RIGHT on the very tips of my toes as my feet weren’t long enough! 😱 My eldest nephew, then 10, remarked, at the time, you’re only 16 years old & instead of the usual tee shirt & jeans of other teenagers you dress like a 40 year old woman: Joan Collins was in her mid 40’s when she started on Dynasty!🙄:D😉 I was 16 in the autumn of 1988 & living away from home, Monday to Friday, for the first time while at college in Derry & went to classes in power suits, stiletto's & carried my books in a huge over the neck & shoulder handbag with lever arch files under my arms!😱
went to classes in power suits, stiletto's & carried my books in a huge over the neck & shoulder handbag with lever arch files under my arms!😱
Hahaha those were the days! I used to work in a Solicitors as a Secretary. The power suits were everything then. I had some stretchy arm bands as well that i sometimes wore to keep my sleeves up higher than the jacket sleeves on the odd occasion i wore a long sleeved top/shirt. I might still have them somewhere :confused: 😱
Haha I was the same. I used to wear a suit that had a really tight pencil skirt, white shirt and silver tie and I used to have to hold the pole and jump to get on the bus (the old buses with a conductor). Once when I left the disco it had snowed and I had to walk uphill to the bus stop in stilettos and this ridiculously tight skirt, I didn’t care I thought I looked really cool 😳😳😳😳
Ooh I had a dogtooth check pencil skirt with matching tie. I was 7st wet through then so probably looked like a matchstick! But I thought I was gorgeous! :D

7 on the dot for me this morning so that is a slight improvement.

@Bloden - congratulations on you HS today

@Gruers - what hospital are you in now? If it is still Basildon let me know if you need anything as it is only about 15mins drive from my house, if you want some knitting brought down I have plenty of wool and could grab you a pair of needles.

Have a good day everyone, trying to decide if I want to go out for a run, in training for the same 1/2 marathon as @ColinUK, or whether to do a leg workout indoors, I did sign up for a 50mile challenge in January and still got 40 to do.
Hi @Grannylorraine I’m still in Basildon Cardiac centre and hope to have my op next week subject to Covid and emergencies. I’m fine for everything I need at the moment but thank you for your kind thoughts
My numbers are truly awful at the moment hospital food and very little exercise is taking its toll. Hopefully out of here in 10 days.
have a great weekend everyone
Got fingers crossed for you.
Hospitals are not the healthiest of places for diabetics! Really quite surprised they don't have set limits for your BG levels before surgery to reduce the risk of infection. Can you make better food choices to improve things. I know its not easy with the usual meal choices available in hospital.
Hahaha those were the days! I used to work in a Solicitors as a Secretary. The power suits were everything then. I had some stretchy arm bands as well that i sometimes wore to keep my sleeves up higher than the jacket sleeves on the odd occasion i wore a long sleeved top/shirt. I might still have them somewhere :confused: 😱
Before I retired colleague threw an 80s party for her 40th. I bought a pair of huge shoulder pads, stuck them into a black silk jersey suit that had a long pencil skirt with a slit up the back, backcombed my hair as big as I could get it, applied long false eyelashes and wore high heels. I arrived at the party to be greeted by "Oh you didn't get dressed up then!" Looking around they were all wearing ra-ra skirts and legwarmers! They must have lived through a different 80s to me!
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Hi mine was 7.3 this morning
Already worked out my average as 8.4 over the last 50 days
Hope this helos
@freesia I also worked as a litigation secretary with a manual typewriter and having to sew up the Affidavits with pink ribbon and a seal. I worked opposite the Royal Pavilion in Brighton where all the cool dudes hung out lol.
@eggyg My stepfather said that if I turned sideways I could hide behind a lamppost.
@Pattidevans I loved my rara skirts in the 80s.
Brilliant memories, my life is very boring now 🙂
Before I retired colleague threw an 80s party for her 40th. I bought a pair of huge shoulder pads, stuck them into a black silk jersey suit that had a long pencil skirt with a slit up the back, backcombed my hair as big as I could get it, applied long false eyelashes and wore high heels. I arrived at the party to be greeted by "Oh you didn't get dressed up then!" Looking around they were all wearing ra-ra skirts and legwarmers! They must have lived through a different 80s to me!
I used to make my own ra-ra skirts. Had them in all sorts of colours. I never wore the whole shoulder pad things as they were for the more sophisticated 80s woman! My hair was more Joanne from Human League, all smooth and asymmetrical.
I also worked as a litigation secretary with a manual typewriter and having to sew up the Affidavits with pink ribbon and a seal
Ah happy days! The old manual typewriter, trying to press those keys hard enough with frozen fingers from waiting for the bus in the snow and ice. I remember the first time i used an electric typewriter and the ones with floppy discs for memory!! I was terrified to use them at first.
Those old manual typewriters were challenging, having to centre headings etc by counting and back spacing..