Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.

@Robin Happy Birthday and congrats on the HS.

7.7 for me this morning after being higher all night and the correction not working. I might put basal up again half a unit tonight and hope i'm not low tomorrow.
Morning folks. Dead eye 6. Ooh nice! I put my basal up a half unit last night. My graph is almost flat with a bump at 4am when I went to the loo.

Feeling a bit stiff and headachy which I’m assuming is my jab. I had Moderna for the first time. I actually feel exactly like I did with my very first jab which was AZ. Good excuse to do nowt all day.😉

Congratulations @Robin on the HS and your new pensioner status. The world is now your lobster, free bus pass and pocket money! Have a great day. 🙂

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂
Meant to add a few things to my post but was in a state of shock that Bruce had gotten up before I phoned him (his request) lol so here goes the things I forgot

Got a text from parcelforce yesterday morning to say my replacement sensor was out for delivery so let Bruce know, he messaged me not long after 1pm to say it had been delivered then 2 minutes later got a text from parcelforce saying they had attempter delivery and had left a card with details of what to do next, how very odd!

I'm not sure if anyone else is watching The Masked Singer but we like it and after Lion Fishes first performance last night I was sure it was him, none of the judges had even suggested him until just before he was about to be unmasked! Can't believe I was actually right! lol xx
Morning everyone 🙂

This morning
8:48 overslept which is bad because it means I've done my tresiba much later than usual. BG 13.0 above target. 13u tresba done. 1.5u humalog correction.

Saturday 8/1
7:04 BG 12.9 above target. 13u tresiba taken. No correction but maybe I should've done one because I was 2.9mmols higher than my target.

Friday 7/1
7:02 10.0 within target. 13u tresiba done.

Thursday 6/1
7:10 BG 9.3 within target. 13u tresiba taken.

Wednesday 5/1
7:55 BG 7.8 within target. 13u tresiba taken.

Tuesday 4/1
7:33 BG 4.5 below target. 13u tresiba done. Had 3 dextro tablets to get my level above 6mmol. I'm currently trying to treat hypo unawareness so I need to keep above my bottom target number of 6mmol most of the time so need to treat as a hypo when I drop to the 5s or 4s.

Monday 3/1
7:15 BG 13.4 above target. 13u tresiba done. 2.0u humalog correction. Reason unknown.

Sunday 2/1
7:18 BG 12.6 above target 6-10mmol. 13u tresiba done. 1.5u humalog correction. Reason unknown.

Feel free to ask me any questions about my BGs or anything I may have done right or wrong.

Have a great day everyone 🙂
Morning! 6.9
Morning all, weatherwise no change, but the windows are looking clean after all the rain as the seagull poo has all been washed off. The little beggars seem to make an appointment to come and do it as soon as the window cleaner has been.

9.1 this morning. Couldn’t eat my dinner last night due to a blocked nose and I’d bolussed for it, which resulted in a night hypo, a bit of overkill with a temp basal causing the rise.

@SueEK and @eggyg I was in my mid 30s to early 40s in the 80s, a bit long in the tooth for ra ra skirts! Hence the shoulder pad outfits.

@freesia I learned to type on an old Royal upright... yay when electric typewriters came in. I then joined the airline and it was over 20 years later that I did any typing, but you never forget how to.

@Robin CONGRATULATIONS on the HS and Happy Birthday. What a nice pressie.
Double congratulations to @Robin. Wishing you many happy returns of them both.
Morning all!
A very nice 5.6 for me this morning. Happy with that as no corrections or carbs required overnight with a 0.5 unit basal increase. Thought it might be risky but worked a treat!

@Robin WooHoo!! Many congratulations on both of your achievements this morning. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
Well! I had my lunch a wee bit early & tried out the hot Starbucks Caramel Macchiato & just headed off a hypo at the 2 hour mark, 11:02 BS 4.8, just now & munching a JB, started on 09:02 BS 7.6! 😱Will eat an oatcake around 10 minutes later or after posting this! The sandwiches weren’t the problem as they’re a known: it was the coffee; bolused too much for! I usually add +10 NR for lattes for the sugar & the caffeine but, this time it tasted quite a bit less sweet so, obviously less sugar in it as I didn’t add any! I may add a bit of honey next time but, slightly less sweet & less NR could be a better option: will try both & see what I like? :confused: Rather oddly I prefer the much stronger, nutty flavours of the caramel in the cold coffee to the blander hot one but, may improve with a bit more sweetness to bring out the flavours?:confused:

Right! Will have an oatcake now as it’s about 15 minutes after JB now & keep testing the next 2 hours of active bolus! 🙄
Belated congrats to @Sitosea and @TinaD for yesterday's HSs.

Happy birthday to @Robin and congrats on the HS

I managed a 6.0 at 04:19 yesterday morning and a better 5.0 at 06:05 this morning
03:20 BS 7.6 Still steady sevens! 🙂:D😉

Already had breakfast & about tight for after test so, here goes……07:10 BS 9.5 I’m ok ish with that! 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I was watching more Dynasty & on season 4 now & enter Dex Dexter into Alexis’ life! 😛 What a hunk played by Michael Nader!😛:D😉

Finally opened up my new Krups Dolce Gusto Mini Me coffee machine I bought on club card price of £34, normally £58, from tesco shopping yesterday afternoon. No English instructions but, knew that from the reviews on the tesco site & looked up the videos on youtube on how to work the machine & even the specific Starbucks Caramel Macchiato pods that I also bought: only ever tried the cold lattes, mostly skinny, before & this last week tried the caramel macchiato, heard of it & never tried it before, & LOVED it! 😛 Then, when I was ordering my weekly shopping I saw the offer for the coffee machine & decided to get it: moved my shopping forward from Monday to Saturday as I didn’t want it sell out in the sale this week, until 12/01/22! I can’t wait to give it a whirl later on this morning with my ham & cheese sandwiches for lunch around 10:00 to 11:00?:D

Rather odd, actually, for a tea drinker I can’t remember the last time I had a cuppa tea & been drinking lattes, Starbucks cold ones or Nescafe skinny lattes, these days & now have a coffee machine! o_O:D😉

I feel a bit like a girl with a new toy! 🙄:D😉
We love our Dolce Gusto machine, the single pod ones cafe au lait or flat white or ones you add your own milk work out more economical and are pretty good on carbs.
Morning Everyone

Had such a rubbish day yesterday. Breakfast of one weetabix ruined my entire day. It was the breakfast that just kept on giving.
Spent most of the day in the high teens and defo felt every one of those numbers.
The plus side if it -
no noticeable bloating or discomfort in my guts today (that was why I chose weetabix yesterday but I am usually okay with having one anyway)
"dawn" took the day off (or might have been a case of she knew I would run at her with pointy stabby things if she showed up)

Its not necessarily anything new for me to see those numbers on the meter but its been a while since I felt rough with it to the extent I did. (thirst, peeing, headache, exhausted)

Got a busy day today. There's been a breakdown in one of my family's relationships and long story short, I am having his dog while he is in a temp living situation with another family member. Won't be an issue at all having him, just need to do a little organising and doggy-proofing. Also need to try and clear as much space as possible for storage overflow of his stuff (both family members stuff and the dogs lol).

Phone appointment is today to discuss meds. Have looked at some flow charts linked on nhs sites for their pathways and researched everything I think might be on offer and made notes. One or two I know will not be suitable from the get go. They might even just increase gliclazide dose or want hba1c results, who knows. 🙄
Will let you all know the outcome.

Now to find some breakkie that wont be a repeat of yesterday (feeling ravenous now) and get on with my mahoosive to do list 🙂

Have a great day everyone x
04:56 BS 8.2 Aw! :(😉 No more sevens today!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Going to try my latte with 2 tsp of caramel syrup that I use for Nescafe Skinny Lattes, oddly the skinny has double the amount of foam of the normal non skinny latte, with my breakfast sausage muffin & try the usual +10 NR, which means 50 NR altogether for a ballpark experiment to see where I finish at bearing in mind I’m starting higher this morning: if I finish after 4 hours roughly where I started at; I’ll have nailed it! :confused::D😉

My stomach is awake now grumbling so, it’s time to feed the monster! 🙄:D😉
Morning folks, 6.7 today and usual rush to get ready for work.
Have a good day x
Good morning. 4.4 for me today. Spent most of yesterday feeling "wibbly-wobbly", a sensation I would have ascribed before diabetes to low blood sugar but my meter said otherwise. The highest it went all day was after breakfast when it showed 6.6 and the lowest 5.9 at 18.30. At 20.30, finding nothing in the house containing carbs except a tin of peaches in juice, God knows how old, I ate most of them and went to bed. Eventually fell asleep over a book, only getting up twice for a P, on the 2nd occasion deciding that tea and a fight with the CH was warranted, so did bloods. This is, I think, the lowest reading I have ever had, which seems weird after last nights carbs. This ailment would be easier to treat/control if it demonstrated a discernible pattern or a smidgen of logic.
Good wishes for a good day everyone.
Good morning to you all.

I felt rather down yesterday at the forecast of a very difficult financial year amongst other worries got to me....but my daughter, partner, her daughter and their dog all turned up and stayed for tea. My wife was brilliant and cooked for everyone and we all had a lovely time. No one understands why but their dog is calm and well behaved with me and she spent 99% of the time with me too. I liked that. The dog is usually very nervous, anxious and difficult with everyone else. AND no one understands why, but their daughter really really likes raspberries and strawberries. She polished off one big punet of both plus a normal meal. A few tears from her when they had to go home.

BG 4.6 this morning. Fine but a million miles from an HS.

I must work out how to reduce our energy bills further this morning. No idea right now. Hmmm

Oh and I had a bit of fun with some melted chocolate and moulds. Learned a lot too. I would rekon it was 60% successful, and 110% messy. Great. Now all I have to do is not eat them. Biggest success was a medium sized easter egg. Biggest failure was the shells for some filled chocolate shapes ( tried to free them too soon AND they should have been filled and capped before removal). Now, to a about building a life sized Eifel tower. Oh hang on, slightly too costly !!! 🙂
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