Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.1 today
yesterday booked bloods for later this month

Have a lovely weekend everyone
So yesterday I had fewer than 20g of carbs all day and was rewarded this morning with a 6.7 which is slightly disappointing.
Might be my system making more glucose because I’ve taken steps to cut carbs again but might just be because it’s a Saturday and it’s what the DF felt like doing today.

@Sitosea congrats on the HS!
Morning all. 7.7 today. It’s really weird, or I’m really weird, but when I was ill with a chest infection my BGs were nice and steady and sometimes quite low. Now I’m feeling loads better they’ve gone high! I thought it was supposed to be the other way round! 😳

Good news, I managed a five mile walk yesterday. It was blooming cold but I took it easy. Well if you count having 7kgs of meat and fish in your rucksack and pushing a 21lb baby in a buggy, easy! TBF it was between us, although there was a ginormous cauliflower in the bottom of the pram, it must have weighed at least 3 kilos! I hardly coughed and felt good. Hurrah!

Off for my fourth jab at 2.30. Usually whilst up that end of town we have a walk through a local nature reserve but the forecast is terrible, heavy rain all day, so we’ll go to the Aldi up there. It’s the first Aldi that was built, probs 25 years ago and I’ve never been. Quite excited, how sad am I? 😛

Congratulations @Sitosea on the House Special. Incase you didn’t know as you’re new to this thread, it was decided way back when that 5.2 was the optimum level to be on a morning. Not too high but not too low. It’s nothing scientific, just a bit of fun and something we all try to strive to. I’m rubbish at this game though! 😉
Have a super Saturday all. 🙂
Thanks for explaining this Eggy. It's really cheered me up on this dull and rainy day. As did the image of you pushing the buggy with a cauliflower.
5.2 this morning. CH off this morning and no sign of the electrician. So not a good morning here altho' I wish one to all forum members.
Hopefully you get the heating sorted quickly. And congrats on the HS!
Morning All
Congratulations to @Sitosea and @TinaD on the HS.
Mine today is somewhere near bottom of the class, due to too many biscuits last night with coffee.
A 9.1. Oh dear perhaps it will improve during the day.
Have a good day everyone.
Thanks for explaining this Eggy. It's really cheered me up on this dull and rainy day. As did the image of you pushing the buggy with a cauliflower.
Congrats on the House Special @Sitosea !!! And @TinaD!!!

Morning all. :D 7.1 here...oops.

I hope they find the right meds for you on Monday @gll.

It’s lashing it down out there. We’re having lunch out today at a pub right next to the beach. It’ll be a mad dash from car to pub - don’t want to sit dripping thru lunch. 😳 Roll on the summer!😎
Good morning everyone. Well, in the end I did go for a longish walk on the beach yesterday, but it was mighty cold.

BG 4.9 this morning. That's ok

A quiet day planned here. Oh my wife wants to make some bread in her new bread making machine. Could be a whole lot of fun...

Have a great day what ever or notever !
Well done to both @Sitosea & @TinaD on those elusive HS's. 🙂

4.5 for me today.
No snow this morning thank goodness. Think I might poke my nose outdoors later on for some exercise. 🙂

7.2 this morning.
@TinaD and @Sitosea congrats both on your HS. I might get one in the next 5 years if I try harder!!
Have a good day all xx
Good morning everyone.

Good to see two newish members bringing in the House Specials this morning. Congrats to @Sitosea and @TinaD who seems to be becoming a bit of an expert at them just recently!

I caught my Libre telling a big fat porkie this morning! Naughty Libre! 😡 Woke up on 3.9. I have had rather too many hypos recently so immediately popped a fizzy worm into my mouth and then though "Hang on a minute I was 8.9 a couple of hours ago and toying with a correction. Got my testing kit out of my bag finger pricked and tested 7.7. Then I thought maybe I had a bit of sugar from the fizzy worm on my fingers so tested the other hand.... 7.6. I am pretty certain that it wasn't a compression low as I was lying on my back when I woke up but Libre came up pretty sharpish once it realised it had been rumbled. 😉 Of course I then had to inject more insulin to deal with the fizzy worm that I hadn't needed, a correction and my breakfast. Grr!
Increased my Levemir again last night by 1 unit but it clearly wasn't quite enough.

Sharing the 9.1 step with @DuncanLord for the same reason of biscuits lol, mines weren't with coffee though, just to see me through the night

Meant to say yesterday that mum cut my hair on Thursday, the shaved side is easy and has done it plenty times before but really needed my long side done, she was up for it then not so much when she actually had the scissors in her hand but she's done a really good job!

Apparently there was snow on the ground when mum got up not long before 5 but by the time I eventually made it through about 5:40 the rain had already melted it xx
Good morning! - 6.2
Morning all

an improved 6.6 for me, strangely though I ate more carbs again yesterday, did manage a 6k run.

Had a nice call yesterday from the crem, my dad’s plaque had been installed, hubby and I were already going over to the crem as it was 3rd anniversary of his mum’s passing and 1st anniversary of his dad’s funeral, as we had dad’s ashes interred at the same rose bed as in laws it seemed fitting we got the call yesterday, also by co -incidence when my MIL’s ashes were interred hubby didn’t specify a particular rosebud, but the one she is in was the same one my dad’s brother is in, so dad joined his brother as well as my MIL who he got on well with.

mum is still doing ok, going to get her to test again either today or tomorrow to see if she is coming back negative yet, in the hope that if I am still testing negative I can go round and see her on Tuesday as she on,y had FaceTime since 30th Dec which was the last time I went round.

@Sitosea - welcome and congratulations on your HS.

@TinaD - congratulations on your HS, I hope you get your heating sorted quickly.

Have a good day all, I have my penultimate counselling session today followed by yoga and a stretch routine.
Morning all.

Congrats to @Sitosea and @TinaD on your HS.

I woke to a 4.8 this morning, caused by another overnight correction. I don't know whats going on. Its seems so long since i had a sleep through the night. I've upped my basal again but its still happening. I go to bed on a level of mid 6 to high 8 and its always between 1.30am and 3am the spike occurs. If i up my basal a bit more, i'm worried about lows through the day. I've tried snacking and not snacking but it doesn't make a difference. Also, i don't want to keep snacking, my weight is going up as it is and as thr nurse at the surgery told me "you've put on a significant amount of weight" (it was 2 years since they last weighed me) i don't want to put on more. Sorry for the moan, i'm tired.

Have a good weekend everyone. Dark and rainy here.
6.6 on this rainy old day. Congrats on the House Specials, well done.