Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 this morning.

Reading training plans for the half marathon in April. Suddenly it all seems so incredibly daunting. I mean 13.1 miles is a long long way and I don’t even do Park Run without stopping for breath.
Need to find my inner steely resolve and just pick one plan and get on with it.
Would sponsoring you help? We could perhaps donate a quid or two to this organisation if you made it?
Morning all

Forgot to scan until I had been awake half an hour, but since the line was flat I think I can take 5.7 as being FBG. Actually I am pretty chuffed this morning with my BGs as my Libre tells me I am doing rather well, especially as the results cover the Christmas period. See attached. Hope I am not sharing too much, but honestly you are the only people who would understand. I can't see any friends understanding!

@eggyg wasn't that black dress brilliant on the first episode of sewing bee?

@TinaD congrats on the House Special.

@SueEK hope your relatives are getting better.


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@Pattidevans Wow! The DF must have had a spirit level on that overnight graph! Well impressed!
As you say fabulous TIR considering the time of year. Well done! You have every right to be proud of those results.... Who wouldn't be?
5.2 - House special this morning after another night of being awake between 0100-0500hrs. A non-diabetic friend who has the same problem solves it with a large gin, a cold a depressing solution. I could go for a straight malt with honey, lemon and hot water but suspect that even "the water of life" wouldn't be conducive to a low FBG.
Well done on that HS. Hold onto that meter as it must be one of the few that display such a strange number.
Morning all and a belated Happy New Year. After a few weeks away I'm back. I haven't been testing but have been eating sensibly so hopefully things have been OK. I think the break has done me good and I have a much more positive outlook on things again. I'm back on the bike as well!

A 6.7 at 05:11 on New Year's Day after only a few hours sleep, a 5.1 at 04:54 yesterday and a 4.5 at 06:11 this morning.

I got some new cookbooks for Christmas so have lots of new recipes to try.
Well done @TinaD on the house special & it's good to see you on here again @adrian1der
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It was amazing. I thought they all did well considering they were amateurs. I suspect they had a few lessons just on using the sewing machine.
I am sure they did! I was really surprised that they put them on overlockers for the first task. I had one, it was the most fearsome machine I've ever owned. Mind, I spent more time re-threading it than actually using it!
6.5 this morning so heading back down still. Not feeling too bad today, though had a dizzy spell whilst shopping, maybe my fault for sleeping in until alarm woke me and not having time to eat before daughter picked me up - should have put my breakfast biscuits in my bag, silly me! I actually spotted some satsumas for the first time today, so had to buy some - about to have one now, yes it is carby and sugary, but the vitamins are so juicy lol - heck, one fitted into my food diary will be fine, hubby can eat the rest!
Hello all, belated Happy New Year. 🙂

Won't post my early morning readings, they are dire, edging ever upwards. :( Glad y'all are doing better than me. 🙂
Just maybe, first up? Exvluding night workers of course...

Good dark, cold morning this morning. It was quite pleasant yesterday and, for once, the sea was in when I went walking. Usually it is so far out it cannot be seen. Lots of ST Bernards dogs on the beach too. A bit too slobbery for me. I would love to have another dog but my wife really could not cope sadly.

BG this morning 4.7. Fine.

Hopefully get the kitchen shelves finished today (wood shop will be open again).

Have a great day whatever you are doing, or not doing.
Hi @Dxxoo good to see you back x
8.4 today, guess it was those salted peanuts that have been looking at me for weeks!!
Can’t dally, off to work.
Have a good day x
Morning all. I may/not be ringing Abbott today. Applied new sensor yesterday and activated it last night at 7pm. It showed the same as a finger prick. Woke in thr night to a 13 and going up fast, finger pricl showed 9.8. Woke this morning to a 4.7, finger prick showed 8.4, scanned again and it shot up to 11.6.

Back at work today so will no doubt be spending the day in and out testing with finger pricks.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 6.9

good to see you back on here @adrian1der
and well done on deciding to do the the run @ColinUK especially as your raising moneyfor a worthwhile cause

back to work for both my Wife and myself today
busy day for me (I think today) will find out more, on a video conference this morning

Have a great day everybody