Group 7-day waking average?

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. I hope this year is a good one for you all and i want to thank all you lovely people for the support you've given.

7.4 for me this morning.
As the clock ticks from one year to another (in this particular version of the calendar anyway) I want to thank you all for your support and camaraderie through what have been some tough times. They ain’t over yet so thanks in advance for more.

6.1 this morning.
Happy New Year

7.8 for me, last day of snacks etc. Stayed in and watched TV last night, had a dreadful sleep, off to meet the girls for a short run this morning. then family round this afternoon.

Thank you all for for the support last year it really makes a difference.
And a 5.3 for me this morning and just for a change the sun is shining.

Happy New Year everyone……….
Happy New Year all. 🙂

8 today. Feel so very ill. Didn't bother with dinner last night, never thought that would be me. I'm just reading in my recliner and hoping for the best. Sister and family are bringing me a roast lamb dinner and brother is coming tomorrow. Thank goodness for family. Have a good day all.
4.8 this morning and it’s sunny! The forecast had a really rainy miserable day everywhere so we decided to stay in but it looks as if we could have gone out to the sea somewhere. Oh well, too late now, will have to do our New Year’s trip out tomorrow instead. Tidying up, taking down decorations (we never leave them up to 12th night) and getting back straight again.

Thanks to everyone on here for the help, advice, support and friendliness over the last year, looking forward to our virtual drop ins on here throughout 2023!

Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
New Year's greetings from me too, to all you lovely lot.

5.6 here but totally undeserved. Was doing really well last night until I had a glass of Prosecco and then decided that since I had been really low carb all day, I could treat myself to some of the cake in Ian's kitchen which is always piled high with tempting cakes and biscuits.. Jabbed myself 5 units but had absolutely no idea about the carb content of the cakes (yes that is plural 🙄 ) Cherry cake followed by a piece of fruit cake and both incredibly sweet and all I wanted to do was eat more and more, although thankfully I didn't. Climbed into bed at 11.30pm on 11.3 with a vertical upward arrow and heart pounding from the sugar rush. Jabbed 2 more units plus 2 units of Levemir to help deal with it, which it did and my graph shows a lovely steady descent back into range and no DP this morning, but felt really rough all night and had to get up at 4.30am to get paracetamol for an impending migraine and stomach was really not happy. I really can't do that to myself anymore. Not the best start to the day/year. Will be hauling myself back on the low carb wagon today. Think I may go back to bed and then start the day again later on a better footing.
Good morning and happy new year to you all.

BG 5.1 excellent.

We had a very very low key celebration last night. No alcohol, just water too. No food and early to bed. Pleasant and easy.

Thank you all for your support, help, advice, interest this last year. You have truly been important to my continued recovery/success. This is a really good forum with some really good people. All different. All interesting.

Today, now that the rain has stopped and the sun is finally showing, I will venture out for a walk. It has been so dark and overcast and cold that I was begining to think that the sun had moved to a different galaxy.

Got up early at 5am this morning. Sorted out my diet for the day etc. Decided to have a snooze and woke up at 10am. Very unusual for me but the sleep was obviously needed.

I hope this year will be a good, kind one to you all.

Now, where's that giant chocolate bar....
Morning all and a Happy, Healthy and prosperous New Year to you all.

Fell back on iPlayer earlier in the evening and watched multiple episodes of Marie Antoinette. Celebrated with some Tesco tempura prawns and a glass or two of a rather fine Marsala we were given for Xmas. I really think Jools gets worse, or at least his guests aren't to our taste... and there wasn't much else to see last night but the fireworks were quite good.

6.8 this morning after a lie-in until 09:30.

Have a super time all those who are having parties today....
Good morning Happy New Year everybody 8.1 today

hoping everybody has a prosperous year
im looking forward to finally moving (possibly in February)
and and some point (most likely in the second half of the year)
my long awaited ankle fusion surgery
and possibility a holiday 🙂

Here’s to 2023
Have a Great One Everybody 😎
Good morning - 6.4.
Thank you for your birthday wishes and your company and support in fighting the Diabetes Fairy, the ogre Carbohorrible, and other horrors. Living alone in the sticks suits me well after a professional life in too public a role - as long as my friends stay in touch. I count the members of this excellent group amongst them. Thank you and Happy New Year.
Good afternoon- 6.4 at 9:20.

Happy New Year! 🙂

No wifi to start the year off and no landline . Not just my house but this entire bit of the town.
6.7 for me. After nearly a month of erratic levels linked to nasty illness/ virus I was pleased (especially as we had our usual evening of good food and wine).
Happy new year everyone! 5'1.

Woke up not long ago and had a plate of lentils for "breakfast", I cooked them yesterday. Last night I worked until 11, called my family in Spain (it was midnight there at that time, so already 2023) and went straight to party. It was not my best night out but not bad. Used to spend all my New year's Eve in family, that was different. We have the tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight and I did it twice, at the Spanish hour and the British hour (yes, I was eating grapes in the club surrounded by people with confetti cannons :rofl:) .

I didn't drink much, but went to bed after 6 am and I do have a little headache. Reduced my Levemir a bit because I'm not high and half day is gone, is not going to be so many hours as usual until my next dose. Nothing planned for today, I'll try and have a walk to get some fresh air.