Group 7-day waking average?


5.9 for me and this bad throat finally o it’s way out, coughing now, Anyway off to see asthma nurse this morning so she can listen to my chest, honestly the cough feels like in the throat to me.

@eggyg - so pleased to hear that the ankle wasn’t broken, but please let the others run around you for once.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - right there with you on the strange dreams.

@ColinUK - good luck with your scans.
Good morning.

Good news: 4 degrees on yard, everything thawed, manic GGs out galloping round paddock,1000l water tank full. Bad news: no mains water anywhere locally so may have to wear clothes peg on nose (and distribute same to others) as showering impossible since Friday night & no chance of hairdo for Christmas. I'll be firing up the woodburner and going bucket and sponge in the kitchen later as I fancy a run down the antique centre. Maybe I can shove head in sink and bail water over head?

BG 5.9 which is pretty good after yesterday's reluctance to cook and existing mainly on cheese and biscuits. Hopefully the burning/tearing sensation in the feet (most unpleasant) accompanied by dead soles will go away now it is a bit warmer. No idea if it is the diabetes or the palindromic arthritis, or old age but I could do without it. Much wiggling of toes and stretching arches (agony) coupled with rubbing eventually relieves pain but leaves numbness. Any ideas?

Hope the sky is blue and the thermometer positive for everyone.
Morning everyone. I've only just woken up! I must have needed the sleep. Anyway, its 7.2 for me.

I'm staying in today, this pesky cold is still lingering, leaving me with a chesty cough. I've washing to do (hopefully i can hang it out), cleaning and dusting and a telephone appointment this afternoon.

@eggyg sit with your book and rest up. Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 9.7 here...didn’t need those Lifts at 1am after all, oops.

Today’s plan: go out in the car somewhere! We’ve been holed up at home with this pesky cold for ten days now. Hubby’s definitely cured cos he’s back on the fags. 😱

We’ve always had our own tradition at Xmas @eggyg - it should be an enjoyable time of year so I put my foot down once we were married and said no to the typical ‘my folks one year, the in-laws the next’. Nowadays, it’s us two and my mum...oh, and the dogs. 🙂
That’s exactly what we did when we had our first daughter. We stayed at home from then on. Eldest daughter ( who has three children) started to do that a couple of years ago and I was quite happy to let her. The other two would come to ours every year if we let them but I’ve put my foot down. They need to be self sufficient. It’s lovely we still see the kids opening their presents but lovely going home to a tidy house and dinner when we want to eat it, ie 6pm, and only two place settings to wash up!
Morning everyone.
15 this morning, corrected and down to just under 10 with another hour ish of active insulin although the new sensor is reading me at about 13. Hopefully that will sort itself out over the next day or two.
Not really sure what went on last night after sensor ran out but need to get more on top of things. Been pushing my (known) carb limits a little bit on top of fighting this cold isn't making managing my bg easy. At least one of those things I can fix :D

Been out to Aldi and got about 90% of the xmas food shopping done and have a tesco slot booked for Thursday for the fresh stuff, juice and the rest of the weeks normal shop 🙂

Off to load up on lemsip and get a much needed coffee 🙂
Morning everyone. 8.7 for me this morning. Had my Christmas nails done yesterday, sparkling dark pinky red. We're being spoilt and taken to dinner at Christchurch College this evening by our estate agents (funnily enough, not the ones who've got our house under offer!) so that will be fun. Gearing up to the rabble starting to come back home tomorrow so today is the calm before the storm but they're all old enough to join in (if I let them!) and my brother who lives next door does ½ of the cooking on Christmas Day, if not more, so that's great. @eggyg I'm so pleased your ankle's not broken as it's clear how much you love your walking, but don't be tempted to do too much on it and stick with all the ice and elevation (and arnica). I always seem to do mine when I'm in a good fitness regime (so not likely to happen at the moment!). Have a lovely day everyone xxx
Morning everyone, it’s a 5.6 for me this sunny morning.
Morning all and 7.4 for me.

Tweaking required due to post tea crashing then spiking with the re bound. Just in time for Christmas!

Got most of the Christmas supplies in Yesterday. Turkey to pick up from butcher on Sat and some salad for boxing day. Might even sneak a bottle of wine in.

Have a good day everyone.
5.1 this morning (then 5.3 after getting ready to go out, it obviously was determined to miss the 5.2 HS:rofl:).

After dropping my wife at work (I’m to pick her up later tonight from her work Xmas meal, hence having the car for the day) I stopped at the pharmacy on my way home to collect this month’s prescription. Looking through the bag of goodies whilst waiting for the fridge items (insulin) I spied not 2 but 4 Libre 2s! I queried this and the pharmacist said it looked like they had put my repeat request in twice. Sure enough there was double everything! So I now wonder what the GP will do with the January repeat when that goes in? Theoretically they shouldn’t prescribe another couple of Libres, but who knows? At least they have a long shelf life and I’ll use them. Still got to go back later on today as they were waiting for one item to come in, but they also missed giving me an extra prescription for needles that the doctor had done for me, so I need to pick that up anyway. Not sure I like this repeat prescription service, I kind of feel it’s out of my control and always hard to check what I ordered a month ago for the next one. It would be fine if I had the exact same things every month, but of course it is variable on a few of the items.

Hope everyone has a good day, @ColinUK hope your scan goes ok, @eggyg - make sure you get waited on and rest that ankle! Love hearing the bits people are doing in preparation for Christmas, like @eggyg we are having Christmas Day to ourselves, if the weather is ok a walk down to the river for Christmas cake and champagne (which we did in lockdown) then Christmas dinner later on in the evening. Then to my daughter’s on Boxing Day to spend the day with them and the grandchildren.

Have a good day everyone!
That’s exactly what we did when we had our first daughter. We stayed at home from then on. Eldest daughter ( who has three children) started to do that a couple of years ago and I was quite happy to let her. The other two would come to ours every year if we let them but I’ve put my foot down. They need to be self sufficient. It’s lovely we still see the kids opening their presents but lovely going home to a tidy house and dinner when we want to eat it, ie 6pm, and only two place settings to wash up!
@eggyg, @Bloden when i had my daughters i put my foot down about going anywhere on Christmas Day too. Pre children we would alternate between my mum/in laws but as soon as we had our own family we stayed home. I always said anyone was welcome to pop in but mostly people just rang us on the morning.
Well that was fun!

Buzzer sounds and I press the intercom. Screen is full of really rather handsome firemen asking for access.

Apparently someone called them and said they were locked in. In my home.

I let them in, made them all a coffee whilst they got control to call the caller back and double check details.

Pity they couldn’t stay longer tbh!
Well that was fun!

Buzzer sounds and I press the intercom. Screen is full of really rather handsome firemen asking for access.

Apparently someone called them and said they were locked in. In my home.

I let them in, made them all a coffee whilst they got control to call the caller back and double check details.

Pity they couldn’t stay longer tbh!
That’ll have brightened anyone’s day up. 🙂
Oooh my bin got emptied today! I hope they still come for the next scheduled pick up on Friday as bin has yucky liquid at bottom after waiting 3.5 weeks to be emptied and this week the bin cleaners are due, obviously they can't do it if the bin isn't empty
Oooh my bin got emptied today! I hope they still come for the next scheduled pick up on Friday as bin has yucky liquid at bottom after waiting 3.5 weeks to be emptied and this week the bin cleaners are due, obviously they can't do it if the bin isn't empty
That must be very frustrating. Where I am the rubbish is collected every night of the year (bar 3) at 9.30 pm.
didn't do waking BS this morning as I was sharing my bed with my 2 granddaughters (Sophia woke in night and woke Phoebe and at 4am it was easier to cuddle them in bed) and didn't want to face a barrage of questions from Phoebe. however 2 hours after breakfast, was 6.9.
Hope everyone is having a good day, @eggyg hope you've been resting your foot and hope everyone's coughs and colds are easing 🙂
I've been trying to post for days via my phone but it'll only allow me to write a small amount then start messing about so I keep giving up lol

It was 6.5 for me today

Well one of Bruce's presents was posted on the 29th November, I emailed the company last week who informed me that RM had been in touch with them to advise that some of their parcels had gone AWOL! They resent it via Yodel and it was delivered Saturday so can stop worrying about that now lol

All that's left to do for Christmas day is get the veg in then I'm all set to get my chef head on and do my first Christmas dinner by myself 😳 xxxx
All that's left to do for Christmas day is get the veg in then I'm all set to get my chef head on and do my first Christmas dinner by myself
Exciting! Get Bruce to do the washing up if you're cooking.