Group 7-day waking average?

Exciting! Get Bruce to do the washing up if you're cooking.
It would be exciting but in the 6 Christmas's so far since I was diagnosed I've only had 1 Christmas day hypo free and that was last year lol, he's a star and does the dishes every night after tea so I'm sure he'll be jumping to do them then too haha xxxx
Good morning - 6.3
Good morning 6.4 today

have a great day everybody 😎

Yesterday ended up with me spending way too long at the hospital just waiting. Eventually got seen two hours after my appointment time.
This was for my consultant led ultrasound and then straight in for the MRI with movement.

Took ages to do both and the MRI was especially slow as it involved repositioning the foot and rescanning six times.

Upset of it all is that I’m delighted to say there are “clear indications of healing with new vascular growth within the area of the ruptures.”

I’ll have the surgical consult in the new year but it seems highly unlikely they’ll need to operate as long as it heals ok.

Tendons are not actually reconnected yet but with the healing signs and vascularity it looks like it will sort itself out with help from being immobilised almost constantly as it is now.

That’s undeniably good news but that’s part of me that wanted the vindication (and sympathy) that comes from an operation!

This was the inspirational view I had whilst waiting.

Good morning everyone.

My cold (or whatever it is) is thankfully mild and I am healing fast. Yesss.

My BG, being adversely affected by the illness, is 5.5 this morning !!! In fact it has behaved impeccably throughout.

Off to town shortly to get a few supplies. Incredibly there was a dearth of strawberries yesterday. Must get some today.

This must be the quietest Christmas I have ever had. Hmmm

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

5.9 this morning and definitely feeling better, off to do some hopping today, both for myself and mum who accidently cancelled her delivery for tomorrow, then there will only be the carrots and broccoli to get for Christmas dinner, but have frozen carrots if can’t get them, and with peas, carrots, Brussels sprouts and honey roast parsnips, if I can’t get any broccoli I think we will still have enough.

@ColinUK - the fireman were a nice surprise for you, and good that you are healing but not much I can say about the view you had for the day.
5.8 this morning. Still testing negative for COVID but nose is a bit more runny now so maybe a cold, I had wondered if it was RSV with having a cough and sore throat but not a runny nose the past few days.
And it’s a 5.6 for me this morning.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 7.4 here.

Great news on the foot front @ColinUK. I hope it’s fully healed asap.

Count down to Christmas! Who’s excited? I’m just looking fwd to seeing my brother and his family. They’re a good larf. That’s what it’s all about!
5.3 this morning, amazing after a night by myself (my wife was at a Xmas work do) which deteriorated to snacking (food) and stacking (insulin). Today is a new day and I’m going to be good!

Bit of excitement (?) here yesterday (not like @ColinUK firemen), a lady in a house opposite fell down the stairs and broke her leg! She was told the ambulance would be at least 7 hours and her neighbour was asking if anyone local could help. Amazing support from the folks here in Bidford and pretty soon she was splinted up, given some morphine (someone had sorted that with the local health centre) and another neighbour drove her to A&E. This is when I really wish I knew more about medicine and first aid to help, maybe a first aid course would be a good starting point. Bit worried about the ambulance strike, especially for folks who are vulnerable and may need help today.

Glad you are healing @ColinUK, worth staring at a chair for hours to get to hear that!

Just three more days working before a nice break. Looking forward to being able to chill for a bit!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. Just woke up with a 5.7 and a headache. It must be all the sleep, i just can't wake up in the morning.

Got to go to the surgery later for follow up from HbA1c, foot check etc. No doubt they will have something to say about my weight. GP has asked for a repeat blood test so i'll ask what that is for while there.

Have a good day whatever you are doing.

@ColinUK good to hear your foot is healing itself. What an inspiring view you had.
Afternoon! I’ve had a massive lie until 9am! That resulted in a close, but no cigar, 5.1!

More mobile this morning, although I definitely won’t be going anywhere. My foot is turning a lovely purple hue, it started on the sole of my foot and seems to be going upwards and is now on both sides. Might have a totally black foot by Christmas Day!

Going to wrap some more presents today and get the cards up, they’re covering every surface in the house. Although, TBF I haven’t got half as many as we used to get. Thank goodness because I haven’t sent as many as I used to. I had a cull this year. 🙄

@ColinUK sorry your foot isn’t bad enough to warrant a sympathy inducing operation! But do you really want to look at that view for more than a couple of hours? :rofl:

Have a good day. Only four more sleeps.🙂