Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks folks. It seems to be swelling more. More lower leg is also swollen. I’m going to call 111 tomorrow and ask their advice.


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Thanks folks. It seems to be swelling more. More lower leg is also swollen. I’m going to call 111 tomorrow and ask their advice.
That looks nasty, I would keep on with the ice and even alternate warm and cold which is what I was advised with my knee.
It is a good job you have some crutches. But it certainly looks as if you should get it checked at A & E.
Unless you have a Walk In Centre that has an x-ray facility. I find that can be quicker even when A&Es aren't struggling as much as they are now.

NHS 111 has an online option too by the way, if the algorithm thinks you need to go to A&E you may even be able to book an appointment which may speed up being seen. If there is a Walk In Centre with x-ray facility then it will also know that so may suggest that.
Good morniing everyone.

I seem to have succumed to a cold. Not too bad though. First one in years. Oddly my temperature, BP, pulse and BG are all normal.

BG 5.4
Temp 36.3
Pulse 70 (you could argue that this is high for me)
BP 119/69

Today. Some food shopping possibly, not too fussed. A walk with my friend. Rest and recovery from this cold.

Yesterday was treacherous walking back from church. I was convinced all the ice would have gone by the end of the service. WRONG!!!!!

Have a great, warmer day today whatever you are doing
Morning all.5.3 on this mild day. 10 degrees already.

Up early as my foot is in agony. Had some painkillers an hour ago but they haven’t kicked in yet so got up. I’m aching all over today, side of my knee, back and elbow! Obviously banged those as I clattered down. I feel such a fool, and feel guilty for even considering going to A&E and bothering the already overstretched NHS. But I think you’re all right, I need to go, if I don’t I’m worried I’ll do irreversible damage to it. I’m a woman of post menopausal age, my bones are already probably weak. The thought of not being able to go walking doesn’t bear thinking about. Unfortunately, we don’t have any walk in type clinics and only one hospital. It’ll be a long day, that’s putting me off too, but at least it’s not a Saturday night just before Christmas! Better pack some sandwiches. 😳
Spookily enough, I was in hospital exactly 15 years ago today. At this precise time I was being prepped for surgery, I’d gone in the night before, to remove two thirds of my pancreas and all of my spleen. It just seems like yesterday, I can remember it very clearly and can picture the room where I was given an epidural, that was for pain relief when I woke up from the op. It didn’t work, they put it in too high. But I’m still here and still bothering the NHS!

Have a great day, hopefully all the ice has gone where you are. 🙂
Good morning - 12.4
Good morning 7.1 today
ate a few things I shouldn’t have whilst glued to the football yesterday evening.

@eggyg good to hear your planning to go to A&E a wise move - hope your not there all day,
but seeing the photo you posted yesterday you definitely need the injured ankle looked at.

it was about 25 yrs ago I injured my ankle (which never really healed properly) and here I am now with arthr in that ankle, I’m told it’s related back to that injury not healing properly and now on a list for surgery.

back to work today for me having just had a few days off
Have a good day all 😎
7 on the nose this morning.

@eggyg Hopefully it’s nothing more than something that can be sorted by care and time.
Good morning 7.1 today
ate a few things I shouldn’t have whilst glued to the football yesterday evening.

@eggyg good to hear your planning to go to A&E a wise move - hope your not there all day,
but seeing the photo you posted yesterday you definitely need the injured ankle looked at.

it was about 25 yrs ago I injured my ankle (which never really healed properly) and here I am now with arthr in that ankle, I’m told it’s related back to that injury not healing properly and now on a list for surgery.

back to work today for me having just had a few days off
Have a good day all 😎
That’s what I’m worried about, not healing properly and causing trouble later in life. I’ve been on 111 online and they’ve suggested going to A&E, so I’ll be off there later.
5.1 this morning.

Having given up on sensor #13 this new one (#14) is much more accurate. Already (within its first 24 hours) I have a 5.9 against a BG of 6.4, so I’m happy with that. #13 was between 2 and 3 lower than BG, which for me is unusual and I just couldn’t cope with that! I know they will never match and fully understand the lag, especially when BG is rising or falling, but it just never got within a reasonable margin. I’ve contacted Abbott with example comparison readings to see if they are up for replacing it, but as I have a couple in hand plus another couple on prescription today I’m not stressed over getting a replacement.

@eggyg - I do hope you just have a sprain and all will be ok and resolve quickly for you. Hopefully A&E won’t be too horrendous for you and the wait won’t be all day!

Pleased to see the snow and ice gone after rain yesterday. No more melting the pond ice!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning. 3.4, oooopps!! The alarms on my sensor seem to have stopped working. Its got to be changed Thursday so hopefully the new one will be ok.

@eggyg, let us know how you get on at A&E. I hope the wait isn't too long and your ankle is ok.
6.1 for me this morning and back to reasonable temperatures. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 9.7 here.

Nothing much planned today. I’ve got a curtain that needs shortening, so I’ll do that while listening to the radio. I can’t believe you went to work with this cold @freesia - you deserve a proper rest (and a medal)!

Good luck today @eggyg - I hope it’s just a nasty sprain.
Morning all.5.3 on this mild day. 10 degrees already.

Up early as my foot is in agony. Had some painkillers an hour ago but they haven’t kicked in yet so got up. I’m aching all over today, side of my knee, back and elbow! Obviously banged those as I clattered down. I feel such a fool, and feel guilty for even considering going to A&E and bothering the already overstretched NHS. But I think you’re all right, I need to go, if I don’t I’m worried I’ll do irreversible damage to it. I’m a woman of post menopausal age, my bones are already probably weak. The thought of not being able to go walking doesn’t bear thinking about. Unfortunately, we don’t have any walk in type clinics and only one hospital. It’ll be a long day, that’s putting me off too, but at least it’s not a Saturday night just before Christmas! Better pack some sandwiches. 😳
Spookily enough, I was in hospital exactly 15 years ago today. At this precise time I was being prepped for surgery, I’d gone in the night before, to remove two thirds of my pancreas and all of my spleen. It just seems like yesterday, I can remember it very clearly and can picture the room where I was given an epidural, that was for pain relief when I woke up from the op. It didn’t work, they put it in too high. But I’m still here and still bothering the NHS!

Have a great day, hopefully all the ice has gone where you are. 🙂
If you emphasise that you are diabetic then they may fast track you.