Group 7-day waking average?


6.7 and still icy outside, but apparently the temperature is going to rise a bit today, so hoping it finally goes . throat is still not right but not as bad as it was. Got all my cakes finished yesterday, now need to box them up and get them delivered/ collected.

@eggyg - photos are great, except your poos ankle, hope it starts healing quickly.
8.6 🙂. Gets a 🙂 as best reading for a few days, down from 13.3 (and 3 units QA) before bed .
Started new cartridge, wondering if last few were past their best (issued April, should still be Ok as stored in fridge). Yesterday pm shot up to ~15 mid afternoon for no obvious reason.
And should have taken my own advice and been careful - slipped on ice (didn't fall, foot only moved about 15") and feels like tore or stretched something.:( Bit better today so long as walk slowly and take walking pole.
Morning all. 8.2 for me today. Could have been worse as we were out to dinner last night and I completely avoided my past favourite pudding at this particular restaurant of a sharing Apple Tartin. Only drank fizzy water but did have one piece of bread. Been a bit AWOL these last couple of weeks. Went for a check-up at Churchill (year since surgery) and was referred for a CT scan which I had only 5 days later. I'm a bit worried as I was going to have a telephone call to discuss but a face to face appointment came through for late January. I emailed his PA saying I was fine with a telephone call but another face to face appointment came through instead for 9am this coming Friday (my son's birthday). So keeping everything crossed that he just wants to reassure me. I'm sad to see the back of the cold snap as it felt so lovely and Christmassy, but obviously it's better all round for people and lessens the risk of injuries. @eggyg have you got any arnica? I frequently turn my ankle and find it really helps if I take it quite a few times early on. Have a good day everyone xxx
I do have some arnica actually. Good call, completely forgot about it. I’ll send one my minions to get it out of the first aid drawer. Thanks.
I’m sure if anytime was untoward with your scan they would have been in touch earlier. I was the same, had various scans, MRI, CT, endoscopy and colonoscopy because of pains/niggles and all was well as expected. Good luck.
Good morning everyone! 4'7.

Yesterday I tried keeping my Libre reader in the uniform pocket. It's clearly not big enough, I accidentally dropped (and kicked) it more than once. It reminds me of the old Nokia phones, as it seems pretty indestructible lol. But I will take better care of it from now on. The pocket is just enough for a pack of Dextrose tabs, which by the way I found in a tropical flavour and it's almost dangerous for the nice taste.
No help available for the central heating. Three recommended contacts tried. Not sure what to do right now.

At least the gas bill will be less
You are right there, just looked at our smart meter, showing £77 this week and still one day to go. Not sure what we can do other than freeze to death. We can't take our money with us so have resigned ourselves and it is what it is.
@eggyg here’s hoping that RICE gets to work on your ankle pronto and you’re up in your feet again soon.
And I’m another advocate for arnica here.

Not bothering to test today. I feel like a day off and I can feel the onset of a cold complete with raised glands and a slightly blocked ear. So it’ll be elevated if I checked BG.
It’s also the first day of Chanukah today and the traditional foods for this eight day festival are basically anything fried but traditionally it’s potato latkes or good old tradition doughnuts.

Never one to eschew my Jewish heritage I’ve already had two mini doughnuts today as I’m sure they work like Yiddishe antibiotics so you have to take two twice daily or something for full effectiveness.

Lunch wasn’t going to be anything other than poached salmon and broccoli but just been invited to the folks for a last minute celebratory meal with some distant cousins who I’ve not seen in yonks.

For this really last minute thing mum’s knocked together fried fish and latkes (these ones aren’t potato but just like little deep fried savory dough balls), salt beef and potato latkes (which are similar in a way to rosti but more delicious), and she’s made a pancake layer cake thing (one of those gâteaux made of layer upon layer of crepe sandwiched with a creamy filling of some sort (in this case it won’t actually be cream as she won’t serve milk and meat together) and sweet latkes (similar to the ones with the fried fish but with a bit of cinnamon in the batter and then hot rolled in icing sugar).

So everything other than the salt beef will be fried. And delicious.

See you all on the other side.
6.1 for me this morning but I got frustrated with my levels last night after a day of stacked corrections battling to keep levels in range and I ended up getting heavy handed with the insulin at bedtime which resulted in a bit of red on my graph at 5am requiring 4 JBs to fix. To be honest, whilst I know the hypos are not good, I find them so much less frustrating than higher levels which refuse to respond to corrections.

@eggyg So sorry to hear that you have turned your ankle Elaine and absolutely rotten timing! Quite ironic when you think of all the snow and ice outside and you injure it in the house. 🙄 Hope it heals quickly but you will need to be protective of it for quite a while. Sprains take ages to fully recover. Arnica is a good call.

@Elenka_HM and @Lily123 Congrats on your House Specials yesterday.

@zippyjojo Sorry to read that you are worried about the results of your scan, with your appointment being brought forwards. It has happened before here on the forum where people have had good news on such occasions and I am sure the consultants don't realize how scary it appears to the patient, but I suppose you can't blame them for wanting to give people good news in person.... it must give them a lift as well as the patient, so it's maybe just the consultant giving themselves a psychological boost as well as putting your mind at rest for Christmas, so try not to worry.... easier said than done I know. 🙄

@Ditto Jan I can't believe you are getting such fabulous readings. Absolutely delighted for you. Hope your relative in hospital recovers quickly and do be careful on those slippery pavements.
Morning all.. stormy, wet and wild, raging around the house. I am not going out in this! Instead I am going to have a cooked brunch and prepare a lovely roast lamb dinner for tonight, with roast potatoes, parmesan parsnips, braised peas and courgettes, then settle into catching up with some emails.

6.0 this morning with a nice flat line. I consider that as a real win given that I made king prawn and asparagus risotto last night. It took a bit longer than I recalled but Julian said "it was definitely worth waiting for". Coming from he who professes to dislike risotto that is high praise! LOL!

@eggyg keep the weight off that ankle and let them all wait on you.... you deserve it after all you do for them. Though I think they look like a lovely bunch!

@Elenka_HM congrats on the HS. Pity you couldn't work the gay bear dinner, sounded like fun! I love anything outrageous like that.
First job of the day will be to make a big pan of Bigos which will do us a couple of days
I had to look Bigos up. Looks absolutely amazing, will have to try that after Xmas!

@zippyjojo fingers crossed for some good news for you.

Have a cosy day all and stay warm.
9.6 this morning

Had a great but very busy day yesterday, wedding and concert playing both went great and music sounded amazing in the venue

Was exhausted though as I overslept and missed the entire rehearsal and service this morning. Supposed to be playing carols this afternoon but off to meet a friend for a coffee instead as worn out
A late report after an early morning 3.9 and falling fast…..while negotiating a none understanding at all of diabetes security check person at St Pancras station at 645am.

Hope the ankle gets better soon @eggyg - should you maybe get it X-rayed ?

Take care all.
Hey all 12.8.
Avatar yesterday was fantastic but a complete nightmare getting to and from the bus station with all the ice about. I'm very glad my son came with us too as he was being super helpful with helping the kiddo with a dodgy knee to navigate the paths.
Managed to get the last few presents while we were in town and only a couple of stocking fillers left to pick up and an amazon delivery coming today with one other gift.

Was a very long day and I hadn't slept much the night before so crashed out early evening but woke up to basal at 9pm and couldn't fall back asleep but was still very tired.
Decided at about 2am to make dinner which I had missed which was some fresh pasta so split the bolus for it. Set an alarm on alexa to do the other half of it 90 mins later and by my waking today you can probably assume correctly that I fell asleep and missed the 2nd part of it.

Correction is in and I'm sat with a coffee contemplating doing some wrapping and maybe planning out Christmas food shopping lists.

Hugs to all, esp those who have been in the wars today and/or are feeling rubbish x
I went to bed about 5 hours after eating with a 6.2 and woke up with a 7.2. How? Why does that happen? I then went for a walk for 40 mins (no breakfast or coffee etc) and it dropped to 6.4.
I just don’t understand it, so how can I learn to manage it.
I went to bed about 5 hours after eating with a 6.2 and woke up with a 7.2. How? Why does that happen? I then went for a walk for 40 mins (no breakfast or coffee etc) and it dropped to 6.4.
I just don’t understand it, so how can I learn to manage it.
6.2 to 7.2 overnight is perfectly acceptable. A rise in BG before you wake up or get up is usually due to Dawn Phenomenon, where the liver increases it's output of glucose to give you energy for the day ahead. It is believed to date back to prehistoric times when we had to hunt or gather our irst meal of the day which takes a lot more energy than walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge or cupboards. A 1mmol rise is an absolute trifle in the scheme of things so definitely nothing to get concerned about. Indeed, despite reading to one decimal place, your BG meter is only really accurate to within about 1 mmol so your evening reading could easily be nearer 7 than it looks.
There are also something like 42 factors which affect BG levels many of which are out or our control. Food exercise (as you saw when your levels came down after a 40 mins walk) and medication are the 3 main players but how well or poorly or long you slept, hormones, stress including that from bad dreams, ambient temperature... all affect your levels day and night. If you think 1 mmol difference is bad you would never cope with Type 1 diabetes where levels can fluctuate much more dramatically, so I can assure you 1mmol is really negligible, but you could work on lowering your bedtime reading to potentially help lower your waking reading a bit more.
6.2 to 7.2 overnight is perfectly acceptable. A rise in BG before you wake up or get up is usually due to Dawn Phenomenon, where the liver increases it's output of glucose to give you energy for the day ahead. It is believed to date back to prehistoric times when we had to hunt or gather our irst meal of the day which takes a lot more energy than walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge or cupboards. A 1mmol rise is an absolute trifle in the scheme of things so definitely nothing to get concerned about. Indeed, despite reading to one decimal place, your BG meter is only really accurate to within about 1 mmol so your evening reading could easily be nearer 7 than it looks.
There are also something like 42 factors which affect BG levels many of which are out or our control. Food exercise (as you saw when your levels came down after a 40 mins walk) and medication are the 3 main players but how well or poorly or long you slept, hormones, stress including that from bad dreams, ambient temperature... all affect your levels day and night. If you think 1 mmol difference is bad you would never cope with Type 1 diabetes where levels can fluctuate much more dramatically, so I can assure you 1mmol is really negligible, but you could work on lowering your bedtime reading to potentially help lower your waking reading a bit more.
Thank you so much for the explanation. It definitely helps me understand what’s happened. I guess I’m still looking for the easy answers but I’m now coming to terms with how the human body is too complex for that. I will continue to educate myself and learn from you lovely people.
@eggyg here’s hoping that RICE gets to work on your ankle pronto and you’re up in your feet again soon.
And I’m another advocate for arnica here.

Not bothering to test today. I feel like a day off and I can feel the onset of a cold complete with raised glands and a slightly blocked ear. So it’ll be elevated if I checked BG.
It’s also the first day of Chanukah today and the traditional foods for this eight day festival are basically anything fried but traditionally it’s potato latkes or good old tradition doughnuts.

Never one to eschew my Jewish heritage I’ve already had two mini doughnuts today as I’m sure they work like Yiddishe antibiotics so you have to take two twice daily or something for full effectiveness.

Lunch wasn’t going to be anything other than poached salmon and broccoli but just been invited to the folks for a last minute celebratory meal with some distant cousins who I’ve not seen in yonks.

For this really last minute thing mum’s knocked together fried fish and latkes (these ones aren’t potato but just like little deep fried savory dough balls), salt beef and potato latkes (which are similar in a way to rosti but more delicious), and she’s made a pancake layer cake thing (one of those gâteaux made of layer upon layer of crepe sandwiched with a creamy filling of some sort (in this case it won’t actually be cream as she won’t serve milk and meat together) and sweet latkes (similar to the ones with the fried fish but with a bit of cinnamon in the batter and then hot rolled in icing sugar).

So everything other than the salt beef will be fried. And delicious.

See you all on the other side.
Happy Chanukah. Enjoy your meal at your parents. Latkes sound absolutely delicious. TBF any thing potatoey fried is delicious. Yummy. 🙂
Thanks everyone for your good wishes. Kids have all gone home! Currently lying on sofa, foot elevated, arnica applied. Bruising coming out now and is more swollen today. I haven’t really been resting as much as I should. That’s it, child free until Friday. Going to give it another couple of days and if no improvement may venture to A&E, not that I really want to. Would I be able to walk on ( albeit on tiptoes) it if it was broken? I can wriggle my toes too!
5.3 this morning and that was after rushing to get my shower first.

@eggyg with some fractures it is possible to use a limb, so although that makes it less likely to be fractured it can't absolutely exclude it.
@eggyg it might be worth getting it x-rayed to be on the safe side, especially if you can't put much weight on it.