Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

CH holding up just fine. Phew. I found thw whole CH problem very stressful and very cold !!!

Complete white out outside when I got up, almost completely gone now. Must be warming up. Hooray!!!

BG 5.4 which is just fine

Just started putting up the fake Christams tree. Wife says she will sort out the decorations later. Not sure we will actually put the Christmas tree lights on.

Hopefully it will be a quiet stress free day for us today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Very early for me ….morning all.
7.3. Have a good day.
Good morning 7.1
following a full nights sleep (first one in ages)

stay warm and have a great day everybody 😎
5.8 for me today. 🙂
It seems to be warming up a bit - outside temp has soared to 0C 😱
Stay warm and safe everybody.

6.8 for me this morning but I needed 2 stacked 2u corrections in the night and a 1.5u correction at bedtime and all because I didn't inject 2 units of Levemir before I went to bed. Not all insulins are created equal it seems. Unfortunately I had a bad anxiety attack last night and climbed into bed early because sleep is my sanctuary. I know that I am so lucky to be able to sleep. I really feel for you @ColinUK, not being able to lose yourself in sleep.
Anyway, it's a new day and hopefully a better one for all of us!

Wow @Lucyr That is a grueling schedule for a fit healthy person, let alone someone who is struggling with a fatigue causing condition and recovering from viruses. Hope you get through it OK. So sorry to hear about your neighbour. It is always a fine line not to overstep the mark with elderly people and their independence but awful to think they were lying there needing help. I hope he is OK.
Good morning - 5.2
@rebrascora Went to bed about 12:30. Wide awake at 3am.
Still look fabulous darling!
4.1 according to the Libre this morning. Didn’t quite believe that and a BG test was 6.6. But then I guess with DP the BG could have started rising anyway. Must try not to drive myself mad constantly checking the Libre as the two will never exactly match.

@Lucyr - your experience with your neighbour must have been tough. Back in the summer we climbed a neighbour’s fence and searched his house as the patio doors were open and his dog was crying. Neither us or another neighbour had seen him for days and we were all worried. It was horrible going from room to room not sure of what I what find. Luckily it all turned out ok (and a little funny). Another neighbour was looking after his dog, gone round to let the dog out and then gone out himself for longer than planned. The “missing” neighbour was away on holiday!

@Lily123 - congratulations on your HS!

@eggyg - enjoy your works do!

@ColinUK - glad you enjoyed last night’s panto! Envious of your booking for Turandot, would love to see that!

Visiting day for us today, seeing some friends and then my parents whilst my wife goes to a Christmas party at the Children’s home where she is manager. I’ve been in the past, but since the pandemic they no longer invite other people, but as there are now a couple of cases of Covid I’m happy not to go!

Pond has quite thick ice now, I’m managing to keep a couple of holes in it and hoping the fish are hibernating and ok underneath! Roll on the thaw!

Stay warm and have a good day everyone!

very cold, frosty and icy here still, just watched a car being pushed across the ice as it keep sliding backwards.

6.8 for me still have this throat problem, so plenty of warm drinks again today, along with wrapping more presents, done about a third and finishing the last of the Christmas cakes. Will probably do wrapping while watching the Strictly final.

@Lily123 - congratulations on your HS.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear about your bad anxiety attack, but pleased you are able to sleep.

I was hoping to walk to the small town near me to pop into Card Factory and Costa Coffee, but the pavements still too icy. I would ask hubby to take me to the big shopping centre after work, but he started at 6am on a 12 hr shift so will let him rest. The big shopping centre is walkable as well, but if I only want a couple of bits and if I can get them in the small town centre I prefer to do that.

Have a. Ice Saturday everyone, stay safe and warm.
Hi Colin, we saw lots of houses like that in Cais Cais in Portugal. As I said to Julian "4 beds and delusions of grandeur" In France we saw several houses with circular towers on the corner.. by then we reduced the saying to simply "delusions"
Morning all. Raining here so has to be warmer right? Tell that to my frozen tootsies. Agh. :D 5.4 for me this morning and lost another pound over night. Need to slow it down, never thought I'd be saying that! I'm in the 13s now, never known since I was 22! :O Hope it's coz I'm being healthy and not coz I'm on the way out. :rofl:
And it’s a 5.3 for me this fine sunny morning.
Morning all... bit grey with some threatening cloud. No doubt it will rain at some point.

7.0 this morning after another 4.1 in the night. That was at 05:30 and I've not really slept since.

Been a busy week, been out socialising every day except Mon... out again later. We've been invited to a cheese and port party tomorrow, but buses into town are rare as hen's teeth on a Sunday and taxis are expensive, so I think we'll give that one a miss!

@Lily123 - Congrats on the HS.

@eggyg have a fab works do!

@Lucyr I had wondered if you were OK as you hadn't been posting. Sorry to hear about your neighbour, it must have been horrible for them and very stressful for you. Don't push yourself too hard today and undo any recuperation.

@rebrascora, just HUGS

@Grannylorraine stay warm and forget about going out in the horrible cold.

Have a good day all.
Morning all and a 6.8 for me.

Was expecting a higher reading as yesterday was one of those days. The unshiftable hypo finally shifted and wouldn't stop shifting. In double figures all be evening which is most unlike me.

Anyway a bright and breezy day out there.

Have a good day everyone.
5.3 this morning. Bit of a sore throat so did another covid test to check and still negative. Probably having a fairly quiet day but might go for a walk, and take the car to get some petrol
Oh, and I need to take some rubbish to the tip because my main bin hasn't been emptied for 3 weeks (was meant to be done yesterday but latest update is Monday at the earliest) so I've nowhere to put the full bag that would be safe from foxes