Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Looks lovely out, all white and Christmassy but I can't bear the cold and I'm out and about more at the moment, family crisis, hospital visiting brrr. 5.6 today, very pleased with that. Losing weight no problem now but not supposed to lose it so fast as can harm liver even more, need to eat more peanuts! 🙂
Good afternoon, I was up late this morning BS was 7.9
had a bit of a nighttime hypo in the early hours (3.9 @ 2am so was heading low)
took a few glucose tablets, plus got up hit the kitchen for nighttime snacks 🙂

I spoke to GP on the phone yesterday afternoon, he apologised for someone previously not ordering my blood test, its all sorted now and Iv’e been online booked another appointment at the vampires (between Christmas and NewYear) - whilst on the phone to GP, we spoke about another non diabetes related issue which was good.
hopefully I’m back to work on Monday,
having been off as not been sleeping properly recently
then with this horrible cold I’ve had this week I’ve just been exhausted.

have a great day everybody 😎
Update CH

Maybe I'm a super hero disguised as a mere human...

After thinking lots, looking on utube for help with my central heating problem AND trying (and failing) to get three central heating engineers out to fix it...

I fixed it myself!

The house, having pummeted to 6C is now a balmy 7.5C and rising.

The problem was a frozen external condensate pipe. I simply disconnected it (internally) and put a bucket under the open pipe. Very little water coming out of it thankfully.

It all works just fine again now. Yesss. Happy again. Two gold stars awarded from my friend who exercises with me most days in the afternoons.
Good morning! An 8.2 for me. Neither 🙂 nor :( why can I not put a space before the "!"

Hit a 2.9 pre lunch. I ordered a special 100th birthday card and now cannot find it. Been pulling things out, searching and getting nowhere. This wheelchair business is deeply frustrating especially those stupid piddling wheels at the front. I wanted to finish my cards not turn the house upside down!

Oh well I can relax on Christmas Day! Just me, two sausages and a sprig of holly. :(
Update CH

Maybe I'm a super hero disguised as a mere human...

After thinking lots, looking on utube for help with my central heating problem AND trying (and failing) to get three central heating engineers out to fix it...

I fixed it myself!

The house, having pummeted to 6C is now a balmy 7.5C and rising.

The problem was a frozen external condensate pipe. I simply disconnected it (internally) and put a bucket under the open pipe. Very little water coming out of it thankfully.

It all works just fine again now. Yesss. Happy again. Two gold stars awarded from my friend who exercises with me most days in the afternoons.

Glad you got the heating sorted @Gwynn
I was reading your post earlier and was thinking I bet it’s the condensate pipe frozen

on modern (condensing) combi-boilers
the condenate pipe is prone to freezing (if it’s outside) which it often is,

sometimes the plastic condensate pipe will be insulated
and some people have a trace heating wire fitted if the pipe is prone to freezing
here’s some info (if I’ve got the link right)

Evening all. It was a 7.1 for me this morning. I'm very late posting today as i onerslept this morning by an hour!! Still, i've finished now for Christmas and can finally have a rest to try and shake off the cold i've had for four weeks now (the Sudafed didn't work so i need to try and get something else) and rest my voice which i've lost for 3 days now. I'm exhausted!!

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Wannie on your HS.
@Michael12421 i'm glad to see your levels have come down, they were scarily high!
@ColinUK enjoy the panto.
Sorry i havent posted here much, i've been off work sick with covid/colds for 2 of the last 3 weeks as well as struggling after that discouraging appointment. I then had a stressful day yesterday finding my neighbour had been on the floor for a couple of days and calling an ambulance / finding people i could contact to sort his flat out. Several people it turned out had been concerned about him lately other than me, but it was a sobering reminder that being concerned about someone alone doesnt actually help them, only actions do. Anyway, my mind was busy yesterday and early morning with all that going on.

BG was 17 when i woke up at 4am but down to 10.6 before eating breakfast. I have a busy musical day today with 3 rehearsals, 1 wedding and 1 concert to play in, so will probably aim to keep BG around the 7-10 levels so that it's one less thing to think about
Morning all. 7.1

Panto was fun and suitably silly! Mother Goose with Ian McKellen doing his best panto dame!

Talking of Theatre I’ve booked two more trips to Covent Garden so that’s The Barber of Seville and Turandot added to the list for Q1 2023.
Morning all. A very low, for me, 4.8. Looking at my Libre graph, I’ve sailed close to the wind all night. At least it means I don’t have to wait my customary 45/60 minutes before I can eat, as I’m starving!

Pleased to say we’ve had a thaw. Although it’s sleeting now. Still feels cold in the house.
Busy day ahead, it’s our “works” Christmas party tonight. Our special guests will start arriving at about 10am, one is already here and has been since Monday! Yes, it’s our grandchildren, well they are our sole work now we’ve retired, although voluntary! Then a massive sleepover for all five of them, first time we’ve had them all at the same time! Apparently 10 year old Poppy said to her mum last night, “ I can’t believe Grandma and Gaga are having us all to stay, it’ll be chaos!” She’s not wrong! Is it bedtime yet? :rofl:

Have a great day, and if I’m able, I’ll “speak” to you all tomorrow. 🙂
Good morning. 5.3 which pleases me well enough after a sneaky Ryevita thin and cheese or 2 with cheese yesterday evening.
My excuse - I was just starting to get ready for bed, pottering about with a last cuppa, wiping down the sink, making sure all standbies were cut off at the mains etc when Taras erupted into the kitchen dripping with water and waving a torch "Hens, pipe - come see". So girded up my loins to find the wretched thing producing a powerful fine spray which was gleefully turning the path to his home into a skating rink. Fortunately I could recall which stop tap so we soon had it isolated until morning. I shall be carrying water to the horses this morning as it isolates the stables too - which is a less happy thought.

The bathroom drain had given into a final kettle of water at lunch time with that delightful gurgle which gladdens the heart of a home owner struggling to clear a blockage.

Even better I had a chance as we put the tools away, required to raise the frozen manhole cover over the stop cock, to introduce Taras to the new electric submeter. He looked a bit startled but immediately said "I pay, I pay" which sounds promising and we have agreed to discuss it today. I don't want him to pay the lot but I can't afford £360 a month! Go halves I think would be fair.

@Gwynn - well done with fixing CH.

Have a good day everyone.