Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.7 for me this frost free Friday morning.
@Docb Hi I think the condensate pipe has frozen up looking at the fault cide (EA Bosch CH). So it should unfreeze later in the day hopefully. Looking at the fault online it is either that or there is no ignition.

Not happy right now
4.1 this morning for me. Pretty good considering I had a touch of the couldn’t-be-bothereds last night. We went out shopping before I had eaten and by the time we were back I had gone past it and didn’t want a meal. I half forced myself to have something but ended up throwing half away, and of course that meant I had taken too much bolus for the carbs. A yoghurt and a few sultanas later helped bring things back to a reasonable level for overnight.

Another cold morning here, not had a report from my wife on car temperature this morning but according to the forecast it is around -6. Spent a bit of time defrosting a couple of holes in the ice on the garden pond. Blackbird was sitting on his breakfast again this morning, maybe he was defrosting it?

Have a good day everyone, @Gwynn hope you get your CH sorted quickly!

Good morning. Well done @MeeTooTeeTwo .

5.8 here. Pretty good given that I weakened and had some carbs with dinner which put the levels up to 13.1 2 hours later. Naughty but did away with the wobblies which I had for much for the day. However it seems to have upset my temperature control - sweltering and sweating with the sitting room temperature at a modest 15 degrees. Had a lousy night with poor breathing and shoulder pain. Grannie always said "creaking gates hang longest" but I would like some oil! Hopefully I can have a sensible drug discussion with the GP on 6th January - earliest appointment I have been able to organise.

Everything still frozen here - haven't been out to check the thermometer yet but dog's water bucket took a full boiling kettle. He just shakes his wolf's double coat and runs about like a happy maniac. He hasn't got central heating but his kennel has more insulation than a house. Horses getting quite grumpy with being kept in but dare not turn them out until it thaws.

Spent half of yesterday trying to sort out wash basin in bathroom which will not empty. U-bend clear so think it must be frozen in the wall - I'll wait until the thaw before trying again. However the frost cannot explain why the great hall curtain fell on my head when I attempted to draw it yesterday evening - the wall plugs fell out. Don't fancy trying to carry the big step ladder across the skating rink so fixing it will also have to wait for the thaw. Living alone makes one risk averse.

Beautiful blue sky with thin strips of high cloud (cirrus?). I shall admire it through the windows once I have thawed out the hens.

Have a lovely day everyone - if the met is right it might be warmer on Sunday.
6.6 for me this morning.
Panto this evening. No idea which one as a friend has organised it all and I just have to turn up and enjoy!

Did venture out to the shops yesterday and here’s a pic of the canal by King’s Cross Station nicely frozen.
Morning all 6.0 for me this morning. Did have to treat a hypo during night . Busy day ahead get dog out . Go along farm butchers get meat for weekend. Get back have something to eat then off for food shopping. Highlight of my week . Hope everyone has a good day
Joining @MeeTooTeeTwo with a 5.2 myself this morning at 7am have granddaughters staying for a couple of nights while mummy and daddy are at work, both work for emergency services, and every so often shifts are same. So after breakfast and rushing to get oldest to school and shopping with baby bg now 5.3!
Discovered late last night I've got a drip on boiler currently on hold trying to get through to insurance company who I have my boiler cover with, constantly distracted by dogs and Sophia.
have a good day everyone
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Goood morning. 🙂 8.4 here.

After two days glued to the sofa, I finally left the house this morning - yay! It was icy on the beach. My hands got so cold I was using a filled poo bag as a handwarmer! 😱
Well I feel rather like Goldilocks this morning.... In that 2 nights ago I was hypo all night, the next night I was hyper all night and last night was just a perfect, beautiful, flatfish and woke to 5.3.
Interestingly and totally the reverse of what you would expect..... the night I hypoed I had no evening Levemir, the night I was hyper all night I had injected 2 units and last night I was down to zero Levemir again.
Anyway, in the interests of openness and honesty I am posting all 3 graphs.... so that people can see how variable BG levels can be...
Looks a bit like I died doesn't it o_O ..... That is the power of exercise! I was back to hauling feed up the hill on foot last night for GGs rather than using the Freelander, hence no evening Levemir.

Many congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Wannie on your House Specials this morning.

Pleased to hear your levels have come down @Michael12421 You must be very sensitive to insulin to come down from 24 to 4 with 4 units in 4 hours. That is really impressive! Hope you don't drop any lower! Maybe have a biscuit to stabilize things if you haven't already.
No help available for the central heating. Three recommended contacts tried. Not sure what to do right now.

At least the gas bill will be less
Morning all. Another bright dry day.

6.8 this morning after a wake up alrm screeching at 04:15 saying 4.2. 2 JBs and a temp basal for 2 hours.

Good night last night, but no dancing occurred. All the same jolly Christmas music was much appreciated.

Off to town for lunch with a girlfriend and a bit of last minute shopping for a gift for1 more friend then I am done.

Sorry to hear about your heating Gwynn... hope you can find some way of sorting it.

Congratulations to @Wannie and @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HSs.

Have a good day all.