Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.7 here. Temperature has plummeted to -7.5 here too, @eggyg and we also have to go out and get our hair cut. Ours involves taking the back route to the next village, because the main road into it is closed.Son was complaining about his car yesterday, he doesn’t drive an eggymobile any more, but his new one also has frameless windows. He managed to get into his yesterday, but the window wouldn’t quite go all the way back up afterwards, so he drove to work with an annoying draught and whistling wind noise in his right ear.
Those windows are driving me nuts! We thought about maybe putting a tea towel over the top of them but Mr Eggy worried that it might totally freeze to the glass and we wouldn’t get them off! I’ve persuaded Mr Eggy to take him. I said I’ll do tomorrow, supposed to be “milder” but I’m not so certain! 🙄 As youngest said, “those fancy cars are nowt but trouble!” She’s not wrong!
You’ll have to put a jumper on. Do they sell them down in Soft Southern Land?
I might put a coat on today as I’m going into town! 😉
Honestly I can’t recall the last time I wore a woolly jumper.
I only own one and it’s a beautiful cable knit mohair, cashmere and silk thing I bought about 20 years ago. It gets worn perhaps once or twice a year.

Ooh! I’ve got two jumpers! Just remembered that I’ve also got a blue turtleneck chunky knit one from M&S!

Issue with that one, although I adore the colour, is that damn turtleneck. I’m blessed with the very short neck which is prevalent in mum’s family so to wear a high necked anything is an issue.

I will, assuming I venture out today, be wearing gloves, thermals and scarf.
4.6 this morning.

These are the days that I am so grateful to be working from home. My wife reported the car was saying -9 when she got into it this morning!

Heating on, breakfast and a read through my emails to start the day.

And especially for @eggyg and @ColinUK


Stay warm everyone!
Those windows are driving me nuts! We thought about maybe putting a tea towel over the top of them but Mr Eggy worried that it might totally freeze to the glass and we wouldn’t get them off! I’ve persuaded Mr Eggy to take him. I said I’ll do tomorrow, supposed to be “milder” but I’m not so certain! 🙄 As youngest said, “those fancy cars are nowt but trouble!” She’s not wrong!
Buy an infra red patio heater. Fix it to the wall above where you usually park the motor.
Switch it on. Melt snow/ice. Warm car. Show how much you really love your grandson by spending his inheritance on the electricity bill.
Buy an infra red patio heater. Fix it to the wall above where you usually park the motor.
Switch it on. Melt snow/ice. Warm car. Show how much you really love your grandson by spending his inheritance on the electricity bill.
Unfortunately our lovely Camille sits on the A6! 300 year old cottages don’t have luxuries like garages or even a drive!
He’s had his inheritance this week in food, petrol and showers! Oh and the dishwasher has been on twice everyday for some reason! I’d rather keep him for a week than a fortnight! :rofl:
Honestly I can’t recall the last time I wore a woolly jumper.
I only own one and it’s a beautiful cable knit mohair, cashmere and silk thing I bought about 20 years ago. It gets worn perhaps once or twice a year.

Ooh! I’ve got two jumpers! Just remembered that I’ve also got a blue turtleneck chunky knit one from M&S!

Issue with that one, although I adore the colour, is that damn turtleneck. I’m blessed with the very short neck which is prevalent in mum’s family so to wear a high necked anything is an issue.

I will, assuming I venture out today, be wearing gloves, thermals and scarf.
I don’t like turtle/polo necks either, double chin and “blessed” in the bosom area. Looks like I’m carrying a shelf with me! 😳
Morning everyone, freezing cold here as it is everywhere it would seem brrr unfortunately I cannot post my levels this morning I ran out of testing strips yesterday and expected delivery didn't turn up, hopefully today.
But wanted to share my news with you all!!

Received a text this morning from DSN at GP practice my HbA1c is 43 and stating that my diabetes is in remission!! 🙂
Thank you everyone for your support during these past 6 months
Have a good day everyone
I don’t like turtle/polo necks either, double chin and “blessed” in the bosom area. Looks like I’m carrying a shelf with me! 😳
Or as the French would say “Tout le monde est sur le balcon”!
Morning everyone, freezing cold here as it is everywhere it would seem brrr unfortunately I cannot post my levels this morning I ran out of testing strips yesterday and expected delivery didn't turn up, hopefully today.
But wanted to share my news with you all!!

Received a text this morning from DSN at GP practice my HbA1c is 43 and stating that my diabetes is in remission!! 🙂
Thank you everyone for your support during these past 6 months
Have a good day everyone
Fantastic news!! Well done!!
Unfortunately our lovely Camille sits on the A6! 300 year old cottages don’t have luxuries like garages or even a drive!
He’s had his inheritance this week in food, petrol and showers! Oh and the dishwasher has been on twice everyday for some reason! I’d rather keep him for a week than a fortnight! :rofl:
Can’t you get a bit of heat sent up your way from the bits of the A6 which are in the south? :rofl:
And it’s a 5.9 for me on another sunny morning.
5.7 for me this cold and frosty morning. 🙂

Latest update on the car.
Doors frozen as usual. Got them open but now passenger one won’t stay closed! I despair. Please thaw out soon, my nerves are frazzled! :(
Mr Eggy just sent me this. Entitled “bloody cheap cars”. :rofl:
Hope his jeans don’t fall down, like in an Alan Rix farce. That really would top off our morning! 😱


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7.5 this morning With a congested craggy throat.

Still sheet ice outside my house this morning, but we have no through traffic here, rest of the road is fine just the little courtyards in front of the houses.

Agree with @ColinUK nit used to having this real weather.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe and warm.
Morning all. 🙂 5.5 here.

Wow, this cold’s a proper cling-on. Spent yesterday chasing highs with TBRs and correction doses. But the sun is shining so I’ll stop complaining now!

WELL DONE @Wannie - that’s brilliant news. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Morning all and 6.9 for me.

Must venture out in a bit to clear a couple of bird baths which are absolutely frozen solid. Too far gone for a drop of water from the kettle to fix.

Have a good day everyone.
Well I have gone to the other extreme overnight, despite a 2 unit basal increase last night ie 2 units of Levemir. Instead of waking up hypo through the night, I woke up hyper on 11.7 and feeling very hot and restless as I do when levels are in double figures. Hit it with 3 units and it still only came down to 9.3 on waking up. Hit it with another 6 units (breakfast bolus plus more correction) and only just getting to eat breakfast now!!

Have to say my new (to me but 12 yrs old) Freelander is doing well. It takes a while to defrost but the front doors have been fine although I couldn't get the back doors open, but the hatchback was fine thank goodness as I have been loading it up with haylage and feed the last few days instead of hauling it myself. Mostly because I also needed to haul an ice pick and flask with hot water which could be the last straws to break this donkey's back. 🙄 Need to get back to using human power again as soon as this frost eases a bit as the reduced activity is responsible for last night's high along with a bit of a meat fest last night for supper, but I didn't dare increase my Levemir too much after the night long hypos the other night.