Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.4 here. Still -3 here, not as bad as Cumbria, @eggyg . Met a friend yesterday morning at Hughenden in the Chilterns, but didn’t get my exercise, had a brief walk round the formal gardens and repaired to the coffee shop for the duration. Friend has a hamstring problem (too much tennis) and didn’t want to risk slipping on the icy woodland paths, some of them are quite steep.
It has slightly already though i've now lost my voice. The kids at school will love it!
oh no, I'm sure kids will but its just an added struggle for you, fingers crossed you feel better soon
8.1, slightly disappointed after 6.5-ish for much of last night.

After yesterdays' tumble (coffee mug undamaged) on fresh snow covering rock-hard, glass-like frozen puddles, now using my walking pole, stopped at least one tumble.
Take care all, don't want any unnecessary visits to hospital.
I ventured out yesterday. Crunchy and slippery underfoot.
Wasn’t exactly confident what with using the cane and stuff but didn’t fall over unlike the young man who came running around the corner and promptly went flying and looked most embarrassed rather than anything else.

Scans etc booked for next Tuesday which is good and follow up with the consultant first week of Jan.

BG this morning 6.1
And it’s a 6.2 for me this morning.
Expecting the sun to appear very soon according to the weather forecast, yippee.
Well done @eggyg on the HS. 🙂
5.8 for me today and -4C outside.

Morning all. 🙂 7.7 here.

Wow, this is one hell of a cold! I’m not going anywhere today.

Congrats @eggyg! Nice bush @ColinUK.

Sorry to hear about your boiler @Michael12421. I hope you can get it fixed asap. There’s this idea that Spain’s hot hot hot, but it’s c-c-cold in the winter.

Not long now @freesia! I hope you get your voice back for Xmas.
Morning all

7.5 this morning with a lovely gravely throat. Still very icy here, everyday I hope it has gone.

Supposed to be going to running Christmas do this evening, but will need to see what the weather is like and if my son can take me.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.
Good morning. BG 5.2 after sleeping in. So snap @eggyg !

Very cold this a.m. and hard frost over night. Ice all over the yard makes the feeding the animals an anxious affair. Going to slither down to the hens with hot water - not enough to break the ice as it seals over within an hour. I shall, for once, be glad to see some nice, warm rain - due I believe by Sunday.

Have a good day everyone.
Is that your abode Colin? What on earth is that phallic looking thingy stuck on the front? 🙄
I’ve a lovely collection of really ugly or just weird houses to post on HS threads.

This is is just very very strange. An architect designed it. A builder agreed to build it. And someone thought it would make a lovely home. That someone was not me!
A very respectable 6.3 for me this morning which belies the night I spent almost completely in the red and at one stage Libre just said "LO" The problem was that just after I injected 6 units including a 2u correction for a reading of 10 last night the power went off. Normally it would take at least an hour to bring that level down into range so that I could eat, so I hadn't started cooking. Got into bed with a hot water bottle as there was nothing else to do and promptly fell asleep.... Woke up the first time on at 11.10pm on 4.1 and remembered that I had injected a bolus and not eaten so I had some carbs from the bedside table and went back to sleep. Next time I woke up was 12.30am on 3.1 and had some more hypo treatment and straight back off to sleep, then 4.20am I got the "LO" so had some more JBs and straight back to sleep then 6.30am I still wasn't out of the red on 3.8. Eek! That is a lot of time in the red. Have to say that apart from the LO when I was a bit hot and restless they really don't bother me and half the problem is that I go back to sleep so quickly and soundly that I don't manage to wait 15 mins and retest and my BG meter doesn't perform in the cold if I put it on my body to warm up, I just forget and go back to sleep whilst it is warming up! And all of this was without any evening Levemir!

Anyway, I will be ordering my first Libre 2 sensors today and should start using them just before Christmas when this sensor ends, so I guess I won't be disabling the low alarms during the night as I had originally intended. Currently 84% TIR which looks really respectable until you see the whopping 13% below 😱 for the past 7 days!

Many congratulations to @eggyg and @TinaD on achieving those magnificent House Specials this morning. Well done girls! @TinaD I'm happy to stick with the cold brightness and break ice and defrost water, even though it is -8 here this morning too. I hate the wet and mud more. It is probably costing me a fortune in electricity boiling the kettle so often though!

@Michael12421. Might be worth investing in a fan heater to get you through the worst of the winter if the chances of getting a boiler engineer are slim. There are some pretty efficient ones on the market these days I believe and not terribly expensive.