Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg Does that mean that even the patients have to sing and dance?!
Not long been back. No one was singing and dancing. They’d had a power cut! 😱 Luckily, they had paper copies of the appointments. No computers so although she knew I was in for bloods she didn’t know why. I told her, and she assumed kidney function incase I am given a dye. This huge “super” surgery is like a aircraft hangar. Boring and bland. It’s obviously not completely finished and there’s a few teething problems. But I was seen, and on time, so I’m not grumbling. But a spot of colour wouldn’t go amiss!
Fingers crossed the Sudafed will help @freesia. Just got back from town where I had lunch with a friend and afterwards a bit of shopping. The pub was lovely and cosy with an open fire and lunch was very good. Except that I ill-advisedly had the daily special - Mac and cheese, just because I have never had it. BG now hovering at 15.2.

It's brass monkeys though and standing for 15 minutes in the badly designed wind tunnel called a bus shelter for a bus home that was running very late was NOT FUNNY. I want to shoot the designer of the bus station. When all's said and done, it's situated on the harbour in a coast town open to all the weather.

This morning I discovered I had lost the forum "like" button on my iPad, though it's here as normal on my laptop.
Dear Dawn, I must apologise for blaming you entirely for my crap morning reading. The raging sore throat and earache that has showed up might actually be the culprit. 🙄

2nd waking reading as I was back in bed for the afternoon - 8.4 thanks to corrections and lowish carbs 🙂
Wont bother messing with basal tonight until body behaves itself.
Hubby was very upset with his reading this morning. It was 9.5 . How come it was so high when he had nothing to eat all night ? Made him afraid to eat breakfast. It was not high before bed. Don't understand this at all.
Is this typical or just a one off?
Many people get what is referred to as foot on the floor syndrome or Dawn Phenomenon where in the absence of food for some time as in overnight fasting the liver becomes super helpful and releases glucose into the blood stream.
Testing before getting up will often show a lower level as merely getting up and pottering around can raise level.
If the level is high then a low carb breakfast, eggs or yoghurt would help.
As he is in early days of using insulin there is going to be some time when the body needs to adjust, are you able to see from the Libre what had happened overnight, did he overtreat a hypo for example.
Good morning to you but not for me. Having gone all of last Winter without heat and have been enjoying heating and hot water since it was fixed I now have neither. Boiler packed up yesterday evening. The chances of getting if fixed before Christmas are pretty remote.

I was 8.2 this morning
Good morning - 7.5
Morning all. Another chilly one. -8 again! But my heart is all warm and tingly. I’ve only gone and got another blooming HS, twice this week. It’s a Christmas miracle. 🙂

I see the bots are out early. I’ve reported it.

Another busy day today but at least I don’t have to leave the house. Driving in -8/9 yesterday was a nightmare. Car doors wouldn’t open even after 20 minutes with engine running, had no choice but to pour some water on them, I know it’s wrong but had to get grandson to work. Of course as soon as I got on the motorway, just a mile from home, the door windows froze solid and I couldn’t see a thing. Luckily it’s not even a five minute journey to the junction I was getting off at. Grandson couldn’t get out of the car at first, he did eventually get the door open. I went to do my shopping, it was still -8 when I got back in the car at 10am. I took my scraper into Tesco with me, incase I couldn’t get back into the car! I managed, as the sun was shining on the drivers side.I was stressed to death by the time I got home ( I didn’t go back on the motorway). Lessons to be learnt. Let grandson walk to his work experience, it’ll only take him 50 minutes! Get a new car that has frames around its door windows, and move to somewhere like Portugal! 😉

Have a great day all. 🙂

@Michael12421 I hope it isn’t -8 where you are! Can you get yourself a little electric fan heater or something? Do you have an separate water heater or will you be boiling kettles to have a wash? I do hope you get sorted sooner rather than later. Hugs.


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Good morning 7.1 today

8am appointment with the vampire, them back to bed for me

stay warm everybody
Good morning everyone.

I managed to get out to the shops yesterday but the pavements were covered in ice. Rather crazily our wonderful council updated the town a few years ago. They turned a beautiful, spacious, sleepy, pretty, old english town into a modern, no space, ugly town with super smooth pavement slabs that are deadly in winter (super smooth and all on slopes). Guess what...right now its wintery and people are falling like skittles. Whoever decided on those paving slabs should be...

The town now has no special character. Its just another town. sigh.

BG 5.0
BP elevated
Happiness a bit deflated

Drs are almost wonderful... a few months ago I had a blood test. One of the results was very high. No one mentioned it. I voluntarily reduced the dosage. I just had a consultation with the endocrinologist after a more recent blood test. The result of that aspect came in a bit low. They explained that it was due to the time of day the blood had been taken. So I increased the med again and noted the time the next bloods should be taken.

Yesterday my GP woke up and sent me a text asking me what was going on that that particular med. Doh! Why did they not question the high reading originally and why did no one explain that the time of day the bloods had to be taken was critcal to the result.

I seem to find out all the important stuff in hindsight after things go wrong. Shouldn't our health professionals be more proactive in helping people understand and manage things keeping them well rather than just throwing meds at them and providing scant information.

I wonder how many people sleep walk into heath problems or make things worse for themselves by not having good quality pertinent (to them personally) information and guidance.

Rant over. Sorry

Today peace and quiet. I need to chill out a bit now.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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I love these HS houses
5.1, so close! New sensor seems to be behaving.

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS! Hope you have a less stressful and warmer day today!

Have a good day everyone!
@Michael12421 I hope it isn’t -8 where you are! Can you get yourself a little electric fan heater or something? Do you have an separate water heater or will you be boiling kettles to have a wash? I do hope you get sorted sooner rather than later. Hugs.
I only have hot water in the bathroom as it is a seperate electric boiler. I have an electric oil-filled rasdiator there but it only takes the chill off the air, not really warm enough for my daily shower.
Was going to drive to Ubeda today to get in my food shopping for Christmas but have lost interest and motivation. Friends are searching around for someone who can help
Congratulations @eggyg on the HS and hope @freesia the sudafed has helped ease your symptoms

5.3 this morning for me after a disturbed sleep needing toilet through early hours. I had my bloods taken yesterday and treat myself to a small (100-150g) of apple strudel with low fat greek yogurt. within 2 hours my BG had risen to 10.5 😳but 2hrs later at bed time had dropped to 5.6, was quite pleased with that but hadn't thought that the apple etc would have such an impact on my digestive system:( maybe mark this one down as a failed experiment 🙄🙂
Have a good day everyone and stay warm x
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