Group 7-day waking average?

Now that it is light enough to see out and I have crawled out from under my electric throw, I see that the ground is covered with ice!! I may have to rethink my walk to my appointment. I may have to rethink my appointment completely. Hmmm
Morning all. 🙂 8.3 here.

Wow, it’s icy out! I didn’t leave the house yesterday, but I was determined to take at least one of the dogs out this morning (OH has got a man cold so is out of action). I found a non-icy route out of our estate (the pavements are lethal!) and along the seafront, so Gwennie got her walk. Then OH wanted some soup, so back out along the road and down to the seafront Tesco for man flu supplies (OH’s symptoms had worsened). I feel so brave!

Be careful out there!

Nice work @eggyg and @Eternal422. 🙂
Morning all - so far dry roads and just grey, though the sun is trying to peep out.

6.3 this morning after an uneventful night and a fairly good sleep except for a nightmare.

Had a complete meltdown yesterday over the database and Christmas cards. The problem is that my database is on a laptop we inherited that has a completely unfamiliar version of Microsoft Office and basically I have only used the database half a dozen times in the 10 years I've been retired and that was using Office 2003. Office has changed out of all recognition since 2003. Cannot make a query run cos I haven't a clue how - we can't get the help files as the laptop doesn't have up to date anti-virus so we don't want it connecting to the internet and frankly I don't want the hassle - just getting too old to be bothered. So after an argument with hubby and bursting into tears I dried my eyes, pulled myself together and decided to just email people with our newsletter apart from 3 cousins who's phone numbers and emails I don't have, to whom I will send actual cards. To be fair some of the people we've been sending cards to every year we don't see from one year to the next and one or two we've not seen for over 20 years. Those who live locally will get an actual card handed to them.

@TinaD I meant to say yesterday and forgot, why don't you write down what you want to say to Taras, then run it through Google Translate and show him the translation on your laptop/phone/tablet or whatever you use? He could use it to talk to you too!

@eggyg and@Eternal422 many congrats on your HSs.

@Eternal422 loved the compressed story of A Christmas Carol... very clever!

@Grannylorraine your wreath is just beautiful!
And a 5.7 for me this morning. The gritting lorries were about at 4.30 am this morning and there were three inches of snow on the roof of the car when I first went out earlier - first snow this year.
congratulations on the HS @eggyg and @Eternal422
4.8 for me this morning at 6.30am, busy day clearing snow of car, and clearing paths of a fresh layer of snow and ice underneath, then after indoor tasks have been making scented candles and wax melts with my daughter, have just finished and we'll do the bath bombs tomorrow morning.
Keep warm everyone and take it easy on the icy paths 🙂
Little Miss Too Lazy AND EXTREMELY EXTREMELY Reluctant To Get Up Today Because It’s FFFRRRRRREEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZING reporting in at WHAT! That’s the time? 😳😱 14:07 BS 8.7 & about 15:00 before I dragged myself upright for meds & tresiba, about 3 hours late JUST when I had steadily moved the alarm back to midday! GREAT BIG SIGH!😳 Have to start again tomorrow with alarm at 2pm!:rofl:

A Very Good Evening to you all &, hopefully, HAD as Wonderful a Day as you can? :confused:😉

I’m just cooking, on the stove, a chicken casserole & tuck in later, around 17:20/30 so, not long now! 😛

I had a pretty quiet day yesterday watching all 10 episodes in bed & only ate twice for a total of 28NR: 14 for an omelette, tea & toast given the higher start yesterday; 14 for pan fried salmon fillet with 2 bags of tesco frozen steam, in the microwave, greens & corn! Neither needed much as they’re mainly protein!

I found myself too cold to WANT to get up & go into the freezing cold kitchen to cook today & kept putting it off but, my stomach is protesting VERY loudly now! 😱 Being a bit creaky, STILL, in finger & knee didn’t help either! It was just a duvet day today & once I FINALLY get some food into me; I’ll feel better?:confused:
Just slurped a big bowl of casserole & barely tasted the burnt taste: was posting during the last 10/15 minutes when potatoes were just starting to mushy, the way I like it; SHOULD have known that when I post in between cooking it ALWAYS takes longer than I think! Ah, well! It WAS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS until that last 15/20 minutes but, SO hungry that I STILL thought it was pretty good despite the first couple of burnt tasting spoonfuls! 🙄😳:D😛:rofl:😉

I DO feel better with some food in me now & settling down to watch the hew series of Strike that I couldn’t stay up for to watch the first episode live after Strictly last night! All 4 episodes are up on iPlayer, I find, now & just started on episode 1 of Troubled Blood. 🙂
5.8 for me this morning. Left a little late due to struggling to get ahead of my usual schedule to allow for the time to scrape the frost, then got stuck behind a bus in the road out of my estate (couldn't pass it as there are cars always parked the other side of the main road, and didn't want to go round by going into the estate as the other roads aren't gritted) which turned the maybe 5% chance of getting kids to the train station on time into 0%. So had to drive them into school then drive into work, but traffic was much lighter than usual (I'm guessing more people decided to work from home!) so wasn't too late getting to work.

Had lunch out with my colleagues and the place we chose had no hot food today for some reason, so rather than having stew or a cooked breakfast I had a toastie (apparently that doesn't count as hot food I think it was really microwaved rather than toasted tbh) but thankfully my after lunch BG wasn't too high.
Well I decided not to give in to my dislike of the cold and did walk to my eye appointment and back. A total of 3 hours 22 minutes. And it was a good appointment but bo results yet.

It was a cold walk but I do generate a lot of heat whrn I walk and I had my mp3 player with me for company.
8.0 this morning. And what feels like the start of a cold. Yay.
Morning all. 5.5 after a restless night. This cold is not shifting, despite feeling better. So full up with catarrh, any ideas what i can take (sorry if you're eating breakfast!)? I can't wait to finish now, very tired. Only 4 days left.
Good morning - 9.1

School was shut yesterday as not enough teachers could get there and the buses weren’t running anywhere near schedule. They did email when most people would have already left for school which was a bit of a fail. Nice amount of snow though
5.5 this morning. Seem to have overnight and at least the morning sorted, but I really want to do a basal test for the evening in particular to see how the Levemir is doing then. Trouble is that is my snacking time so it will be tough to fast in that period!

Sensor change this evening, hoping that my 13th sensor will be good and well behaved through Christmas!

Have a good day everyone!
Hi all on this extremely cold morning. -8.3 on weather station and 5.6 on the Libre!

Up at the crack as I’m taking grandson to his work experience and then going shopping. Didn’t get all my shopping over the weekend as there was only small trolleys left! Should be quieter today especially before 9am.

Then off to our brand new GP surgery, it only opened yesterday. It’s huge and all singing and dancing. Bet you still can’t get an appointment though! Just pre colonoscopy bloods. Appointment 28th December, nil by month from breakfast 27th. And I’ve to eat low residue (which I tend to anyways) for a couple of days previously. Mercy Christmas to me! :rofl:

Have a good day. Wrap up warm and by careful. 🙂