Group 7-day waking average?

6.1. And wearing a brand new T-shirt which shows exactly how cold it is outside.
I could take someone’s eye out with my nips! :rofl:
10:43 BS 9.9 Ah well! Sigh! An Exasperated emoji!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

That’ll be the double whammy effect of my a) being Little Miss Bump yesterday & b) obviously underbolusing for a pasta bolognese I had for dinner last night! It took an effort to sleep & stay asleep last night as it was a) icy cold as there was no cloud last night & bright sunshine this morning & b) I was still aching despite the hot water bottles! But, I dropped off eventually, around 03:30 ish?, & my knee is a bit stiff but, no aching & it’s my finger that aches more especially, having to hold the weight of the iPad mini, in left hand, as I type with my right middle finger! 🙄
4.9 for me but took 3 JBs and a dark chocolate ginger biscuit to get there and that was with no evening Levemir again and a 2 unit reduction on my morning dose. I also slept really badly with lots of stressful dreams. Managed to catch each low before it got into the red though which was maybe helped by the dreams waking me up, so that is one positive of having a restless night. I had hoped that going to bed early would help me sleep better, but clearly not. Didn't want to get up again this morning and struggled to motivate myself to inject Levemir.... needing a new cartridge in my pen just seemed like too much effort even though I got it out of the fridge last night so I had it on the bedside table ready. Anyway, it is sorted. Stuck with 20 units today and will just try to ensure my BG is higher at bedtime. Daytime levels yesterday were really good so reluctant to reduce morning dose again and just 8 units of Fiasp got me through the day, with the odd treat.
New sensor day and looks like this will be my last Libre 1 sensor. Quite sad about that as they have served me very well, but hopeful that Libre 2 will be equally good. I have my doubts but will be happy if I am wrong.

Many, many congrats to @Ditto this morning. Absolutely thrilled you got a House Special Jan. Hope it is the first of many and you enjoy your swim. Can't remember the last time I pulled on a cozzie and went swimming but it is many years. It certainly doesn't appeal to me on a day like today when the ground is solid and covered in a smattering of snow. We have a group of "wild swimmers" who come and swim in the river every day just 100yards from my house. They have my utmost respect any day but how people psych themselves up for it on a day like today, I do not know! I will stick with wrapping up warm and yomping up and down the hill for my exercise.
Bread isn’t the best thing for birds. I know it’s what we always used to throw out for them but it’s now no longer advised.
Apparently it’s like crack for them!
Actually, like us, birds are prone to fatty liver and if they get too many carbs it starts to affect them like it can affect us (hence foie gras). So a little bread with some meal worms and fat balls should be fine as that is a reasonable balance of protein and carbs and fat. It is the likes of the ducks in the parks that were getting an almost constant supply of bread from people and little to no protein, which were/are negatively impacted.
Morning all. Well, the sun is shining.... however the Met office was wrong when it said we would have no snow and the temp wouldn't drop below freezing. First thing there was a white coating of "something" on the road and the roof of the shed. It could have been a frost but it looked to be about 1" thick and it's still lingering in places. It looks suspiciously like a thin coating of snow, but it can't be as the Met office said we weren't having any. At 4 am it was chucking it down with rain. I heard it when I went to the loo.

5.8 this morning - all night in range with just a gentle curve upwards to about 6/7 in the middle of the night.

Congratulations @Ditto on your HS. Hope you enjoyed the swim.

Must really do something about Xmas cards today. I am developing a psychological aversion to the whole idea.
Actually, like us, birds are prone to fatty liver and if they get too many carbs it starts to affect them like it can affect us (hence foie gras). So a little bread with some meal worms and fat balls should be fine as that is a reasonable balance of protein and carbs and fat. It is the likes of the ducks in the parks that were getting an almost constant supply of bread from people and little to no protein, which were/are negatively impacted.
And it was also blocking drainage from the lakes and ponds etc and attracting rats.
Actually, like us, birds are prone to fatty liver and if they get too many carbs it starts to affect them like it can affect us (hence foie gras). So a little bread with some meal worms and fat balls should be fine as that is a reasonable balance of protein and carbs and fat. It is the likes of the ducks in the parks that were getting an almost constant supply of bread from people and little to no protein, which were/are negatively impacted.
I heard that the RSPB were saying that it was that people threw more bread that the birds were eating so it went rotten and when people stopped because they were told it was bad for the birds, then the swans in particular were underweight as people then didn't give them more suitable food like the grain and seeds because they would have had to buy it.
I could take someone’s eye out with my nips! :rofl:
My dad usually says "I could hang corduroy coats from my nips" when it's very cold!

Good afternoon everyone. 5'7. Sunday off and no plans, I have laundry to do but it's nice and sunny (tho cold) in here so I'd go for a walk before.
Hey all. 10.3
Not sure if I was too aggressive with reducing basal (still been on the lower side since that tummy bug) or the fact I have been sniffly for a few days and that's raising bg. Baseline is about 9-10 at the mo.
Will do an increase tonight and keep an eye on things :D

Christmas prescriptions picked up yesterday. One less thing to worry about. I was on the fence about actually needing more fast acting but thought don't be silly about it, will be snacking more and probs need more (at least I'm being honest with myself) :rofl:

Booked tickets to see Avatar next Sat morning and going to watch the first one this afternoon at home. Got some popcorn and making a thing of it with the family.

Hope you all have a fabby rest of the weekend x
I got an invite to book an appointment for a telephone lung health check. When I looked at the booklet it said it was targeted at people between 55 and 74 who smoked or had smoked. I was puzzled as I don't smoke and have never smoked.
Of course you start thinking, what do they know that I don't know, has sometime been picked up on some totally unrelated test, anyway I have binned it.

5.2 this morning after my work night out :D. Had a lovely time too, was tempted into having a few "Baby Guinness" shots after we'd had prosecco and I had a gin and tonic...
Awwwa, 😛 I’m one HAPPY BUNNY right now!:D

To my surprise ALL 10 of the last remaining episodes were up around 10:30am on the Chinese tv website & over the last 2 hours they’ve all been subbed in English on myasiantv with a couple of episodes released at a time about every 10/15 minutes! 😱 So, I can watch the whole lot at once & MAN! Do I need the English for the courtroom scenes in the run up to the finale: HAVEN’T got a clue with all that technical new vocabulary; it’ll take me a long time & many rewatches to see if I CAN hear ANY of that Mandarin legal jargon?o_O:confused::D The eternal student in me is relishing the challenge!😛:D😎:rofl:😉

NOW, I just need to remember Strictly on at 19:15 tonight on BBC1! 🙄:rofl:
Talking of the wild swimmers as I was earlier, on my way home past the river tonight, I could see a decent sized bow wave in the distance. I was sure it couldn't be a swimmer as there was no car parked and no one else around and just the one bow wave, so I kept thinking it must just be a large duck and my eyesight isn't what it used to be. I stood watching for several minutes as it gradually got closer and sure enough a lone swimmer! This was at 4pm just as it was getting dusk. I decided that I wanted to see them safely out of the water before I left and was really impressed to see it was a woman in a swimming costume (I really thought they would be using a wetsuit on a day like today). Not surprisingly her skin was glowing bright red when she got out!
I was a bit torn as to whether watching her might be intimidating as I was well wrapped up and she probably couldn't tell if I was male of female from that distance. She had clearly been in the water for a while to have swum up river and then take that length of time to return to the weir and boat house, which is the access point, so I just watched from a distance until she was safely out of the water. No idea how these people protect their gear whilst they are swimming and surely they don't go there without a phone in case they need assistance.
Anyway, really impressed. Maybe one day I will be inspired to give it a go! There are supposedly some amazing health benefits but obviously also some risks, not least being half a mile down stream from a sewerage treatment works, but on a really cold day like today, swimming alone seems even more risky.
Talking of the wild swimmers as I was earlier, on my way home past the river tonight, I could see a decent sized bow wave in the distance. I was sure it couldn't be a swimmer as there was no car parked and no one else around and just the one bow wave, so I kept thinking it must just be a large duck and my eyesight isn't what it used to be. I stood watching for several minutes as it gradually got closer and sure enough a lone swimmer! This was at 4pm just as it was getting dusk. I decided that I wanted to see them safely out of the water before I left and was really impressed to see it was a woman in a swimming costume (I really thought they would be using a wetsuit on a day like today). Not surprisingly her skin was glowing bright red when she got out!
I was a bit torn as to whether watching her might be intimidating as I was well wrapped up and she probably couldn't tell if I was male of female from that distance. She had clearly been in the water for a while to have swum up river and then take that length of time to return to the weir and boat house, which is the access point, so I just watched from a distance until she was safely out of the water. No idea how these people protect their gear whilst they are swimming and surely they don't go there without a phone in case they need assistance.
Anyway, really impressed. Maybe one day I will be inspired to give it a go! There are supposedly some amazing health benefits but obviously also some risks, not least being half a mile down stream from a sewerage treatment works, but on a really cold day like today, swimming alone seems even more risky.

With cold and exercise a hypo could be a real danger with increased chance of cramp especially if circulation has been affected by Big D! :(
With cold and exercise a hypo could be a real danger with increased chance of cramp especially if circulation has been affected by Big D! :(

My levels tend to go high with cold and particularly stress as I imagine the body will experience in cold water, so I very much doubt that a hypo would be an issue and circulation is good so no problems there, plus with wild swimming, particularly at this time of year, it is usually less that 5 mins in the water. I very much doubt I could hypo in that short a time.... but I am a long way off plucking up the courage to do it, so hypothetical at the moment!
My levels tend to go high with cold and particularly stress as I imagine the body will experience in cold water, so I very much doubt that a hypo would be an issue and circulation is good so no problems there, plus with wild swimming, particularly at this time of year, it is usually less that 5 mins in the water. I very much doubt I could hypo in that short a time.... but I am a long way off plucking up the courage to do it, so hypothetical at the moment!
There seems to be a major rescue operation at a lake near Solihull where several people are in critical condition having been rescued from freezing water. I suspect they thought the ice was thick enough to walk on. Madness.