Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Just woke, very late, i must have needed the sleep.

After a much better day yesterday, i've woke to a 7.8. Graph shows that i had a sudden spike to 15 at 3am, no idea what that was all about! Hopefully whatever has been going on with the levels, that was the last of the highs!

Cleaning the house and wrapping presents is on the cards for today, then marinating chicken for Butter Chicken curry tonight. I'm still waiting for one parcel to be delivered by RM. I ordered it 20th Nov and it was despatched 3rd Dec. I've now been told to allow 10 working days for delivery to allow for the strikes. I just hope it arrives before Christmas as it is 4 main gifts!!

Have a good day everyone. Stay warm.
Good morning all, and it’s a 5.7 again for me this chilly sunny morning.
Well, I thought 'don't be lazy. Get out there and go for a walk'. So I did!!! Except that there is a steep hill between my house and the beach. Way too dangerous to try to go up or down ( the other side) so I turned back. 20 minutes walk/slither.

6.6 today, nice bright day but very frosty.

Yesterday I covered 10 Christmas cakes in marzipan, and went for a 6k run, so actually achieved something.

Today, I will be covering another 3 or 4 Christmas cakes in marzipan, depends how many the marzipan I have left will cover. Starting to cover the ones from yesterday in icing and make simple decorations for them, with 17 cakes to decorate I can’t do elaborate decorations as I normally would. Then shopping when hubby gets home fro work.

I have been lucky with all my deliveries except for one thing I am waiting for with RM, which was sent out end of November, but we have the Amazon depot only a few miles away from us, and a number of the major courier companies all have major hubs on the industrial park about 10 mins drive from our house.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Birds water wasn't totally frozen this morning. Just a light tap and a lukewarm top up required. Collared Doves currently hoovering all the seed up, best put some more out in a minute.

Have a good day everyone.
hey all 7.3
Missed long acting the night before last so yesterday was a bit of a struggle and finished the day feeling terrible and high.
Was interesting to see what my body can and can't do itself in the absence of background insulin and had some surprising little ups and downs but by last night I think my pancreas had clocked out for the day from being overworked. Still making/able to use some home grown insulin all be only a lil bit 🙂 Corrected at bedtime and came all the way down from the high teens to normal - proud of nailing that one 🙂

My friend was supposed to be arriving today for a couple of weeks visit but trains were cancelled and we are about to hit rail strikes so he's got a refund on tickets and will look at it again in the new year. Bit rubbish but not much could be done.
I did a mad clear up for his visit so on top of housework and clear diary too so will make the most of being able to kick back. Only a cinema trip on the cards to go see avatar which starts on Friday :D

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend x
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Birds water wasn't totally frozen this morning. Just a light tap and a lukewarm top up required. Collared Doves currently hoovering all the seed up, best put some more out in a minute.

Have a good day everyone.
My bird baths are solid. Put some warm water on them and it’s just froze again! Their seeds have frozen too, brought the feeders in last night to thaw. I’ve put mealworms and bread out on the lawn for them too.
Morning all 6.4 for me this morning. Was having a good day yesterday. 99% in range that was dinner time. Went shopping called in for a coffee before I started tested hoping for the magic 100 lo and behold 15.4 didn't see that coming. Took a correction dose. Tested again when I got home 17.6 It's a funny old game this diabetes. Got a wicked sense of humour. Have a good day folks
4.8 for me this morning after a basal reduction of 2 last night, so back down to zero evening Levemir (Don't you love one less injection!) and went to bed on 9.6 with an upwards sloping arrow which really tempted me to inject a little Fiasp but I resisted, as I knew the exercise I got hauling feed up the hill to the horses last night (4 trips instead of 3) would sort it and sure enough, as soon as I fell asleep, my levels started to drop again without going into double figures, so it looks like I managed it perfectly but still needed corrections yesterday afternoon despite 22 units in the morning. I have cut my morning dose to 20 today though and going to do some less exertive walking during the day as well as the heavy hauling work tonight.
The great thing about walking late at night is that there is almost no traffic and what there is, you can hear coming a mile off, so I can walk on the roads which are mostly salted whereas the pavements are snow and ice. Thankfully I have a good pair of walking boots which give me reasonable grip even on the steep hills, when I do need to use the pavement, but walking on the road makes it a lot easier.

We should have been delivering Santa with the horses and carriage this morning but far too hazardous to try to get out of the farmyard which is on a very steep incline, let alone along the back lanes where there are patches of sheet ice caused by daytime thaw and then refreeze and that is without having to worry about meeting car/van drivers hitting such patches of ice on single track lanes. Just not worth the risk to the horses today. Feel bad about letting Santa down but I am sure someone with a quad bike will deliver him more safely instead of us.
Morning all - just had a very fierce hailstorm, but it's not really that cold by standards of the rest of the UK.

7.2 this morning. Woke at 5:30 when BG was 5.6 and then spent what seemed like hours awake composing a letter in my head to the CEO of Abbott registering a serious complaint about his company's behaviour over the recent LibreLink "updates". Firstly installing a software update on my phone that was not fit for purpose (and since I don't use pens, not needed) without giving me a choice and without my consent. Then producing a further update which has only made things worse and then being told by Customer Services that it is my phone that is at fault despite it operating perfectly well prior to their "updates". The attitude, whilst being delivered perfectly politely, was "tough shit, use the reader". This isn't acceptable and is ruining their reputation in the world of diabetes. etc etc.

Still haven't got Xmas cards done, but I did phone some of the elderly cousins and explain we weren't sending any and were sending a donation to Cornwall Air Ambulance, and at least asking after their health and well being etc which I think is probably more personal than a card just signed "P & J."

@gll Avatar II was being discussed on the Graham Norton show last night. Hubby and I would love to see it, but are disappointed that although it is being shown in local cinemas from 16th it is only going to be in 2D. We saw the original in 3D in Reading and were absolutely stunned! It's a long way to go for a film though! LOL!

@Grannylorraine so nice to see you are drumming up a bit of motivation again

@TinaD, I think you really need to be straight with Taras about the electricity usage. Just tell him the truth and say you really don't want him to be cold, but cannot afford the bills produced by use of the electric heater, would he please use the gas. He sounds a decent enough chap and will probably volunteer a contribution.

Ah well, meeting friends this afternoon as usual for a Saturday and then home to make creamy Chicken and Tarragon casserole for dinner and some to freeze. We've used up all except one of the freezer meals I prepared earlier, so I need to stock up again!

Have a good day all and do keep warm!
My bird baths are solid. Put some warm water on them and it’s just froze again! Their seeds have frozen too, brought the feeders in last night to thaw. I’ve put mealworms and bread out on the lawn for them too.
Obviously don't want to add salt to their water, but maybe a little sugar might help? It has the same effect of changing freezing point I believe and a little extra when it's cold probably won't hurt the birds
5.5 this morning. Wintry showers of sleet have changed into snow. I have therefore changed my daytime plans and rather than car to Tesco for a quick shop (still need to buy myself a £10 litre of Baileys!) then drive to the park I am just going to walk to Tesco. Kids are keen to come along to hopefully play with snow, so hoping it sticks! It will have a layer of ice under from the earlier sleet though so we shall have to walk carefully.

@TinaD I agree with @Pattidevans - be straight with Taras that heating with gas is cheaper than with electricity - and maybe reassure him that even before Russia shut off gas supplies to Europe almost all our gas was home produced anyway!
Obviously don't want to add salt to their water, but maybe a little sugar might help? It has the same effect of changing freezing point I believe and a little extra when it's cold probably won't hurt the birds
I’ll try that. Thanks I never knew that about sugar.
@gll Avatar II was being discussed on the Graham Norton show last night. Hubby and I would love to see it, but are disappointed that although it is being shown in local cinemas from 16th it is only going to be in 2D. We saw the original in 3D in Reading and were absolutely stunned! It's a long way to go for a film though! LOL!
Saw the first one in 3d in cinemas and then again in 2d, bought on blu ray then went back to cinema to see the directors cut and bought that on blu ray too :rofl:
Going to get some home movie snacks and have a night with kiddo to watch the first one before we go see the next one. Kiddo number 2 is entirely uninterested 🙄
Will probs see it in 2d as 3d tends to mess with my eyes after a while.
Either Friday or Monday daytime is looking likely. Sometime quiet we hope 😉
Oops forgot to post! Afternoon- 4.6 at 8:00
4.7 at 7am this morning before getting up and rushing about getting organised for swimming at 9am, then to supermarket as I knew if I went home first I wouldn't want to go out again, having cleared car of frost and ice twice this morning. Frost is still on paths and gardens and probably won't thaw today now. Dogs are still wanting to be in warm house only venturing into garden to toilet, like me they're ageing and prefer warmth to cold.
Hope everyone is keeping warm and having a good day 🙂
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Great Big Sigh! o_O

It seems that I’m Little Miss Bump today A Mr. Bump emoji!: the Mr. Men & Little Misses children’s books I’m always referencing when I refer to myself as Little Miss whatever descriptions that follow describing my current self; my youngest brother & I loved those books as kids & Mr. Bump was my favourite while Little Miss Sunshine was his favourite! 😛😎:D

I’ve just hurt myself for the second time today AND I DID knock my right knee some day last week as well that I vaguely recall after my second bump on that right knee, in 2 weeks, just now! 🙄

I accidentally caught my left index finger knuckle closing the fridge door earlier, getting omelette ingredients for breakfast, & it's still smarting & throbbing. Now I just knocked my right knee against the corner of the bedside chest of drawers getting up from the bed: I did the same thing last week; my bed is currently pushed up against the left hand side bedroom wall so, my right knee is sometimes in the firing line! Sometimes, just to change things up a bit, but, haven’t changed it in at least 4/5 years it’s pushed up against the right hand side wall & my left knee is in the firing line! :confused::D

I’m just ANNOYED that when my right knee is finally calming down after a few nights of aching I’ve just knocked it AGAIN & it’s throbbing as well: both sides of my body currently throbbing; left index finger knuckle & right knee! 😱 I’m a RIGHT Little Miss Bump today with A Blue, Mr. Bump is basically a blue 3D smiley with white bandages around his head, little cartoony ball with arms, legs & little pigtails with a bandaged left finger & bandaged right knee!:rofl:😉

I need to be more careful! 🙄
Hi all. Been AWOL again. Life seems to get in the way too much it seems.
5.4 this morning.

I saw my consultant in person for the 1st time since Feb 2020 (spoken on the phone) and was finally prescribed the libre which I’ve been self finding for about 4 if not 5 years so early Christmas present.