Group 7-day waking average?

@Rybing - I give another vote for Think Like A Pancreas. Only read it this year after 15 years on insulin (!) and it is really eye-opening and explains so much in simple terms!
Morning all - bright and cold, clear blue skies and frost on the car (that's unusual down here).

7.0 this morning. Nice straight line though.

Well, last night was an absolute hoot. I put some crisps and dips out, salmon and Ardennes pates with toasts, party food from Tesco, then a cheese board with bread and cheese biccies followed by mini mince pies and stollen bites with some clotted cream. Effortless on my part even though I felt I was cheating. No one wanted to leave to go down the pub everyone was having such a jolly time. If I say it myself the house felt warm and welcoming with the decorations. We got down the pub and the group were already playing and OMG they were absolutely DIRE! They played every christmas tune so slowly it was like a dirge. Apart from the Doctor the rest of the group were not the normal people in the group. However our bunch were still feeling jolly, pulling crackers and reading out silly jokes from them. I forgot to bolus until I got to the mince pies, but it worked out OK.

@Gwynn CONGRATULATIONS on another HS... how many is that in a row?

@Elenka_HM and @Eternal422 I started self funding the Libre when it first came out and there were no webinars, nor any sort of help and assistance, it was pretty easy to use. I did do the webinar later when it came out and learned a few things I hadn't realised previously. At the moment I am furious with Abbott for presuming we are all happy being told we have the "wrong" phones to use the sensors, when our phones worked perfectly fine prior to their forcing on us 2 "unfit for purpose" software "updates" or was that "downgrades".

@eggyg those stepping stones would put the fear of God into me!

Have a good Friday everyone.
Just been to the vampires....Had a 7 this morning and my 60 day average is running at 7.4 (its an average of lots of readings so the decimal point is permissible). My correlation suggests this will result in an HbA1c of 48 +/- 1. If pushed, I would predict 50 due to changes in my sampling regime. Should have the result tomorrow and will see if my algorithm is any better than those buried in the fancy tech devices.

Had a curious happening the other day. Went to a coffee and chat session with the carers charity I volunteer for and had a very small piece of cake made by one of the ladies there. Also succumbed to a small piece of chocolate brownie - about one third of what I consider an acceptable portion of my own brownie which my system tolerates OK. Got home an hour and a half later and tested to find a reading of 15 - the highest I have seen for a very long time. Should have retested to double check but didn't. On balance I put it down to the cakes and was a useful reminder for me to stick to what I know and be wary of experimentation.
Good morning! 5.0 today.

My Libre starter kit arrived on Wednesday, so I'm all set for the introduction webinar next week. I hope it is helpful and doesn't give me too many headaches.

Two days ago I just arrived to work and a colleague told me off for eating sweets and drinking Coca cola, the full sugar version according to her but I'm 100% sure it was Diet. She said it is very dangerous for me and she would kill me if she catches me, and that she wouldn't be surprised if I go to hospital! I think the appropriate answer would be "mind your own business" but I was too busy laughing at the unexpected, absurd situation. This lady is dramatic like that, better smile and ignore. I understand she doesn't want me to die...we are too understaffed for that :rofl:
I had an argument with a waitress is a restaurant who insisted that Pepsi Max was the full sugar version and the Pepsi was the diet version which is what they brought to the table. So I refused to have it and they got the other one but I didn't notice until we go home we had been charged for both.
Animals done so time for breakfast - today would be ideal for porridge (if it were not for the diabetes) with thick cream and syrup...Currently -3 C despite brilliant sunshine - Lord knows what it was last night - but I left the CH on so didn't feel a thing. A centimetre or so of ice on the water butts, kettle needed to unlatch the dog run. Was having conniptions about Taras who has not gone to work so went and knocked on his door - works party not frozen to death! Hope eevryone is keeping warm.
Morning all

6.2 this morning, following my visit to the DN, she gave me a new meter, currently only have the 10 strips that came with it, but will pick up more strips tomorrow as she sent through 100 on prescription. HbA1C had gone up from 50 to 60, but due to my current mental health issues she said at the moment try and just maintain it and my weight and when my mental health improves then hopefully my weight and bg levels will show an improvement, and then we can work on the diabetes again. She was very kind and understanding.

congratulations to all those who have been getting HS, well done to you all.

Senging my love to those that are struggling, either with diabetes, mental health, physical pain or anything else that is causing them to struggle.

Going to make myself a regular on here again and test every morning.
Morning. 5.7 for me this morning. Had a slightly indulgent breakfast this morning, kids haven't eaten the batons I bought them reduced on Tuesday, so I had a couple of slices of the cheese topped one toasted along with 3 fried eggs instead of 2 which is my normal portion of fried eggs (there were 3 in the box of 15 left and I have another 18 so no point in leaving one...). And lovely Marmite on the toast too! Still less carbs than I would have had before diagnosis as I would have had more pieces of toast then, but I'm curious to see what my post meal BG is
And a 5.7 for me on another fine, sunny and frosty morning .
11:07 BS 9.1 Oops! 😱😳 Just remembered that I forgot to bolus for a cold can of Heinz oxtail soup in the middle of the night: around 3 to 4am; text message woke me up & I wrote a long text back & was too peckish to drop off afterwards!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Text was from my youngest brother now back in London with his wife & son after the last 3 years in HK with dad! He’s staying in London for Christmas & asked me to join him but, I’d rather stay home & recover properly before travelling anywhere so, he’ll come to see me in the New Year, maybe? :confused:

I noticed a change yesterday when cooking in that I’m no longer panting, wheezing & gulping great big mouthfuls of air in through my mouth anymore: STILL short of breath & heart rate is fast after exertion; just NOT quite as bad! With that sign of improvement in breathing & hopefully it keeps getting better: heart rate WILL eventually come down too; breathing always recovers first & heart rate takes longer! I put all that in my text which was very long & took me a long time to type: the TEENY keyboard on the iPhone SE & all those mis hit keys that frustrated me: the keys at edges seem to be the hardest to hit accurately; keep missing the shift key too when needing to type I so it very often comes as ai because I’d hit the a key & not realised it before hitting the i key! :rofl:😉 I have that SAME thing every now & then on the iPad mini BUT, it’s a SO much higher percentage of doing so on the much smaller iPhone SE! 🙄:rofl:
Morning all. No reading as I wasted two strips, agh, dunno what happened there. :( Error messages. Not wasting another, leave it till tomorrow now and concentrate!

Supposed to be at diabetic eye screening, but crying off for the third time. January now then. Don't want to go out in this cold, too crook with cough and general malaise. I just get out of the recliner every so often and stick a Christmas decoration up or out on a bookshelf. S'lookin' a lot like Christmas. I luvs Christmas. Should be like old days when according to Stephen Fry it lasted from 11th November till Candlemas. Love Actually tonight yay. :D
Half an hour late with my post meal reading, but at 5.4 I'm fairly confident it wasn't too high half an hour ago either...
I found the Libre webinar really good - simple to understand which made using the Libre straight away without any problems.
All this talk of webinars and Libre support got me thinking about when the Libre first came out. It was a case of reading the instruction booklet, slapping on the sensor and getting on with it. :D It's great that there's more support on offer now cos it was a bit, not scary, but "I'll just stab this technology into my arm and see how I get on" - a bit like the first moon landing! :rofl::confused: Well, ish.
@Rybing - I give another vote for Think Like A Pancreas. Only read it this year after 15 years on insulin (!) and it is really eye-opening and explains so much in simple terms!
I've read it before but think I'll dust it off for another reading - it really is a great book.

Great minds @Pattidevans. 😉

Lovely to see you posting @Grannylorraine - sorry to hear about your ongoing mental health problems, but it's great to hear you've found a medic who's sympathetic and realistic. I look forward to your posts!
It was a 5.7 for me earlier but I had another dip into the red a couple of hours before that and didn't totally come up out of it with the first two JBs and needed a third, despite a 2 unit Levemir decrease last night....Down to just 2u again. Will try none tonight. Still needing lots through the day though and Fiasp corrections on top, even when exercising. That is stress for you! I am so lucky though that my mind shuts down at night when I sleep and allows my body to recover a bit, although going hypo isn't ideal either of course. It is a fine balance getting my night time doses right at the moment. Maybe I will use the Libre alarms after all, when I get my new Libre 2 sensors.... My repeat prescription has now been changed so I can legitimately chase up Abbott for a Libre 2 reader, even though I have sourced one through other means, it is always best to have a back up.

@Gwynn Congrats on another House Special and pleased the registrar you saw was good, even if you didn't see the main man.

@Grannylorraine I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering when we would here from you again..... and then here you are as if by magic! Maybe the Diabetes Fairy does some good deeds too! Lovely to have you back, although I wish you were not struggling so much with your mental health. It is tough and I can only sympathize. Really pleased that you have such a supportive, realistic and wise nurse though. Hope to see you posting more regularly. (((HUGS)))
Afternoon folks

It was 6.5 for me this morning, hope everyone is keeping warm in this cold snap, I've not long had a steaming hot bowl of cream of tomato soup to heat me up

Finally received my parcel from RM yesterday that's first attempt was made last Saturday, I was upstairs on Tuesday when the postie was away to leave with a parcel so I shouted on him, couldn't find the safe place was the excuse, I literally left a step by step guide on how to find it! Anyway 5 minutes of him wanting me to open the door he finally decided to listen and take it to the safe place so he knows where it is now, even if I didn't have OCD I couldn't oblige and open the door and take the parcel anyway, I only have keys for the back door!

Yesterday had a text off DX Express saying they would attempt delivery from 4:21pm-6:21pm, this was supposed to need signed for, the guy turned up before Bruce was home so I went to the dining room window and told him I was sorry but I didn't actually have a key to open the front door so could he please pop it round the back for me and he had absolutely no problem doing that for me and was a lovely guy, I think I was told it required a signature due to the nature of it's contents, it was a bottle of Absolut Vanilla Vodka from Absolut themselves as an apology for issues I had with a previous bottle so happy days! lol

I have a couple of bits left to get for folk for Christmas but I'll be using Amazon as I'm still waiting on 2 things for Bruce via RM, one was posted the 29th November and still not shown up and the other was apparently being sent to RM on Monday but that's all the info in the app and that's a Tracked 48 so not too happy there

SueEK says hello xxxx