Group 7-day waking average?

Oh Wow!!! So many House Specials this morning! Many congrats to @Eternal422 @MeeTooTeeTwo @Colin g and @Barrowman on achieving the nominated optimum waking reading! Don't think we have ever had 4 in one morning before. Good going guys!

4.3 for me this morning and that involved a single JB for an alleged 3.2 (Libre reading 🙄 ) to get me there. Another 2 unit evening Levemir increase was clearly just a bit too much, but didn't manage to get out for a walk yesterday so thought I would need it especially as I required several corrections yesterday to keep in range.

@Gwynn Can't believe you haven't put the heating on yet! How is your wife coping with that, especially if she isn't getting out for exercise?
Thanks @Pattidevans. You and @rebrascora have reassured me it will pass (i've never had it last this long before).

Congrats to everyone with their HS. What a lot! Well done!
Try increasing basal for 2.5 hours by a conservative amount from 4am. i.e. the lowest hike you can make on the Omnipod, which is 0.05u. If that doesn't work then hike it a touch more, but give it a couple of days first. Hope this helps.
Thanks @Pattidevans. 🙂 It’s the first time in a week that this has happened. Before this, I’ve been going hypo most nights from 4am onwards, so it’s a bit too soon to launch into a basal tweak. I’ll keep an eye on it tho. I hate waking up to a Ruth Madoc (Hi-di-hi) - or should that be a Gladys Pugh? 🙂
For all those who chortled at my ballet commentary I’m pleased to announce there’s another one coming!

Not sure if I’ll see anything else this month but January I’ve already booked for The Magic Flute and today I stumped up more cold hard cash for another ballet, Sleeping Beauty. Both are at Covent Garden.

I’d been tempted to book for Carmen at the ENO but saw an ad for that today and it’s modern dress and seemingly in a car scrap yard. It’s not Matthew Bourne. That combined with it being in English has persuaded me not to bother with that and to book Sleeping Beauty.

I was worried it would be another ballet aimed primarily at kids but I’ve discovered that many dancers regard it as the most technically difficult piece to perform and it’s regarded as the pinnacle of their careers. So I’m guessing it’s good.
I LOVE Sleeping Beauty: look out for The Rose adagio in Act 1; one of ballet’s HARDEST dances for the prima ballerina of any ballet company! Where the poor ballerina has to do a series of balances centre stage one after the other on her own after each suitor turns her around on one foot en pointe & lets go of her hand! 😱 😛 😎
I LOVE Sleeping Beauty: look out for The Rose adagio in Act 1; one of ballet’s HARDEST dances for the prima ballerina of any ballet company! Where the poor ballerina has to do a series of balances centre stage one after the other on her own after each suitor turns her around on one foot en pointe & lets go of her hand! 😱 😛 😎
Normally the poor ballerina is desperate to find the hand of the next suitor to steady her, but I heard the story that Margot Fonteyn (who I saw in the flesh once with Nureyev in Swan Lake when I was a child) had such perfect balance that she stood there en pointe with her leg up in the Attitude, whilst all four suitors came and went, with not a wobble.
First off, Phew! Things seem back to normal on the forum today: just as well to speed things up as I read posts, before posting, & SO many HS Stars to award my reactions to! 😛 😛:D:rofl:😉

Little Miss Slugabed & EXTREMELY Reluctant to Get Up Today is reporting in with 15:12 BS 8.0 Serves me right for being 2 hours late even with my recently moved alarm from 12:00 to 13:00! Now set tomorrow’s to 14:00 & try & get up earlier tomorrow; TRY being the operative word! 😳🙄:rofl:😉

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Why was I SO late? Well, uhm, ah….Blushing a bit…..I was in the middle of a lovely dream when the alarm went off & I just had to finish it! 😳 Don’t ask & I won’t tell! :rofl:😉

Will wait for a bit, before I cook my usual omelette for breakfast, meds & tresiba in & usual 1 hour after eating, for omelette, before bolusing!

That worked very well yesterday & although I ended up using a bit more NR it was still only 82 compared to 120: 1 hour after omelette BS was 12.something & SHOULD have stuck in 10NR but, too quick a calculation in my head & I stuck in 12 before I realised but, it wasn’t detrimental & followed that with 34 & 36 for lunch & dinner! I followed my instincts to decrease the other meal doses too & things were fine so, I’ll do the same today albeit I’m starting a bit higher? 🙂:confused:

You can skip the next bit if you wish about Chinese drama? :confused: I won’t know & I don’t mind!🙂

FINALLY after over a week of no episodes, China in mourning for former President that died, the entertainment ban on tv has been lifted & scheduled dramas, all of them & not just the one I’m watching, are back on! 🙂

I don’t know about the other delayed dramas but, mine is releasing 2 episodes a day until Sunday & then, it’s 1 a day until next Thursday for the final episode to catch up on the original airing schedule! :D

I may have had a long wait there but, It’s now more-or-less in one uninterrupted block until next Thursday! 😛
Normally the poor ballerina is desperate to find the hand of the next suitor to steady her, but I heard the story that Margot Fonteyn (who I saw in the flesh once with Nureyev in Swan Lake when I was a child) had such perfect balance that she stood there en pointe with her leg up in the Attitude, whilst all four suitors came and went, with not a wobble.
I know! It’s a legendary performance that’s STILL talked about! 😎😛:D
Morning all... another "can't make it's mind up" day... black clouds through the front windows, blue skies at the back.

7.2 at 9am, following 2 x JBs at 05:30 when I was rudely awakened first at 4.3 and again at 5:47 with another 4.3 and 2 more JBs. Completely different pattern to previous nights. Still, I was never actually hypo.

@ColinUK , I await your comments on the ballets you have booked. I saw Carmen (the ballet) at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. A beautiful traditional theatre. We had good seats in a box. Unfortunately we had to share the box with several Russians who had been given the "treat" for producing the most wheat (or something). They all had the most terrible BO... but then all Russians had BO in those days, but we didn't usually have to get so close to them except briefly in the hotel lifts!

WOW! What a clutch of HSs. Congratulations on @Barrowman , @MeeTooTeeTwo , @Eternal422 and last but not least @Colin g

Must get ready... we are hosting a drinks and snacks do at 6pm before going down to the pub to watch "The Four Tunes" one of which is a doctor at my surgery. Very good group and they will be doing Christmas tunes tonight. Should get us in the mood.
One ballet and now two operas as I’ve booked seats, as in real proper seats in the middle of the balcony rather than in the gods, to take myself and a friend to see Tannhäuser in early Feb.

So that’s Magic Flute and Tannhäuser for the operas and Sleeping Beauty keeping up the ballet side of things! Can’t wait!

Enjoy the do this evening and don’t get caught lingering under the mistletoe with anyone you shouldn’t!
You lucky lucky so-and-so. We dreamt about a holiday in a puddle!
I say puddle but it was really the stain in the road where the puddle used to be!
I LOVE Sleeping Beauty: look out for The Rose adagio in Act 1; one of ballet’s HARDEST dances for the prima ballerina of any ballet company! Where the poor ballerina has to do a series of balances centre stage one after the other on her own after each suitor turns her around on one foot en pointe & lets go of her hand! 😱 😛 😎
Lots of comments online about whether that’s the highlight of the ballet or just the most technically difficult part.
It was Fonteyn who said that dancing the role meant that she finally knew she could dance. Or something like that.
I’m GREEN with jealousy @ColinUK 😉 No, not REALLY! REALLY, I insist!:rofl:😉 Or is that….I protest?:D
Honey don’t be. This is the friend who occasionally goes silent, threatens suicide, hops over to somewhere exotic without notice because of his mental health, can’t actually be relied upon to attend anything that’s in the calendar for next week let alone for months in advance so I’ll likely end up with a lovely space next to me because he’ll not be able to come on the day. But heigh-ho, que sera sera etc.
Ooh, what I’d give to have a holiday in a stain!
Holiday? It wasn’t a holiday! We used to have to get up an hour before we went to bed and dig the road before heading out and gathering morning dew to make the tiniest puddle known to man before father came back home from working in the mines and bathed in the puddle filling it with coal dust before we were allowed to even think about climbing in!
Holiday? It wasn’t a holiday! We used to have to get up an hour before we went to bed and dig the road before heading out and gathering morning dew to make the tiniest puddle known to man before father came back home from working in the mines and bathed in the puddle filling it with coal dust before we were allowed to even think about climbing in!
You left out the fact that it was uphill both ways to your fathers work.
You left out the fact that it was uphill both ways to your fathers work.
Only both ways! Luxury! Sheer bloody luxury!