Group 7-day waking average?

7.5 when I went to bed and 7.5 when I woke up the first time and injected Levemir and a nice straight line again overnight but this time with 2 units of evening Levemir, so a 2 unit increase, which was clearly the right decision. Added another 2 units this morning (making it 22u) because I needed too many corrections yesterday, injected it and went back to sleep as I do, but had incredibly stressful dreams and woke up an hour later with heart pounding and 9.8 with a vertical upward arrow.... the power of stress!! Hit it with what is for me a massive dose of 8 units of Fiasp and still waiting for it to come down into range so I can eat my breakfast yogurt, seeds and berries.
Need to get some leg swinging miles under my belt today so that I can reduce those basal doses back down. Better day for it too.

@Gwynn Hoping your wife picks up today. Fingers crossed.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats on your return to form with the House Special this morning.

@eggyg Those photos are amazing. Are they yours or B's because if yours, you need to enter them in his camera club competition and steal some of his trophies off him! 😉 Just stunning! Hope that cough is improving! It should be with all that fresh air and exercise!
Good afternoon! My BG was 5'9 around an hour ago. Had a nice lie in.

My trip to the hospital this Sunday ended well. After 4 hours I got a regular UTI diagnosis (what I expected) and some antibiotics that worked a treat. I'm alright now.

And next day I had other good news. I'm attending a Libre introduction webinar next week, and if the sensor gets delivered in time, I'll start using the system then. Would be an early Christmas present, though it has a dark side: would be easier to see the "damage" from any season excess! :D
Oh, and the doctor who saw me at emergencies asked about my BG. I mention I reduced my basal and she said " I thought you had to raise your insulin when you have an infection" and I've read that here, but actually my levels were not higher than normal, actually a bit lower (I think because I ate less) so it didn't make sense. It's interesting.
And it was a 5.7 for me earlier this fine sunny but frosty morning, just for a change from the gloom of the last few days.
Well kiddos tooth pull was a bit of a difficult one. She's all done now though.

@Elenka_HM I had a really ikky tummy the other week (that went on for a week) and was fully expecting back to back hypers when I ended up with back to back hypos. D likes to throw you curveballs :D
Hope you are feeling a bit better now x
Oh, and the doctor who saw me at emergencies asked about my BG. I mention I reduced my basal and she said " I thought you had to raise your insulin when you have an infection" and I've read that here, but actually my levels were not higher than normal, actually a bit lower (I think because I ate less) so it didn't make sense. It's interesting.
She's right, normally any infection will cause a rise in BGs. Looks like you and @gll are bucking the trend!
Although I cannot speak for for DUK, I know the mods and admin are well aware of the problem (I was doing overtime yesterday removing duplicate after duplicate). I am sure it has been referred to the boffins!

Liked your description of The Nutcracker @ColinUK. Was that the "modern dress" production that has been greeted with critical scepticism?

EDIT.... I have just posted this and got the "server" error. I just ignored it and found that the post had been made but the "reply" box had not been cleared. So for the time being, if anybody gets the "server error" message then maybe just ignore it and do not try to repost your message because it will have gone first time.
I posted three times yesterday but realised and deleted them myself, I’ve learnt today, nothing happened so left it and went off on my merry way, got back home and seen it had gone but the reply box was still full. I’ve deleted it now.
I think I either need to go back to spelling school or Specsavers. I thought it said severe error! TBF, it was! :rofl:
I’ve read and digested all today’s posts, some I was able to react to some I couldn’t.
@Elenka_HM I never notice my BGs going up if I have an infection, I too like to buck the trend. Glad you’ve got your UTI sorted, there’s nothing worse.
@MeeTooTeeTwo congratulations on your HS, I couldn’t give you a star.
@ColinUK your description made me laugh.
@zippyjojo hope all goes well with your scan.
@freesia you're having a real tough time, hope a couple of weeks off at Christmas and New Year see you get sorted.
@rebrascora they are all my photos from my Panasonic LUMIX compact camera. I’m happy with them but Mr Eggy’s are far superior, as in the detail when you look close up. But I’m a simple soul and quite happy with my point and shoot. Mr Eggy took a “selfie” of us today with the self timer on his super duper camera. It’s an absolute cracker. We were very high up on Wansfell Pike, I thought I was going to die at one point, I could hardly breathe, but in the long run the fresh air is good for me ( I think!) :rofl:


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@Wannie and @eggyg thank you both.

Today has been awful again. I usually have 3u at breakfast but today had a whopping 7u by 9am and i still spiked to 19!!! It only dropped to 11 to had 2u correction with the lunchtime dose and its still not coming down. I've changed pens, upped basal, seems like i need to up it even more. Roll on the christmas holidays now, 7 more get ups.
@Wannie and @eggyg thank you both.

Today has been awful again. I usually have 3u at breakfast but today had a whopping 7u by 9am and i still spiked to 19!!! It only dropped to 11 to had 2u correction with the lunchtime dose and its still not coming down. I've changed pens, upped basal, seems like i need to up it even more. Roll on the christmas holidays now, 7 more get ups.
This was what happened to me after my first Covid vaccine and I kept fire fighting with bolus insulin and then reluctantly increasing and increasing my basal every few days/week until it was almost double what I had been on. My feeling is that the vaccine triggered my immune system to kill off a few more of my remaining functional beta cells.... possibly the last remaining ones. It was a very frustrating 2-3 months and then one day I fell off the cliff edge with all that insulin and hypoed 7 times in the day. (it was a particularly active day). I dialed my basal back a couple of units and it has been more or less stable at that dose give or take a couple of units for exercise or being more sedentary ever since, so I am guessing it was probably the end of my honeymoon period. I hope it settles down soon for you.
I really do sympathize as it was a very difficult and frustrating time trying to manage it.
This was what happened to me after my first Covid vaccine and I kept fire fighting with bolus insulin and then reluctantly increasing and increasing my basal every few days/week until it was almost double what I had been on. My feeling is that the vaccine triggered my immune system to kill off a few more of my remaining functional beta cells.... possibly the last remaining ones. It was a very frustrating 2-3 months and then one day I fell off the cliff edge with all that insulin and hypoed 7 times in the day. (it was a particularly active day). I dialed my basal back a couple of units and it has been more or less stable at that dose give or take a couple of units for exercise or being more sedentary ever since, so I am guessing it was probably the end of my honeymoon period. I hope it settles down soon for you.
I really do sympathize as it was a very difficult and frustrating time trying to manage it.
Thanks @rebrascora. It makes you feel rubbish at trying to manage it and rubbish with the constant highs. I really hope you are feeling a little better in yourself
For all those who chortled at my ballet commentary I’m pleased to announce there’s another one coming!

Not sure if I’ll see anything else this month but January I’ve already booked for The Magic Flute and today I stumped up more cold hard cash for another ballet, Sleeping Beauty. Both are at Covent Garden.

I’d been tempted to book for Carmen at the ENO but saw an ad for that today and it’s modern dress and seemingly in a car scrap yard. It’s not Matthew Bourne. That combined with it being in English has persuaded me not to bother with that and to book Sleeping Beauty.

I was worried it would be another ballet aimed primarily at kids but I’ve discovered that many dancers regard it as the most technically difficult piece to perform and it’s regarded as the pinnacle of their careers. So I’m guessing it’s good.
Good morning. 5.7. Very cold here.
Struggling with EDF to get my smart meter replaced - it hasn't produced any data for several months. Rather a struggle to climb up ladder to read the ordinary meter - which I need to do to keep an eye on Taras' electricity consumption as his accommodation is electric heating. I should prefer some warning before receiving a bill bigger than the national debt.
Failed on African drum search - music shop shut and none in charity shops so it is back to Amazon. Cardigan High St the opposite of busy but found a copy of Delia's veggie selection for £1.99 - NB should stop colleting cook books!
Have a good day all.
Good morning - 5.7
Morning all. 6.8.

Been awake a while but had a decent nights sleep, for a change. Still coughing though. Yesterday’s fell climb didn’t kill me but nor did it cure me! Last full day today, just a flat ( ish) walk around Grasmere today, it’s our favourite lake and have walked round it more times than I care to remember but it looks different every time. Another sunny, frosty day so it will be beautiful.

Have a great day and keep warm.🙂


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