Group 7-day waking average?

Hmm maybe I should think about Christmas decorations. Normally I would put them up mid November, but with all the pain and stress of late somehow I just don't feel very Christmassy. Definitely no lights this year !!! (Except on Christmas day perhaps). I resent giving extra money to the energy firms for nothing. Somehow I must get into 'Christmas'. Any suggestions?
We have some tree lights which are battery operated. Still money to someone but not the electricity company.... I'm only putting them on when we're actually in the room to enjoy them
Morning all. 🙂 5.6 here.

Sorry @Robin - I gave Dawn the boot, looks like she headed to your neck of the woods! 😉

Only four times a day @eggyg - don’t want you overdosing. 😱 Glad to hear the veggie meal was excellent.

Ugh, tried Konjac noodles last night, won’t be having them again. Weird texture. Shame, I was looking forward to trying them.

Happy Tuesday folks.
Afternoon everyone. I was 9.1 this morning and have been rising ever since, despite corrections. Ever since the covid booster i've had problems with levels. They rose to very high so i raised the basal. As soon as they started to drop again, i lowered basal but now i have a cold again and they're staying in the mid teens again. I'm really fed up, the Tresiba takes 3-4 days to show/make a difference so by the time it starts kicking in i need to reduce it again.

I've read all the posts today, some have let me like/care etc but others not. If its not, please don't think i don't like or care. I do.
4.9 this morning. Did some experimenting last night with alcohol versus BG again, more than I had planned as I managed to knock the saucepan with the low carb stew I was making off the stove top (smoked gammon & pumpkin, hadn't yet added the black eyed beans) so as kids food was nearly cooked and my friend was already over I had to knock us up an alternative meal quickly so chucked a tin of tomatoes in with tins of red kidney beans, black eyed beans and chickpeas and some smoked paprika, crushed chillies and tomato & Chipotle seasoning mix to make a quick veggie chilli. As we were having it with white rice that made the meal slightly more carb-heavy than planned, and my pre-meal BG was 6.8 (probably the stress from knocking over the pan!) and had some cake, so after 2 hours BG was 9 despite having already had a couple of glasses of wine. It came down to 5 another 2 hours later at bedtime though so shouldn't have too much impact on HbA1c (still not been contacted by GP surgery to arrange repeat bloods for that).

Today has been busy at work, but not as much as it could have been. Tomorrow will be manic....
Surgical consult done. Upshot is another MRI and ultrasound. This time he wants more slices in the MRI and both scans done with movement as he needs to see what’s happening with the tendons when they extend/retract etc.
He thinks that it might actually be healing itself in which case no surgery!

Off to the ballet as a last minute treat. Nutcracker at Covent Garden!

And hopefully the forum bug thing will be resolved soon. I’m assuming that DUK are aware of it?
Surgical consult done. Upshot is another MRI and ultrasound. This time he wants more slices in the MRI and both scans done with movement as he needs to see what’s happening with the tendons when they extend/retract etc.
He thinks that it might actually be healing itself in which case no surgery!

Off to the ballet as a last minute treat. Nutcracker at Covent Garden!

And hopefully the forum bug thing will be resolved soon. I’m assuming that DUK are aware of it?
Thats good if no surgery is needed. How long would it take to heal by itself? Or is that one of those questions no one can answer..

Enjoy the ballet, i love The Nutcracker!
Thats good if no surgery is needed. How long would it take to heal by itself? Or is that one of those questions no one can answer..

Enjoy the ballet, i love The Nutcracker!
He isn’t sure that’s what’s going on hence the further scans.
If it is healing by itself then the usual timescale is “around a year or so” and they’re counting from July so we’re around 4 months in.
Let’s see what the next scans show but it does seem positive if somewhat puzzling.
Ballet Report.

Never seen The Nutcracker before and to think I thought that opera plots were generally absurd. Nutcracker is about what happens when little kids get given mind altering substances by otherwise seemingly benign old men who lure them in with wooden nutcrackers.

Kids then get off their faces and imagine what seemed like half lion half mouse creatures fighting a battle with really rather pretty soldiers.

The soldiers were so bad they must have been Russian conscripts because the first thing they did pretty much was start waving a white flag.

The lion/mouse creatures are destined for war crimes trials as they ignored the white flag and killed many soldiers until off-her-face Kid attacked their king with her shoe.

Then the old man/grandpa/wizard/pusher gave her another dose of whatever it is he’s selling and the drugs really kicked in.

Transported in her mind to an alternate reality where random people, many pairs but sometimes larger groups and sometimes alone, danced what could perhaps be termed “ethnic” dancing or were first year drama students who’d been given the task to dance like a snowflake. Be the snowflake.

She wakes up on Christmas Day with the most almighty of comedowns. She is soon wandering the street and sees a man who looked just like one of the toy soldiers and/or the nutcracker.

It was pretty though and I’d see it again.

Hopefully without a bored 8 year old sat next to me and being resolutely ignored by her parents other than to pass her plastic water bottles made of the crinkly kind of plastic that makes a noise if you even look at it.

She kept asking mum (hers not mine) what was happening and who the people were on stage and why are they dancing like that.

I didn’t hear what mum was saying but it wasn’t convincing. The daughter commented at one point “So it’s just a bunch of people dancing for no reason at all other that to be pretty?”

There’s no better reason than that to dance!
Good morning - 4.6
@ColinUK i never knew the plot to the Nutcracker until now!! I just loved the music and dancing.

Morning all. A high 12.6 again. I really don't know whats going on atm apart from feeling unwell since both vaccines (though i've not got covid). I'm tired with all the highs, drops from corrections and rebounds, feeling unwell, shattered with the business of work in the run up to christmas and fed up generally with everything else. I thought i wasn't doing too bad managing but these last two weeks have been awful.

Sorry for the moan first thing in the morning but i don't even feel like i have the energy to get out of bed let alone go into work and act all jolly and excited.
Good morning everyone

A bad day yesterday. My wife was not well...again. No idea what today will bring.

BG 5.0 sigh I was hoping for a third HS in a row. Still 5.0 is good. Mustn't complain

Today, i think I will hide.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
4.9 today for me.

The sensor seems to have started behaving after its 2 hour breakdown yesterday! When it started giving readings again instead of wait 10 minutes messages the chart showed a gap then a spike to 18 before quickly coming back to actually pretty close to BG readings. Having already filled in the online form to Abbott I had an email last night asking for some more info, so I gave them all I had but said that as it was now working I would continue using it for the rest of its life (hopefully it continues to behave now!). Let’s see what they say/do.

In other news the car service went smoothly and windscreen chip repaired remarkably well, can hardly see it now. Still searching for insurance, paid £397 last year and the renewal came in at £775! Several other quotes were also around £700, however got a broker working on it and had a much better quote from LV for £346, so will be going with them if nothing better comes up! Shocking increase from the current insurer though and surprised at the high quotes from others too!

@ColinUK , your plot summary gave me a real good laugh! “Be the Snowflake” :rofl: You really should write a book of all these plot summaries, sort of like a Bluffers Guide to Ballet & Opera perhaps?

Hope everyone is keeping warm and well, I expect we’ll be getting the Daily Mail/Mirror headlines of “Britain in Blizzard Whiteout Forecast” and “Snowfall will Grind the Country to a Standstill” soon, if not already?

Have a good day everyone!
5.8 and not had a 5.anything as a waking figure in a long time.

Glad that my ballet plot post has raised a few giggles 🙂
It really was rather beautiful and the whole of the second act is reason enough to see it again. I think I’ll save up for a better seat next year. It still won’t be a “decent” seat but it won’t be right at the back of the Gods!

I think I posted the news from the surgical consult yesterday but can’t recall. More scans and more investigation as the surgeon is now thinking it’s starting to heal by itself which is great news as it will mean no surgery perhaps.

No idea why that positive news and the pleasant evening at the ballet followed by a solid 6hrs sleep has left me feeling like I do right now though.

I’m utterly wiped out mentally and would really quite like to pull the covers over my head and ignore the outside world.

Mental ill-health sometimes really sucks quite frankly.
Morning all. 7.1 on this very cold morning. Apparently -3, forecast -5 tomorrow. I love it better than mild wet weather.

We’re up and at ‘em already. Sitting having brekkie with our thermals on. Will leave as soon as day breaks or maybe not long afterwards. Going to be a glorious day. Looking forward to it as I was confined to barracks yesterday on the order of Sergeant Major Eggy. I was so bored! I’m no good at doing nothing, I read, and finished, my book, I started another one, I even put the telly on, it’s all house/antiques/ holiday home shows. I was so desperate I watched the Politics Show on BBC2!
Fingers crossed my chest won’t start hurting in the cold, it was fine yesterday, although still coughing. We’ve a short walk and a long walk planned according to my fitness. Going to definitely do Stock Ghyll Falls as it’s not far away.

See you all tomorrow. Photos from Monday and our walk to High Sweden Bridge.
Have a fab day and get wrapped up.


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