Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.3 on this cold morning.

Had a great day yesterday, a nice circular 2.5 hour walk up to a lovely old packhorse bridge. Then back for a late lunch, a chill, then got our glad rags on for our date night. Cinema and dinner, all in the same venue. Never been to a purely vegetarian restaurant before, it was superb. We would definitely go again. Hard to bolus for and I went for the split dose option, didn’t stop me spoiling my unicorn day, up to that point, by shooting up to 12! Ah well, it’s just one day and was worth every single mmol!

Not quite sure of the plans for today, we were leaving it to see how I was feeling, still coughing and I know have pain, on and off, in my back. Hoping I’m not coming down with a chest infection. Although I don’t cough as much when I’m outside in the cold as I do in the warm cottage. We’ll see.
@Bloden thanks for cough medicine recommendation, got some Robitusson first thing yesterday and am taking it regularly.

I too can’t react to some posts, so I’m not ignoring you. Congratulations @Gwynn I couldn’t add a star to your post this morning.

Happy Coosday everyone. I met these chaps on our walk yesterday. Aren’t they gorgeous.


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10.1 dawn party (although libres changed that to about 9.something ish)
New sensor and not sure how accurate is will end up being. Will check it when I haven't just had brekkie and rising 😉 Went to go for a shower last night to find the sensor half off and not really recoverable with some tape. Bg was tumbling after eating enough carbs to annoy it so assume the filament was a bit out so reported to abbot and hopefully will be replaced (it was 3 days old).

Off to get ready to go for bloods and need to wrap up. Getting a high of 3 here today with lows down to -2. Hot water bottles at the ready and lots of hot cups of coffee...okay okay thats like everyday for me but still, will appreciate the warmth a little bit more than usual :D

Have a great day everyone <3
Morning all. 🙂 5.6 here.

Sorry @Robin - I gave Dawn the boot, looks like she headed to your neck of the woods! 😉

Only four times a day @eggyg - don’t want you overdosing. 😱 Glad to hear the veggie meal was excellent.

Ugh, tried Konjac noodles last night, won’t be having them again. Weird texture. Shame, I was looking forward to trying them.

Happy Tuesday folks.
Good morning everyone, hoping everyone is well. I've been missing for a few days as the bug took its hold of me and have struggled to fight it:( Feeling better now and more in control though still coughing and sneezing but not as frequently.

I'm also having problems responding to some posts.
Congratulations @Gwynn on the house star 🙂

5.5 for me this morning, have a good day everyone x
Also having issues responding to posts on here so I’m happy to know that it’s not just me!

6.7 this morning.

Surgical consult at the hospital later. Or I think it is as I’ve had a text reminder but not the appointment letter. I’ll turn up a little early so I can report to main reception and they can hopefully find out where I’m supposed to be.

Wrote this this morning. Took quite a lot of effort for something which started off as quite the bit of fluff in my head.
I think it’s complete but it might be improved with a couple of tweaks. I’ll read it aloud a few times and see how it flows etc.

4.3 this morning for me, but shortly after that reading, on the next scan I got the dreaded “Sensor Error” message and after loads of waiting 10 minutes and scanning again I still get that message. Of course it’s happened on the ONE DAY I am out so I’m flying a bit blind until I can get back home later on this morning to fit on a new sensor. Fingers crossed this is just a bad sensor (only lasted 7 days) and the next one will behave as I’ve been quite successful in general with them up to now.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS - what a winning streak!

Hope everyone has a great day!
5.9 for me today. 🙂

I hope DUK sort out this technical issue soon as it’s very irritating!
A nasty 18.5 im sick of it to be honest. T1 diagnosed 2 years ago and im 45. Im trying so hard but its not getting any better.
I’m sorry to hear this. Half the trouble is the lack of education given to newly diagnosed T1s. They tell you “inject this and that will happen” you then get frustrated because “that” doesn’t actually happen and you don’t know why. You feel it’s your fault. Believe me it's not! I found things a lot easier when I began to understand all the underlying “mechanisms” that can affect us. I would seriously suggest that you get a copy of “think like a pancreas” by Gary Scheiner. It opened my eyes to a lot of things I should have been told but wasn’t. Not your diabetic team’s fault really, just lack of time and resources. Buy the book and read it through, not just once. Keep it by you.

One thing I will say is that if your basal insulin dose is wrong nothing else will be right. I can’t post the way of basal testing right now as I don’t have it on my iPad. Later when I get to my laptop I will.
Morning all - bit gloomy today and it has certainly turned much colder. Will have to dig out my big coat methinks.

8.0 this morning. The 8.0 being the result of JBs and temp basal. Will really have to adjust basals from about 11pm as the early hour drop is beginning to bug me seriously. I've been putting it off, but I can now see a clear pattern so....

Not a lot on today except for grocery shopping for party foods for our little get together on Thursday evening and B12 and blood let appointment at 16.10. Did make a start on our Xmas newsletter yesterday afternoon when we got back from Aldi triumphantly bearing another "Marc de Champagne" Xmas pud - along with a load of stuff we had had no intention of buying like half a leg of lamb and a pork leg with crackling joint. We are not to be trusted in supermarkets! Seriously!

I'm really dragging my feet about Christmas cards.... it's so expensive to post them now and I feel like it's such an effort to write the damn things. Plus the RM is on strike most of the time between now and Xmas... but I've already received some from elderly cousins who I've not seen since I was 15... so I guess I had better do something about them. Oh well.

@rebrascora , I am sorry that it's more complicated than I had at first thought. You have my sympathies regarding depression... you are so helpful to everyone else that it never occurred to me that you were in a bad way yourself. Lots of HUGS.

@Gwynn...more congratulations on another HS.

@ColinUK that is a very moving poem. It's very expressive and made tears spring to my eyes.

@Rybing, the basal test instructions are attached. I see from elsewhere on the forum that you are on Toujeo which isn't the easiest of insulins to adjust, but doing the basal testing would be helpful to you, if only as a basis to discuss matters with your DSN.

Hugs to everyone else... have a good Tuesday.


Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Just been to the surgery for the feet tickling. All would appear to ok with blood pressure as well. Blood taken in be surgery for HbA1C, which is a first for me.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, just to say I like you all, I just couldn't 'like' you all. 🙂 7.7 today, that's better.

Are there any good Christmas adverts this year? I don't really like any of them. My fave is the long stemmed broccoli with the brass instrument on the Food Network, he's cute. I particularly dislike the Lidl bear, right grumpy looking bugger. They used to have dogs jumping on trampolines back in the day, what happened!?
Pleased to report no hypo last night and in fact I went to bed on 7.9 and woke up on 7.9 (the first time) with a remarkably straight line overnight. Injected my Levemir and went back to sleep and woke up proper on 8.3, so a little bit of DP starting to happen but not surprising when there was no evening basal in my system and morning dose not quite had time to get going. Jabbed 5 units for breakfast but then decided I needed to be a bit heavier handed so shot myself another 1.5 and still waiting for my levels to come down so that I can have breakfast. Looks like that after thought shot was probably a good move as it seems to have been eaten up by FOTF.
And it was a 5.9 for me earlier this fine sunny morning, just for a change from the gloom of the last few days.
So, just got back home and guess what?! The Libre sensor now scans! Maybe it didn’t like its outing this morning to the garage to get the car serviced and took some time to wake up?

Oh well. I’ve already completed a form to Abbott about it so let’s see what they say, if they don’t want this one back then I’ll continue with it for the remaining 7 days as long as it behaves.
13:16 BS 5.3 🙂

STILL problems & having to reload the page to react is too tedious so, stopped posting reactions to speed up the reading of posts on this thread before posting myself! 🙄 Emojis are working ok, though, BUT, that’s no problem for me: I’ve always posted my own special ones in my special way anyway!:rofl:😉

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Slept much more easily & better last night as I only cooked once, an omelette, toast & tea for MY lunch at 18:00, & had a can of soup around midnight before bed! So, not wired! 🙂

Was actually awake since about 10:30 but, stayed horizontally in bed & BS didn’t rise with DP, clearly after testing it just now when my moved to alarm went off at 13:00.

You CAN skip the rest if you wish? I won’t know! :confused:

I have been TERRIBLY FRUSTRATED since las Thursday when all of a sudden after episodes 23 & 24 aired, as usually expected, on Wednesday there’s been NOTHING at all! So, I did some searching on the internet to a) find episode 25 ANYWHERE even without English subtitles & that took ages then, b) find out the reason for no sign of it ANYWHERE & has it been cancelled? :confused::(

AND FINALLY found the answer! Phew! At least I know why now! 🙂

A former Chinese President died last week & the country is in mourning with the airing of tv dramas paused, estimates are for a week, not unlike the BBC’s more-or-less total blanket coverage when Prince Phillip & then, The Queen died: just as well that we COULD watch the other channels apart from the BBC if we wanted to! 🙄 So, hopefully the contemporary drama, which I’m WELL into now, will continue airing soon once the, I’m guessing is EVEN more extreme, blanket mourning on tv is over?:confused:

So, I’m finally up & will cook omelette for breakfast now! 😛