Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.2 at 6am, and a unicorn day yesterday.

Still coughing, been awake a lot through the night. Mr Eggy got up at 6 and brought me a nice hot cup of tea and a piece of buttered toast in bed. No time to pre bolus but hey, sometimes you’ve gotta do what you gotta do. Feeling a bit better now, still in bed, but not sure I’ll get back to sleep. Think I’m going to have to resort to a cough bottle, as my mother used to call it, I know it won’t cure it, but I need to soothe it as we’re going to the cinema tonight and having a coughing fit will be not only embarrassing but annoying for the other film goers. Any recommendations for a sugar free cough syrup? I’ve never had cough medicine for years.

We had another decent walk yesterday, weather not as good as the day before but mostly dry. Got quite high and had fantastic views over Windermere. 5 miles, 51 floors! Hoping to go to Upper Sweden Bridge, no where near the country of the same name! We’ll see how I feel later. Won’t be a long day as we need to get back to get ready for tonight, film at 5.50.

Have a Happy Monday folks.


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Morning folks. 🙂 5.5 here.

Well, here’s a thing, now that I’ve got my shiny new Libre 2 reader (thank you Abbott) the phone app has pulled its socks up and its alarms are now “available”. Only problem is I’ve got one of those sensors that trends low all the time hahaha, so the alarms are going off left right n centre - I sound like one of those fancy doorbells...very festive!

Wow @eggyg you take a lovely pic. 🙂 🙂 I hope that pesky cough disappears asap (I take Robitussin sugar-free for a nasty cough - does the trick).
Good morning everyone forgot to post yesterday

And would you beleive it BG this morning 5.2 yessss

BP is up a bit tho

Today...nothing planned. I can't even think of what to do for tea tonight. Yestday was a cheese and tomato pizza with extra toppings. Takes me longer to prepare but it is worth it.

Oh hang on I have to take my old phone in to get its charging port replaced.

I am really not keen to go out in the cold for my early morning walk too. It takes me about a mile to warm up too. I don't like being cold. Oh well...

(And morning BG yestetday was 4.7)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.8 this morning.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS!

And @eggyg congrats on your courtaversary!!
Thanks Colin, I take it you saw my FB post. 47 years! Blimey, don’t know who needs a medal more, me or Mr Eggy! :rofl:
How about one each?!
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

And another 5.4 for me this morning, that’s three 5.4’s in the last 24 hours. Is my TEE2 still working okay I ask myself?
4.6 this morning for me and a lovely straight line overnight without any of those nasty red dips! Looks like my basal isn’t too bad as far as overnight is concerned.


Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
3.3 according to Libre and I woke up an hour earlier on 3.9 and had a jelly baby which doesn't seem to have made a ha'peth of difference. Still no evening Levemir and no walking yesterday again and roasted peanuts before bed. I am needing plenty of insulin during the day, but less than none at night! :confused: Will just have to bump my levels up a bit higher before bed tonight and hope that keeps me out of the red.

Congrats to @Gwynn on yet another House Special. You are making it look far too easy!

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs @eggyg Sending (((HUGS))) to you both! Photos are amazing. Hope your cough eases soon and you enjoy your film tonight. What are you going to see?
3.3 according to Libre and I woke up an hour earlier on 3.9 and had a jelly baby which doesn't seem to have made a ha'peth of difference. Still no evening Levemir and no walking yesterday again and roasted peanuts before bed. I am needing plenty of insulin during the day, but less than none at night! :confused: Will just have to bump my levels up a bit higher before bed tonight and hope that keeps me out of the red.

Congrats to @Gwynn on yet another House Special. You are making it look far too easy!

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs @eggyg Sending (((HUGS))) to you both! Photos are amazing. Hope your cough eases soon and you enjoy your film tonight. What are you going to see?
Thanks Barbara. We’re going to see Living starring Bill Nighy. Got good reviews. We’re then popping to the on-site vegetarian restaurant for a meal. The menu sounds great. Lovely old fashioned cinema too. A different night out. Fingers crossed I don’t spoil it for everyone. 🙄

Hope you’re feeling a bit better today. Xx
Good morning. 5.9 today.
In "lock down" for 3 days - car in for MOT, service and bum repair after a 3 point turn into the only rock in an otherwise wild flower covered hedge bank. I gather the bent bit is only plastic and will respond to heating. Fortunately the fridge is well stocked as a 6 mile jaunt across the valley on my electric trike looks a chilly option. Furthermore I have nightmare-ish visions of a flat battery striking by the river and me looking at the hill climb to home.
Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all 8.8 for me this morning. Tested at 330 am was 5.0 so took 3 jbs thought it would drop lower . Sods law it didn't . If I hadn't taken them probably would have . Rain showers up here . Get this dog out Have a good day folks
Morning all. Went docs, all bloods back fine so I'm pleased with that. Rushed back for breakfast of Cottage Cheese and a bag of Legumes aka Salted Peanuts nom nom nom but found some strips in the drawer so before eating I took blood now I wish I hadn't. 9.00 what the frilly heck? Why? :( I hadn't eaten yet. Maybe cough thing? Good grief. Have a cracking day all. 🙂
Morning all... opposite of yesterday, bright blue out the front, completely grey out the back.

5.7 this morning which I am very happy with.

Got a round robin Christmas greeting email from some friends who only live a mile or so away. The elder partner has been in and out of hospital this year (though OK now for 3 months) and they cannot now get insurance for the Christmas cruise they had planned. So to cut a long story short they are coming to us for Christmas dinner which will be lovely. We are also having a widowed friend who would otherwise be alone on the day, she will be staying over, so I now have to nip out and see if I can get another of the Aldi Xmas "Marc de Champagne" puds as the one we have will only serve 3. I hope they haven't run out!

Didn't get round to Xmas cards yesterday and looks like I shan't today either. Never mind....

@Lanny pleased to see you cooking again - It sounds as though it is lifting your mood a lot!

@Gwynn, congrats on another HS.

Congrats too to Mr and Mrs @eggyg on your anniversary. Hope you enjoy the film, my friend tells me it is very good.

@rebrascora.... I hear your pain in regard to your BGs and the effort it has become. It doesn't entirely surprise me that you are becoming burnt out due to the amount of thought and effort you put into sugar surfing. It's got to be wearing. I will probably naff you off by mentioning the Pump word again... but you would be so suitable for one and it works not dissimilarly to how you manage at present, but it does most of the work for you. I know my results aren't always perfect because about 3 or 4 times a year you need to tweak things, but that's so much less effort than you have to put in. I've been reticent with my Omnipod as it has taken months to get used to it aftr 8+ years on the Combo, but I have become bolder with it now as regards temp basals and it's so much better. Plus as you may have noticed from my posts about what I am cooking, I have more or less abandoned trying to be too low carb and am eating more or less as I want, which takes another load off mentally. Just something to maybe think about?
Not into being a I did go out and, yes, it was very very cold. 108 minutes and I will be going out again this afternoon
@Pattidevans Thanks for your very considerate thoughts Patti. I think if it was diabetes burnout you would be right, but it is unfortunately just the time of year and the problem is my general mental health, so I am struggling to get in the shower and struggling to get dressed and really struggling to leave the house and can't face cooking or putting a bit of make up on etc. The diabetes is just another bit to do, but I always give my diabetes first priority and to be honest whilst I was struggling to motivate myself to inject my Levemir yesterday morning, that is just part of the general malaise.
I have always hated Christmas. It makes me feel so totally inadequate and panic stricken and the short, dark miserable days leading up to it don't help. It also doesn't help that my sister and brother in law's birthdays precede it and much as I love my sister and her husband, finding suitable gifts (just cannot make decisions like that at all, particularly for people who appear to have everything they want and buy the best quality) and then attending parties, even dinner parties are a massive ordeal for me at this time of year (I am in tears just thinking about it), despite the fact that I am OK with winging it with my diabetes to indulge in a Chinese banquet..... and to a certain extent see that as a challenge.... because my diabetes is still mostly a game I play with myself and my Libre. Today, however just leaving the house to go and spend some time with my sister is really challenging me and we will just be doing horsey stuff and I really should be on my way now!
I will be better when the days start getting longer and the festive season is over..... and there is one thing for certain..... there would be absolutely no way I would get a pump in that short time scale 🙄 , even if I was inclined towards it, which I am just not. I am the same with cars..... I much prefer a manual to an automatic, even though I live in very hilly country which challenges your clutch control. This is just a difficult spell with my levels which will pass and may well be tied into my mental health issues. Thankfully I don't fear hypos or react too badly too them, so my biggest concern is explaining them to an unhappy consultant, especially as I promised him I was going to improve my below target stats, not double them 😱.

Anyway, I am really pleased that you are starting to get to grips with your Omnipod now and what you say sort of reminds me of how I was when I started using Fiasp and how I had 3 months of frustration until I started to get more assertive with it and be bolder. I like that you now feel able to eat more carbs. I sometimes have a little splash out with my carb intake (I had a fruit scone with jam yesterday.... blooming heck, it was sweet!!...Nice though), but for me low carb isn't just about my diabetes but about my mental health and eating disorder, so I can't afford to stray too far off my low carb regime and to be honest I don't really want to most of the time. Eating low carb suits me and my body feels healthier eating this way.