Group 7-day waking average?

13:16 BS 4.6 Eek!

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

No prebolusing today & I’ve put the ramen on as it’s the least effort: will cook omelette later; not much wriggle room in the 4’s! 😱

I exhausted myself cooking twice yesterday, released a LOT more adrenaline than I realised, & ended up extremely WITED for HOURS last night when trying to sleep: took me until after 08:00 this morning! 😱

So, need to dial it back a bit today but, yeah @Pattidevans I’m REALLY enjoying the simple pleasures of cooking again! 😛 Just not TOO much at once until I can get my stamina back up a bit!🙄 I don’t want to end up wired again when trying to sleep tonight! Aww! My back is gently aching today, anyway & I‘ll just cook eggs later for lunch or it’ll be dinner time as I’m starting late today!🙄

It was 7.4 for me this morning, now sitting in the 11's, something to do with getting increasingly frustrated with RM, EVRI left a parcel this morning without instructions on how to find the safe place, Amazon left a parcel the other day without instructions on how to find the safe place, ticket through the letterbox on Saturday from RM saying couldn't find safe place so added detailed instructions on exactly how to get to it today my chosen redelivery day and still he hasn't left it! This is a tracked 24 parcel, you know ones that were supposedly being made priority to be delivered yet it was sent last Monday! Honestly getting so fed up of everything at the moment xxxx
This morning was 10 ish. dawn showed up to party 🙄

Have been making soup today which was delish. Chicken and rice again (with carrots, onion and garlic). Kiddo approved of it.
Surprisingly decent on the carbs and even had a bread roll and nailed the bolus :D Love seeing my body behaving for a few hours at least :rofl:

Blood letting tomorrow first thing, rebooked as I was ill last week. I will be refusing to go again until someone explains why I have to keep going back for more. I have printouts of past results but no idea what repeating bloods tests will accomplish. I know what's off on them (all inflammation/infection markers) but there is nothing being done with the data.

hope you all had a good day :D
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Is anybody having a problem with the site or is it just me? Reading through the posts it will let me respond with the emojis to some posts but not others. Any ideas @everydayupsanddowns ?
A nktice pops up saying to check the server.
Is anybody having a problem with the site or is it just me? Reading through the posts it will let me respond with the emojis to some posts but not others. Any ideas @everydayupsanddowns ?

I am getting intermittent server errors. I hope the technical folks at DUK can take a look tomorrow.
Is anybody having a problem with the site or is it just me? Reading through the posts it will let me respond with the emojis to some posts but not others. Any ideas @everydayupsanddowns ?
A nktice pops up saying to check the server.
I thought that was just me! I’ve had to reload the page a few times to be able to post some emoji reactions!
I totally agree with you @Pattidevans re: MDI vs pumping. Now that I’m using the Omnipod, I can look back and see how tiring MDI had become for me - lots of effort and slim returns. My TIR was rarely 60%, more often than not 35-50%. It’s amazing what a difference it’s made having various basal settings rather than just 1 daily jab.

(((Hugs))) @rebrascora.
Is anybody having a problem with the site or is it just me? Reading through the posts it will let me respond with the emojis to some posts but not others. Any ideas @everydayupsanddowns ?
A nktice pops up saying to check the server.
I'm getting the notice often, but if I refresh then it has responded with the emoji
Good morning 6.6 today

as others have said the site doesn’t seem to be working properly
maybe ineeds the heating turning up somewhere 🙂

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 6.4
Good morning everyone

My BG is behaving impeccably another 5.2 yesss and I purposely changed my early morning routine slightly too. Maybe my BG machine has got stuck, but it did read 5.3 yesterday evening,

My pulse is again low at 49bpm mind you it recovered one hour later at 7am to 50bpm. Phew! 🙂

BP 116/77

Hmm maybe I should think about Christmas decorations. Normally I would put them up mid November, but with all the pain and stress of late somehow I just don't feel very Christmassy. Definitely no lights this year !!! (Except on Christmas day perhaps). I resent giving extra money to the energy firms for nothing. Somehow I must get into 'Christmas'. Any suggestions?

Today. Hmmm nothing special .... yet. An early freezing walk and a later slightly warmer walk.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Michael12421 Thanks, now that is a house I would love to live in

I wonder if I can get the triple HS tomorrow.

Great chimneys for Santa to get down. Hmmm I feel much more Christmassy now, thanks
Morning all, 8.3 here, Dawn has returned with a vengeance. Dunno where she’s been. I don’t mind her sticking around, or pushing off altogether, but I wish she’d make up her mind, so I don’t need second sight for my overnight basal.