Group 7-day waking average?

I'm waiting in Emergencies, they already have my urine to test. I was looking at the couple sitting in front of me. They were just before me in the queue to check in. The guy looks quite unwell. I just realized he is wearing a Libre. (Update: since I started typing, they have come to check his blood sugars and ketones with finger pricks).

I've had a little sad moment when they asked me if there's someone who they can contact in an emergency. It happened too when I was diagnosed almost a year ago. In this country, I could only think of 2 people: my good friend who is not speaking to me at this moment, and the man I'm seeing. I'm not sure if we are serious enough to put him in medical stuff. Most people in the room are accompanied by someone.

On a silly positive note, there's a lady waiting whose surname is Christmas and everytime they call her it cheers me up a little bit.

Can you tell I'm bored? I'm going to read my book. Have a nice day, people :D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Another cold night, even colder I think, as it was cloudless as it still is this morning, loo trip first thing & washing hands, & my knee was aching again BUT, refilled my hot water bottles & MUCH easier to sleep & stay asleep! 🙄🙂

Looking forward to seeing the 2nd year of The Earthshot Prize in Boston in the US later at 17:30 on BBC1 although, it’s been spoilered, a bit, when I caught the tail end of the news yesterday while waiting to see the results of strictly: obviously NOT shown live, then, this year; but, why spoil it by telling us the winners on the news the day before? 🙄 Seriously! I was rolling my eyes, REALLY, when Prince William came up on the trailer after the news in between the Strictly results!🙄
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5.1 this morning! Very pleased with that! However after doing some of the Christmas lights that dropped to 2.9 on the Libre, by the time I did a finger stick test BG was 5.2, Libre still showing 3.2, but the graph is starting to head back upwards. The joys of this game!

@Lanny - congratulations on your HS!

@eggyg - love the Lake District photos, so beautiful!

Off for a Christmas meal with my wife’s sister today along with the rest of the family as she is away in Australia over Christmas. Good job I’m starting off the relatively low BG!
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Lovely photos, @eggyg ! The nearest I got to Lakeland yesterday was the shop of that name. Daughter wants a kitchen knife for Christmas. What a palaver! They are all chained to the shelf with a security widget, so you have to collar an assistant to release one for you, she then takes it and puts it behind the counter while you do your other shopping, so you’re not wandering round with it, then when you go to pay, the checkout assistant has to hunt for it. Then when you’ve paid for it and it’s your property, you’re allowed to be released into the wild with it to wander where you will.
Same silly performance as when we caught the cross channel ferry. We were relieved of our 7” fruit knife, but those in camper vans with kitchens could take on board any size carving knives!
Morning all on this overcast and grey day. Surprisingly it didn't rain yesterday which made going into town much more pleasant!

7.0 this morning. Can't complain. The blooming alarms went off twice last night and on the second occasion I realised that eating JBs was a temporary fix and it would be better to put on a temp basal for a few hours. However, it took a while to find my PDM which was firmly zipped into my handbag in the office still. Clearly I'd had no bolus with dinner (chicken, colcannon and broccoli). Shrug... perhaps that was a good thing! I put on -20% for 3 hours. Seemed to work.

Task today is to write our Christmas newsletter and possibly start some cards.

Congratulations to @Lanny on the HS

@Michael12421 I LOVE those graphics you are posting for people's HSs.

@eggyg sounds like you are having a great time - lovely photos.

@Elenka_HM hope you've been seen by now and sorted out.
4.0 for me this morning and most of my sleep in the red again despite no evening basal and no exercise yesterday and no alcohol and I ate loads of roasted peanuts before I went to bed but stayed up half the night during which of course, my levels behaved.
Really struggling mentally again. Didn't want to wake up and deal with diabetes today. When I am struggling with the basics of self care, injecting my Levemir this morning just seemed like an extra ordeal, especially when stats are getting worse. Worrying about what consultant is going to say about all my time in the red. Should be double checking but my Caresens Duo doesn't perform well in the cold and by the time I put it on the storage heater to warm up for 5 mins it means I delay any hypo treatment, so what is the point anyway and it is just extra effort that I have no will for. If I feel hypo I just take it, but I didn't this morning so I haven't despite my levels dropping into the 3s this morning after I got up, instead of rising. I probably need to get some new batteries for the Caresens but it just eats them. It gives battery warning light all the time but it I warm it up, it goes off. This is the second meter I have had from them and they are both the same. Why can't it be rechargeable like my Libre. I asked for Libre test strips a year ago but that didn't happen.
Sorry to be such a moaning Minnie. I really struggle mentally at this time of year and going shopping was such an ordeal yesterday I was ill afterwards and it just sent me back into a downward spiral. I'll be OK after the festive season is over but seems like there is still a long way to go. Must give myself a good lick up the pants!

Many congrats to @Lanny on a rare House Special there. Looks like you have recovered things very quickly after all your Birthday treats!
@Elenka_HM hope you've been seen by now and sorted out.
I just got blood taken and the nurse told me I might have to wait another 2 hours. Well, I'll miss some of my long Sunday shift at work. I'd rather be there though: would not be so bored and today I didn't need to wake up early.

Oh! And the out of hours GP I was waiting for yesterday, called me just when I was going with the nurse to take the bloods :rofl:
Awwww! :D The simple pleasures in life!😛

Just spent over an hour cooking Sunday Brunch in the kitchen & about 15 minutes eating it: a total of 90 minutes in my still bare, spanking clean kitchen in my sunglasses; still no roller blind & the sun was playing peek-a-boo so, popped them up & down as needed!

It took a LOT of effort as my asthma is still bad AND I already have a bit of neuropathy so, needed to sit & rest when either a) I got breathless or b) my lower/centre back really hurt ie. a sign of neuropathy that means my legs will not hold up my weight IF I don’t sit down right then & there! 😱

All for a 2 egg omelette with mixed herbs cheese & mushrooms, 2 slices of hot buttered toast & a cup of tea with milk & honey! 😛

I just got another load of shopping in about 11:40 ish with a brand new frying pan, silicone spatula, eggs, cheese, butter, mixed herbs & sliced fresh mushrooms: AWWWW! The best thing EVER along with either fresh or frozen ready diced onions; an absolute GODSEND for NOT needing to chop things with neuropathy affected hands which means I CAN cut myself & not even feel it! 😛😎:D Of course I’ve tried the frozen sliced mushrooms before but, I don’t like those as they release SO much water, from the freezing process, when you cook them!🙄

Then, keeping the good habits going forwards, washing up! 🙂 After a wee sit & rest taking in the sunshine, just at that time out from the clouds, in my sunglasses first, of course!😎😛:rofl:😉

It was an effort & I’m exhausted! Wiping Brow Dripping With Sweat emoji! & A Exhausted But, Happy emoji! :D:rofl:😉

I WILL NOT make the mistake again of leaving things to be done later EVEN when exhausted, I’ve been that very easily being poorly for SO long, & do things as long as it takes with as many rest stops in between as it takes OR if I REALLY can’t & things start to pile up again; get a cleaner in! o_O

I think I’ll have a snooze now? A Stream of Z’s emoji! :D
4.0 for me this morning and most of my sleep in the red again despite no evening basal and no exercise yesterday and no alcohol and I ate loads of roasted peanuts before I went to bed but stayed up half the night during which of course, my levels behaved.
Really struggling mentally again. Didn't want to wake up and deal with diabetes today. When I am struggling with the basics of self care, injecting my Levemir this morning just seemed like an extra ordeal, especially when stats are getting worse. Worrying about what consultant is going to say about all my time in the red. Should be double checking but my Caresens Duo doesn't perform well in the cold and by the time I put it on the storage heater to warm up for 5 mins it means I delay any hypo treatment, so what is the point anyway and it is just extra effort that I have no will for. If I feel hypo I just take it, but I didn't this morning so I haven't despite my levels dropping into the 3s this morning after I got up, instead of rising. I probably need to get some new batteries for the Caresens but it just eats them. It gives battery warning light all the time but it I warm it up, it goes off. This is the second meter I have had from them and they are both the same. Why can't it be rechargeable like my Libre. I asked for Libre test strips a year ago but that didn't happen.
Sorry to be such a moaning Minnie. I really struggle mentally at this time of year and going shopping was such an ordeal yesterday I was ill afterwards and it just sent me back into a downward spiral. I'll be OK after the festive season is over but seems like there is still a long way to go. Must give myself a good lick up the pants!

Many congrats to @Lanny on a rare House Special there. Looks like you have recovered things very quickly after all your Birthday treats!


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4.0 for me this morning and most of my sleep in the red again despite no evening basal and no exercise yesterday and no alcohol and I ate loads of roasted peanuts before I went to bed but stayed up half the night during which of course, my levels behaved.
Really struggling mentally again. Didn't want to wake up and deal with diabetes today. When I am struggling with the basics of self care, injecting my Levemir this morning just seemed like an extra ordeal, especially when stats are getting worse. Worrying about what consultant is going to say about all my time in the red. Should be double checking but my Caresens Duo doesn't perform well in the cold and by the time I put it on the storage heater to warm up for 5 mins it means I delay any hypo treatment, so what is the point anyway and it is just extra effort that I have no will for. If I feel hypo I just take it, but I didn't this morning so I haven't despite my levels dropping into the 3s this morning after I got up, instead of rising. I probably need to get some new batteries for the Caresens but it just eats them. It gives battery warning light all the time but it I warm it up, it goes off. This is the second meter I have had from them and they are both the same. Why can't it be rechargeable like my Libre. I asked for Libre test strips a year ago but that didn't happen.
Sorry to be such a moaning Minnie. I really struggle mentally at this time of year and going shopping was such an ordeal yesterday I was ill afterwards and it just sent me back into a downward spiral. I'll be OK after the festive season is over but seems like there is still a long way to go. Must give myself a good lick up the pants!

Many congrats to @Lanny on a rare House Special there. Looks like you have recovered things very quickly after all your Birthday treats!
Sending you hugs and strength to cope with things this time of year. Sometimes BG stuff just happens despite best efforts. Try not to worry about it, it will pass and you’ll be back in your field of unicorn days before you know it.
I’m having home cooked shepherds pie for dinner in about 40 minutes time! 😛

Haven’t cooked, or any cooking really, that in a long time! A bit faster this time with no neuropathy breaks, lower centre back pain, & just a few pauses to catch my breath to cook my mince & veg, ding the frozen mash a bit, spread it on top & sprinkle some cheese taking 40 minutes after The Earthshot Prize! 🙂 In the oven now for about 40 minutes! Then…Yummy! 😛
I think I am living in a parallel universe. I was looking on-line for wallpaper as we have to redecorate the hall and stairs after the leak and was astounded to see pretty ordinary looking wallpaper at more than £200 per roll.
I really liked what we had which was £6 a roll but can't see anything the same.
Good morning - 5.3
Morning all. 5.8 this morning. I haven't felt well since the covid booster and this morning is no different.
Its so dark outside! Oh well, i need to get moving. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Good morning 8.1 today
to many biscuits eaten whilst watching the football
on our new giant telly yesterday evening.

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎