Group 7-day waking average?

3.9 this morning. No fog this morning here but cold. Did some Christmas shopping yesterday afternoon after the funeral and we’re amazingly almost done! Plan is a final few bits to finish getting the remaining presents today, then decorations out later and relax!

Still wondering whether once daily Levemir is working ok for me, hard to tell as I do tend to graze in the evenings which could explain why my levels creep up and seem hard to bring down with Novorapid. I really need to do a basal test to find out for sure. Last meeting with my DSN she was happy to leave the Levemir at once daily, but I guess things change and it may need tweaking now.

@eggyg - enjoy the Lake District! It’s been ages since we were last up there, must get back again soon! Hope the Vicks helped!

Have a great day everyone!
@eggyg rub the Vick on your chest and cover with brown paper - my old ma's cure. 🙂
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning. 5.7 this morning - it had dropped to 7.7 by 2200 last night which was a relief after my stupidity.

Very cold this morning but blue sky and cloud mixed so not dark.
Planning on staining remaining planks for the final raised bed. Need to devise a decorative post or plant support or something for the end corner as I note my lovely next door neighbour isn't too good at recalling the presence of low obstacles when reversing her car. Both her husband and I were leaping up and down shouting "Stop" as she resolutely headed the boot towards the bed - Lord knows what she is like in a supermarket car park. To be fair you cannot see the bed in your rear mirror so until the bushes grow up I need something tallish and highly visible.

Have a good weekend everyone and don't even look at those mince pies....
And it’s another 5.8 for me again this dull and gloomy morning.
Good morning- 5.0
Good morning. 5.7 this morning - it had dropped to 7.7 by 2200 last night which was a relief after my stupidity.

Very cold this morning but blue sky and cloud mixed so not dark.
Planning on staining remaining planks for the final raised bed. Need to devise a decorative post or plant support or something for the end corner as I note my lovely next door neighbour isn't too good at recalling the presence of low obstacles when reversing her car. Both her husband and I were leaping up and down shouting "Stop" as she resolutely headed the boot towards the bed - Lord knows what she is like in a supermarket car park. To be fair you cannot see the bed in your rear mirror so until the bushes grow up I need something tallish and highly visible.

Have a good weekend everyone and don't even look at those mince pies....
How about these instead?

Morning all. Don't know what to make of it, at the back of the house it's clear blue sky all the way to the horizon... but at the front there's a big black cloud coming from the East. I expect it will rain.

6.9 this morning. We finally ate the "Italian spiced chicken" from M&S last night and it was delicious. For half a chicken it's also huge and will easily provide dinner again tonight! Good... much as I love cooking there are days when I just want an easy ride!

Hubby did his parcel wrapping yesterday afternoon whilst I stayed up here in the study doing Xmas shopping. I'm horrified to see 13 parcels under the tree all for me! There's nothing I want or need! I finally found a long-sleeved night shirt for my friend, but nice as it looks online I worry that the quality might not be great. However, can't find anything in the shops either here or in the county town so....

Meeting friends in town this afternoon, nothing more exciting on the calendar.

@Eternal422 see the atttached chart of how long Levemir lasts, which is dependent on dose. Divide the units of Levemir you take by your kilos in weight and you'll see along the left hand side the amount, trace the line over to the right to see the hours it lasts. So if it works out at 0.2 units per kilo, then it will last approx 18 hours.

@ColinUK the mug cakes look yum!


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Good morning was actually quite shocked at the diabetes monster inside me that’s delivered my second HS in 4 days (it’s like buses as they used today)

quite a surprise as had a works team Christmas meal out yesterday evening
Down in Reading, a place very different to how I remember it about 30 yrs ago
on the occasion we meet as a team it’s usually around that area it’s kind of the centre of the area for us all so logistically it makes sense.

ate a few things I shouldn’t have including chocolate brownie’S

then after a 3 hr drive back home (where coffee and energy drinks kept me going)
I only slept for a few hrs then no sooner had I slept - I woke and tested up pops the HS ..

I’ve loads of identifications to do (online for both me and MrsG)
this weekend and mortgage lender wants the usual proofs,

I haven’t really looked at all posts on forum
for a few days as been so busy

hope everybody’s good
have a fabulous day & weekend everybody 😎


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6.4 for me this morning but I was in the red the vast majority of the night, despite no evening Levemir again. I thought I could get away with going to bed mid 4s since there was no real active insulin and I had plenty of cheese but I woke at 3.40am and Libre just read LO. Had a couple of JBs and dropped straight back off to sleep but apparently I never came out of the red and next time I scanned at 7am I was still only 2.4 according to Libre which was probably mid 3s in reality but still not good. Had another 2 JBs and dropped back off until I was at a better level to get up.
Anyway, I am claiming another Unicorn for yesterday although if you are really eagle eyed you might spot the teeniest tiniest bit of red on one of those troughs... My eyesight isn't good enough to see it so in my mind it doesn't exist 😉
I checked my TIR last night and despite 2 unicorn days it was showing my stats had got worse and I was up to 13% below which I was really disappointed at and can't see the logic in. Of course after last night's long excursion into the red, I am now on a whopping 16% below target for the last 7 days despite basal reduction and very little bolus.... but needing corrections mid afternoon even when I have no lunch so don't really want to drop my morning basal anymore just yet.

@TinaD You have my sympathies. My sister has PMR and is in a bit of a difficult situation with her consultant regarding steroid use. The consultant is lovely but wants her to try another immunosuppressant type drug to try to come off the steroids. She is only on 5mg so not a high dose and she has been on Methotrexate alongside it to try to reduce it and got it down to 3 but was really struggling and was anxious about taking the Methotrexate particularly in the current climate, so wanted to come off it after a year and a half of trying it. She doesn't want to try the new immunosuppressant drug for the same reason but the consultant is pushing it and my sister feels like if she doesn't try it, the consultant could rightly turn round and say "Well what is the point in me treating you, if you don't follow my advice?"
A long term low steroid dose doesn't seem to be as problematic as they lead people to believe and it makes life bearable and like you, she keeps fit and active and pushes herself (she also has 2 horses so plenty of physical work), so she doesn't feel that they take her particular circumstances into consideration in this and they are just following some general guidance to get people off steroids at all costs. Thankfully she hasn't had the additional frustration of having to deal with what sounds to be an incompetent stand in consultant who hasn't read the notes properly before your appointment, but it is still a frustrating situation and I think people should be able to make an educated decision on their treatment plan if they have considered all the risks. And after all, steroids are relatively cheap in comparison to these other drugs. I am sure you know your own body and how it responds better that a consultant whom you speak to for 10 mins a couple of times a year! Hope you managed to get a continued supply of steroids although obviously they can't just stop them.... or at least they absolutely shouldn't!
Pleased to read that your body has managed to deal with your totally justified comfort eating episode. Just wondering, since you have PMR whether your diabetes might actually be a slow onset Type 1 instead of Type 2 since autoimmune conditions like to congregate and party in the same body, wreaking havoc as they go.🙄
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Good morning. 5.7 this morning - it had dropped to 7.7 by 2200 last night which was a relief after my stupidity.

Very cold this morning but blue sky and cloud mixed so not dark.
Planning on staining remaining planks for the final raised bed. Need to devise a decorative post or plant support or something for the end corner as I note my lovely next door neighbour isn't too good at recalling the presence of low obstacles when reversing her car. Both her husband and I were leaping up and down shouting "Stop" as she resolutely headed the boot towards the bed - Lord knows what she is like in a supermarket car park. To be fair you cannot see the bed in your rear mirror so until the bushes grow up I need something tallish and highly visible.

Have a good weekend everyone and don't even look at those mince pies....

This (2' square) should catch her eye!

Good afternoon guys. 5'6.

My day didn't start great. I suspect I have a UTI since 2 days ago, it seemed very mild so I was waiting to see if it goes on its own. Today I woke up with pain in my abdomen and feeling like I will be sick. My GP is closed so I'm waiting in the phone queue for 111. They are "currently experiencing higher call volume". Been waiting for half an hour and as you probably know, it's very irritating. Especially when you are not feeling well.

I didn't take my insulin yet, as I'm not high and don't feel like eating. And wondering if I should call sick at work. I start in the evening so part of me hopes I'll be better by then somehow (painkillers?).

Sorry for the rant, this pain makes me grumpy :(
Good morning was actually quite shocked at the diabetes monster inside me that’s delivered my second HS in 4 days (it’s like buses as they used today)

quite a surprise as had a works team Christmas meal out yesterday evening
Down in Reading, a place very different to how I remember it about 30 yrs ago
on the occasion we meet as a team it’s usually around that area it’s kind of the centre of the area for us all so logistically it makes sense.

ate a few things I shouldn’t have including chocolate brownie’S

then after a 3 hr drive back home (where coffee and energy drinks kept me going)
I only slept for a few hrs then no sooner had I slept - I woke and tested up pops the HS ..

I’ve loads of identifications to do (online for both me and MrsG)
this weekend and mortgage lender wants the usual proofs,

I haven’t really looked at all posts on forum
for a few days as been so busy

hope everybody’s good
have a fabulous day & weekend everybody 😎
You’ll appreciate this Facebook post a friend did the other day. 614858D4-B52C-4062-A911-28F1EB4455B4.png
I could speak with someone after 1 hour in the queue (thank goodness I didn't have to go anywhere) and they will arrange for some local service to contact me. They advised to take paracetamol, now waiting for some relief. And it just occurred to me, I didn't mention my diabetes at all. Maybe should tell the next person that contact me, just in case.
And it just occurred to me, I didn't mention my diabetes at all. Maybe should tell the next person that contact me, just in case.
One of the very few benefits of having D is to pull the D card and it often lights a few fires to get things sorted in a timely manner. We will teach you the ways my lovely 😉
Hope they get back to you asap and be sure to ask for help if you need it if bg goes a bit wonky. Are you sorted with sick day rules? Got ketone testing in place?
Big hugs and hope you get something to clear it up soon. Make sure if you start getting kidney area pain to call back right away. They sit just tucked under the bottom of the rib cage and pain can radiate around the lower back. Google for a pic if you aren't sure. UTIs can be nasty lil things x

Oh and was 6.1 this morning :D