Group 7-day waking average?

Hey all. 8.5 and my bg is no longer being dragged along the floor :D Also tummy is settled, not crampy and behaving normally :D
Had snacks late last night and while I did come down, dawn had a bit of a party. (suddenly very hungry now).
Will monitor basal as the reduction might been to be undone. Still 100% time in range but expecting that to be out the window today if I eat normally and bg has bounced up a bit. Was nice while it lasted 😎.

Tomorrow we have kiddos long awaited hospital appointment to see if she's reached her surgery weight loss goal (we think she has) so she can get on the low risk (and shorter) waiting list to get her knee repositioned and the last surgery "improved on".
Its been so hard for her to stay motivated when food is a comfort to her when in pain (which is pretty much 24/7).
I've felt so bad for being hard on her to keep her on track and question her sometimes poor choices but hopefully she has gotten there and can at least maintain. She does want to switch to a less restrictive diet and continue to loose weight for herself but the run up to Christmas has many temptations. I think maintaining is the best we can aim for realistically.
Will let you all know how it goes.

Off to open door number 1 and thoroughly enjoy the dairy milk :D

It was 6.something for me

Getting stressed trying to sort presents out for Christmas, next year I'll buy a couple each month so I'm not left like this again!

Treated myself last month to s wax melt subscription box for £20 including postage which finally arrived yesterday after being held up since Saturday with the backlog and its absolutely amazing, loads of wax plus a wee chocolate selection box, a face mask, a pair of foot mask gloves and a pair of Fluffy socks!

Opened my wax advents this morning, neither come with the scents on and the vendors reveal the scent on their Facebook group each day, one released it before 7am whereas the other isn't releasing it until 8pm when people have actually had a chance to either sniff it or melt it

Bruce having issues at the moment with something for his dad, he pre-ordered something at the beginning of Novemeber for his dad's birthday and the company sent something out right away so he emailed them and they said to keep it and the original item would be sent on the release date, it was either the 16th or 18th November (after his dad's birthday) by last week still nothing so he emailed them again and didn't even get a response so tried again last night and got a response at almost 11pm saying it was being sent out then but no apology or anything!

Council still haven't been in touch about repairs and tomorrow is their 10 day deadline so no doubt looking at being back on at them

Can you tell I get a bit bored and lonely? Lol xx
Hi everyone! 7'2 this morning.

I wanted an advent calendar this year too, preferably one that didn't involve sugar so I didn't have to think about my BG...and could leave room for other treats 😉 . Just today I got myself a tea selection calendar. It was not the cheapest but it has a different flavour for each day, which makes it more exciting to me. I had the first one, melon and banana, quite enjoyable.
I can't say morning as it's well into the evening now, but it has been a lovely sunny dry day, which has been really great for us as we went into the county town to do shopping.

Got up early for us at 8am. BG 6.3 which was fine.

Did a quick tidy up of the house before cleaner arrived at 11am and we were off at 10:30 to pick up a friend. We drove to Truro and parked in the park n' ride. By the time we arrived at our chosen restaurant it had just opened for lunch. The restaurant was an Italian that has fond memories for our friend as she ate there a lot with her late husband who was Italian. Had a nice pasta lunch, then separated to shop. I went with my g/f and we re-met J at 3:30pm by which time I was more or less exhausted and we caught the bus back to the car park.

@ColinUK nothing is as good as a real trip to the Opera. There are a couple of cinemas reasonably nearby who do streaming and we saw Madam Butterfly at one... the trouble was Butterfly was in her 50s - you may not have noticed had she been on the stage, but we kept getting absolutely HUGE close ups of her face full screen... wrinkles and all. At one point we were gazing up her nostrils! NOT very atmospheric LOL!

I envy those who can sing... I am useless. I just mouth the words or I put everyone else round me off.

Well... can't be bothered to cook, too tired, cheese on toast for me!
@Pattidevans if it was the ROH production of Madame Butterfly this year it wasn’t one of my favs.
Butterfly was too old and he was not leading man material. Decent voices the pair of them but it was strangely lacking in emotion.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close
BP 127/79
Pulse 58

Why do I always get nervous when checking my blood glucose. It may be due to my worrying that suddenly everything will come crashing down. Thankfully so far, at 2 years, all is and has been good.

I'm out at a church breakfast this morning at a local beach cafe. Should be interesting. My first.

Other than that, nothing else going on today as far as I know.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.1 via fingerstabs (libre on 60 min warmup time at the mo)

Off to get ready to head out. Nervous for kiddo but trying to be cool, calm and collected Mum on the surface. Her anxiety is through the roof as it is. Fingers crossed she is put on the waiting list and its another step closer to getting her life back.

Will let you know how stuff goes x
6.4 this morning.
Therapy a bit later and then nowt else planned for the day.
Good morning - 4.7
Morning all. Clickety click, 6.6.

Off to Ambleside for a week. Really looking forward to it, and it’s only an hours drive. Weather forecast mostly dry, that’s a miracle in the Lake District. Only one slight snag, I’ve got a cough, started a few days ago, thanks Zara, it was just dry and tickly, now it’s hacking! Slept upright all night. Hoping the cold, fresh Lakeland air will cure me, rather than the other! 🙄

Have a fab Friday. Think they’ve got WiFi out in wilds of Cumbria so I’ll see you all tomorrow.🙂
Good morning. 5.9. Chilly but dry. A very cheerful Ukrainian yesterday evening rejoicing in the dry weather. Fear he had previously concluded that the UK winter would be perpetual deluge.

Have to spend the morning by the phone awaiting call from rheumatology consultant. Seems a bit pointless to me as have had no recent scans/x-rays and he cannot observe movement down a phone. Not sure the NHS has its brain in gear.

Wishing everyone a happy day.
@TinaD I have seen a letter recently to parents of a young child from audiology that they are likely to offer a telephone appointment.... how can you assess a toddler's hearing by a phone conversation with a parent? :confused: :rofl:

6.0 this morning. Went with my 14 year old to see Christmas Lanterns last night at Chester Zoo, very lovely and they even agreed to a photo!
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - another lovely day.

6.2 this morning. Didn't have a great night's sleep cos my shoulders were painful again. Dr told me to wean myself off rubbing them with Voltarol now the pain has gone. So I did... and clearly the only reason they were pain free was because I was using Voltarol. So 3 days later the pain returned. Grrrr...

So... not a lot to do today. A girlfriend coming for a coffee this afternoon - then I'll cook the half chicken we got from M&S reduced yesterday. Last night couldn't face anything so just had buttered toast. More online Xmas shopping I guess, though I am still waiting for stuff I ordered over a week ago. I expect it's the Royal Mail strikes.

@eggyg have a wonderful holiday.

@ColinUK I think you are right about the Madam Butterfly performance.​
And it’s a 5.7 for me this morning.