Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.2 today

Exciting day yesterday as found out we were the winning bidders on a bungalow.

Mrs G & I had decided previously not to wait any longer on the other property we saw back in February, can’t wait for ever and the sellers of that house (the estate of someone who passed away)
nobody knows when they will be a position to proceed!

This bungalow we are now buying, was in what they call a modern method of auction ( a conditional auction) although I had heard of this method of buying didn’t understand how it works until just a few weeks ago, so within the next 56 days it should be ours.

Was busy online yesterday evening, mortgage application done at obviously a shocking interest rate obviously with what’s currently happening, just need to so send by email the required documents to building society.
I even accessed via the auction website downloaded the legal pack (contains title deeds searches etc)
that’s now with my solicitor’s, who themselves ironically, only sent me their bill for the legal work they previously trying to buy the other property.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone! 3.9 for me after what looks to be a night of lows according to the Libre chart. Oh well, that’s the basal testing I had planned to do this morning postponed then!

@ColinUK - and a punch and a kick for being so quick😉

Lindt Advent calendar to look forward to later on tonight (my annual treat, yes I know, still a big kid!)

Have a good day everyone!
Bought the big Lindt one with the chocolate teddy for the occasionally suicidal friend.
He’ll find it later and no doubt it’ll make him smile. It’s a good choice.
Morning all. 🙂 4.9 here.

At last, December! I can stop muttering under my breath that Xmas shouldn’t start in Sept, it’s ridiculous, poor kids’ll be worn out with excitement (and some adults too @Eternal422 LOL)...anyhoo, there’s usually an Xmas market in our nearest seafront car park - a bunch of stalls in a manky marquee - but this year we’ve got a proper market with little shops in sheds. Ooer, there’s posh.

Great news @goodybags!
Morning all. 6.2 today.

I’d forgotten it was 1st December, I obviously didn’t get an advent calendar! Had a nice ( ish) night last night, nothing wrong with the company, but the service was painfully slow. Table booked for 6.45, it took a while for them to even come over to see if we wanted drinks. Ordered food, at 7ish. Starters came 7.30, I didn’t order one, mains 8.15! It’s a good job I never injected! I was going lower and lower, already been in hypo land twice yesterday as it was, eventually came and I was down to 4.7, smoked haddock with a leek and potato chowder, conservative two units. It seemed to work, but I was sort of past hunger by then and didn’t enjoy it very much, it was a bit salty TBF. Everyone else enjoyed theirs, and Zara entertained us whilst we were waiting, she was brilliant considering her teatime is usually 5.30 and bed is 7pm. Out again for more food at lunch time, not sure my gastric system can cope!

Congratulations @goodybags on your new house. Fingers crossed all goes quickly this time.

Have a great day folks, and remember, you are now allowed to sing Christmas songs and eat mince pies. 😉
Bought the big Lindt one with the chocolate teddy for the occasionally suicidal friend.
He’ll find it later and no doubt it’ll make him smile. It’s a good choice.
That’s the very one I have!
Good morning everyone! 3.9 for me after what looks to be a night of lows according to the Libre chart. Oh well, that’s the basal testing I had planned to do this morning postponed then!

@ColinUK - and a punch and a kick for being so quick😉

Lindt Advent calendar to look forward to later on tonight (my annual treat, yes I know, still a big kid!)

Have a good day everyone!
1 cheese advent calendar and1 liqueur choc one ordered but not arriving until Sat so some catching up to do, how sad never mind.
6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

And it’s a 5.6 for me this grey overcast morning here in Bedfordshire.
8.2 the first time I woke up with a reasonably straight, horizontal line overnight and no evening Levemir ie. another 2 unit reduction. Jabbed my morning dose of 20 units and a 1.5 correction and went back to sleep because I hate starting the day too high, so when I woke up later it was a much nicer 4.5... so that latter is my offering for the day.... Unashamedly engineered because I didn't like the first number that God or the DF or Fate or whatever (depending upon your beliefs) offered me.
Interestingly my TIR stats for the last 7 days show 89% in range including 0% above range, which is a first 😎. Of course that means that the remaining 11% are all below range 😳. Not so 😎 :(
poor kids’ll be worn out with excitement (and some adults too
They are already!! If i hear about another Elf..... and its only been a morning!!
remember, you are now allowed to sing Christmas songs
@eggyg i've been singing them for weeks due to practising for the Nativity next week! I've even been singing them at 2am if i need to get up for the loo o_O o_O
12:07 BS 9.4

I got my lie in today & the alarm for tresiba & meds at midday! Both in before posting. I was in two minds about eating before going to bed last night & opted for a can of heinz oxtail soup which I over bolused for as about 2 hours later I had to munch a jelly baby & then, an oatcake before I could sleep. So, a higher start today than I’d like. 🙄

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Half oatcake in & 16 NR as chopping & changing delivery slots at short notice these last few days I have to wait until 13:00 to 14:00 for my tesco shop today. I HAVE ramen but, no saucepan to cook it in! o_O I’m out of everything else as I finished off the rest of the party food yesterday!
They are already!! If i hear about another Elf..... and its only been a morning!!

@eggyg i've been singing them for weeks due to practising for the Nativity next week! I've even been singing them at 2am if i need to get up for the loo o_O o_O
I have always quite naturally hummed, & sang sometimes in my earlier more youthful days & don’t have the breath to do so now, Christmas songs all year round whenever I feel happy: Christmas songs are mostly joyful; at least their tunes are & my favourite tune is “The Holly & The Ivy”! 😛

I’d actually forgotten that & it’s nice to be reminded of it as I haven’t been particularly joyful these last few tough covid years! :confused:🙂