Group 7-day waking average?

@Eternal422 see the atttached chart of how long Levemir lasts, which is dependent on dose. Divide the units of Levemir you take by your kilos in weight and you'll see along the left hand side the amount, trace the line over to the right to see the hours it lasts. So if it works out at 0.2 units per kilo, then it will last approx 18 hours.
Thanks for this, I had seen this chart before and would love the formula to calculate a specific graph for my dose/weight, but looking at it I am using 0.3 units per kilo so it sort of looks like 22 hours, but there seems to be quite a tail off? Hard to make it out. Some of my problem is a variation in timing of my dose, as I take it when I go to bed and that time varies. But if I take it as being 10pm then that would mean it would be out of my system by 8pm, only a couple of hours at most after dinner and into the evening of snacks possibly. Worse, if I take it at 9pm (some days are so tiring lol!) then it would end at 7pm, way too early.

I did see in some NICE document that T1s should be offered a twice daily Levemir as a matter of course and with the above timings it may make some sense? Wondering whether as my original diagnosis was T2 that they started with once daily and nobody has revisited that over the years nor even when my diagnosis was changed to T1. Although my DSN wasn’t concerned enough to change it to twice daily at my last review.
13:58 BS 6.9

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Extremely late today as I had great difficulty in getting to & staying asleep last night! 🙄

It was freezing & my right knee was hurting me: I haven’t knocked or anything like that as I SOMETIMES do; I think it’s a combo of rheumatism & neuropathy as a) it was cold & b) I had a low drop overnight the night before last, don’t knowhow low but, it was 4.7 when I woke? :confused:

It took ages to drop off & then, I kept waking up with my knee aching with a hint of neuropathy tingles so, I got out my two hot water bottles: one at the foot of the bed & one on my chest; my asthma was bad too all day & inhalers every 4/5 hours! 😱

Finally felt I’d turned the corner about 09:38, last time I looked at the time, & changed my midday alarm to 13:30. Even so, I was reluctant to get up in response & only did so once my stomach started rumbling! 🙄

It was hard sleeping horizontally last night & took inhalers 3 times during the LONG night! 😱

But, had a good few hours around 10:00 until the delayed alarm! 🙂

Just finished munching breakfast & watched on iTunes week 4’s Molly & Carlos’ Cha Cha: THAT’s what she danced the Singing in The Rain Cyd Cherisse number to; no wonder I remembered it wrong as she was dressed like you would for a Charleston! A Lightbulb Ah Hah! emoji! :rofl: Molly DID actually do the Charleston last night that left me wracking my brains, my no longer perfect memory, as to WHAT that other one was?🙄:confused::rofl:😉
Thanks for this, I had seen this chart before and would love the formula to calculate a specific graph for my dose/weight, but looking at it I am using 0.3 units per kilo so it sort of looks like 22 hours, but there seems to be quite a tail off? Hard to make it out. Some of my problem is a variation in timing of my dose, as I take it when I go to bed and that time varies. But if I take it as being 10pm then that would mean it would be out of my system by 8pm, only a couple of hours at most after dinner and into the evening of snacks possibly. Worse, if I take it at 9pm (some days are so tiring lol!) then it would end at 7pm, way too early.

I did see in some NICE document that T1s should be offered a twice daily Levemir as a matter of course and with the above timings it may make some sense? Wondering whether as my original diagnosis was T2 that they started with once daily and nobody has revisited that over the years nor even when my diagnosis was changed to T1. Although my DSN wasn’t concerned enough to change it to twice daily at my last review.
@Eternal422 at the end of the day it is YOU not our nurse who is in charge of YOUR diabetes. So if you want to try splitting your Levemir then go ahead and do it. Try just giving yourself a little bit in the evening when you think it might be running out. Post in the relevant open area of the forum and ask what others think. I have to say that within less than a year of diagnosis I was relying on no one but myself to sort out my insulin doses. I was also dx T2 originally and much left to myself to sort out my own regime.
@Eternal422 at the end of the day it is YOU not our nurse who is in charge of YOUR diabetes. So if you want to try splitting your Levemir then go ahead and do it. Try just giving yourself a little bit in the evening when you think it might be running out. Post in the relevant open area of the forum and ask what others think. I have to say that within less than a year of diagnosis I was relying on no one but myself to sort out my insulin doses. I was also dx T2 originally and much left to myself to sort out my own regime.
Thanks for this - just what I needed. It has helped me re-look at things and how I should be in control myself. I guess I have been a little afraid of making such changes but really should tackle it!
It wasn't truly fasting as I had been up for an hour baking (and had a teeny nibble of the bits left on the baking paper just to check...) but 7.0 this morning.

Had a fun day out, meeting up with friends, more carby lunch than usual (katsu grilled chicken curry with white rice and a houmous "biscuit" - as in American meaning, similar texture to a scone) and lunch rise 3.1 mmol so not too bad for all those carbs! Roasting some chicory and tenderstem broccoli for tea to have with some soy & chilli calamari (and maybe another houmous biscuit, once I've worked out how many carbs are in them and approximately how many I've had total so far)
Good morning everyone! 6'7 today.

I did get a call back from 111...just to tell me they were very busy and a clinician would contact me asap. That was around 3 pm and I got a voicemail after 10pm. I wasn't aware of it until this morning.

Today I'll just try Emergencies and make sure to pull the D card this time 😉
One of the very few benefits of having D is to pull the D card and it often lights a few fires to get things sorted in a timely manner. We will teach you the ways my lovely 😉
My body decided to wake up one hour earlier than planned, so I'll get there earlier and hopefully it will help not to wait so long. Wouldn't hold my breath though!

Regarding BG, they behaved yesterday. I do have ketone testing strips @gll but I was not high at all, even with a basal reduction. I didn't eat many carbs until dinner.
Good morning. 6.7, happy with that after a hypo before tea so couldn’t pre bolus, then had curry and rice, AND chapati! Just missed a unicorn day because if it. V. annoying. :(

Had a fantastic day yesterday. Left at 8am for our walk, gorgeous, but cold morning. About 8.30 the sun came out. It was amazing to see it shining on the fells, and the tarn when we reached it. It was in and out all day. Never warmed up though, I was glad of the four layers! 7.5 miles walked, 47 floors, was quite tough walking at times, very rocky and tree rooty. Back at the cottage by 1.30. We just chilled, reading and downloading our photos. I may have had a nana nap at one point. Ate at home, Mr Eggy heated up the curry I’d brought with us just perfectly.😉

Not as energetic a day today. Relaxed morning, then a walk down to the pier and a Roman fort. I will pop into Boots too and get some Vicks, still coughing but funnily enough more in the warmth than outside in the cold. Haven’t been able to sleep since 6 because of it, Mr Eggy doesn’t seem to be disturbed by it.

Have a super Sunday all.


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Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here, oops!

Fab pics, as ever, @eggyg. They took me straight back to holidays in the Lakes when I was a kid. Beautiful!

I was at an all-day Welsh conversation session yesterday - they’re great, cos I get to meet learners from all over the county, and our teacher yesterday was from over the border in Carmarthenshire so her dialect sounded much more like my husband’s Welsh. And I spotted Pembrokeshire’s Learner of the Year who’s now teaching the language - that’s my goal, so it’s good to see that it can be done. I just hope I can pull it off before I hit retirement age!
How about these instead?

Thanks but no thanks. Similar carb load - I'll just have to settle for a dangerously tempting traditional home ake - which will be difficult to resist even if mind/will power not undermined by irritation, but the supermarket can keep its horrible offerings. I am sure that sipping good cognac whilst adding a slurp to the mincemeat must have a reducing effect on blood sugar...mustn't it?
6.4 for me this morning but I was in the red the vast majority of the night, despite no evening Levemir again. I thought I could get away with going to bed mid 4s since there was no real active insulin and I had plenty of cheese but I woke at 3.40am and Libre just read LO. Had a couple of JBs and dropped straight back off to sleep but apparently I never came out of the red and next time I scanned at 7am I was still only 2.4 according to Libre which was probably mid 3s in reality but still not good. Had another 2 JBs and dropped back off until I was at a better level to get up.
Anyway, I am claiming another Unicorn for yesterday although if you are really eagle eyed you might spot the teeniest tiniest bit of red on one of those troughs... My eyesight isn't good enough to see it so in my mind it doesn't exist 😉
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I checked my TIR last night and despite 2 unicorn days it was showing my stats had got worse and I was up to 13% below which I was really disappointed at and can't see the logic in. Of course after last night's long excursion into the red, I am now on a whopping 16% below target for the last 7 days despite basal reduction and very little bolus.... but needing corrections mid afternoon even when I have no lunch so don't really want to drop my morning basal anymore just yet.

@TinaD You have my sympathies. My sister has PMR and is in a bit of a difficult situation with her consultant regarding steroid use. The consultant is lovely but wants her to try another immunosuppressant type drug to try to come off the steroids. She is only on 5mg so not a high dose and she has been on Methotrexate alongside it to try to reduce it and got it down to 3 but was really struggling and was anxious about taking the Methotrexate particularly in the current climate, so wanted to come off it after a year and a half of trying it. She doesn't want to try the new immunosuppressant drug for the same reason but the consultant is pushing it and my sister feels like if she doesn't try it, the consultant could rightly turn round and say "Well what is the point in me treating you, if you don't follow my advice?"
A long term low steroid dose doesn't seem to be as problematic as they lead people to believe and it makes life bearable and like you, she keeps fit and active and pushes herself (she also has 2 horses so plenty of physical work), so she doesn't feel that they take her particular circumstances into consideration in this and they are just following some general guidance to get people off steroids at all costs. Thankfully she hasn't had the additional frustration of having to deal with what sounds to be an incompetent stand in consultant who hasn't read the notes properly before your appointment, but it is still a frustrating situation and I think people should be able to make an educated decision on their treatment plan if they have considered all the risks. And after all, steroids are relatively cheap in comparison to these other drugs. I am sure you know your own body and how it responds better that a consultant whom you speak to for 10 mins a couple of times a year! Hope you managed to get a continued supply of steroids although obviously they can't just stop them.... or at least they absolutely shouldn't!
Pleased to read that your body has managed to deal with your totally justified comfort eating episode. Just wondering, since you have PMR whether your diabetes might actually be a slow onset Type 1 instead of Type 2 since autoimmune conditions like to congregate and party in the same body, wreaking havoc as they go.🙄
Thanks for that - sorry your sister is having same problem but I feel less lonely! If the wretched man insists and the GP joins in I shall just have to go private again - an option I could do without on a pension. Funny how the NHS is so short of money that it wants to put one on very expensive drugs instead of cheap steroids and doesn't listen to arguments about quality of life v. longevity arguments. Oh well if they reduce the prescription slowly they are unaware of my stash of 1mg tablets which should last about 6 months. Me, sneaky? Surely not...
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Lovely photos, @eggyg ! The nearest I got to Lakeland yesterday was the shop of that name. Daughter wants a kitchen knife for Christmas. What a palaver! They are all chained to the shelf with a security widget, so you have to collar an assistant to release one for you, she then takes it and puts it behind the counter while you do your other shopping, so you’re not wandering round with it, then when you go to pay, the checkout assistant has to hunt for it. Then when you’ve paid for it and it’s your property, you’re allowed to be released into the wild with it to wander where you will.
Good morning - a bit nippy here despite cloud cover. 6.4 or 5.8 - thought first was a bit high on ring finger so did a check on middle one.
Had rack of lamb last night with asparagus so managed to end day on under 20 carbs - not a cut I see often at a price which doesn't blow the budget - very tasty.
Hopefully the great last sh*t shoveling day as Alex gets down to the concrete under the midden.
Better the day better the deed - have a good Sunday everyone.
A straight down the middle 5.5 for me today. 🙂

Good morning 7.2 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
And it’s a 5.4 for me on another gloomy morning, anyone got any spare sunshine ☀️
Morning all. 6.2 for me after a massive high to 17 in the night needing a 4u correction.
We ate out at a lovely restaurant, a couple of hours later i had a small hypo which i treated and went to bed on a 6.5 which is ideal for me. A few hours later it was 17! Funny thing though, earlier this year when we last ate at that restaurant, exactly the same thing happened!
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Lovely photos, @eggyg ! The nearest I got to Lakeland yesterday was the shop of that name. Daughter wants a kitchen knife for Christmas. What a palaver! They are all chained to the shelf with a security widget, so you have to collar an assistant to release one for you, she then takes it and puts it behind the counter while you do your other shopping, so you’re not wandering round with it, then when you go to pay, the checkout assistant has to hunt for it. Then when you’ve paid for it and it’s your property, you’re allowed to be released into the wild with it to wander where you will.
Just read an article in the Oxfordshire Gazette about a very angry woman in her 60s, going around slashing car tyres in Lakeland car park! :rofl:

We’re going to their flagship store in Windermere on our way home ( maybe not quite, a bit of a detour required) , we ran out of clingfilm just two days before our holiday. 😱I was bereft, every other brand is just rubbish. Will probably get a couple of rolls and a tinfoil, and no doubt lots of gadgets that I didn’t know existed and didn’t know I needed!