Group 7-day waking average?

Hello there. 🙂 8.6 here. Lots of lows yesterday, but lots of alarms too - it’s so nice when the tech works.

More online training for work today - I had to do yesterday’s module 3 times before it would recognise that I’d done it. I hope it behaves today!

Looks c-c-cold out there...wrap up warm, folks.
Just checking that someone at DUK is actually aware of the tech issues.
@Josh DUK can you check that they do know please!
3.7 on libre and 10 odds on meter (tested a few times to make sure)
I hate the am i feeling a bit out of it and low or like this because libre has rudely woken me up and I'm half asleep.
Anyway the 10 sounds about right, I was nibbling too much to get away with without a bolus last night.

Kiddo has dentist again this morning so need to get myself sorted and presentable, have brekkie and throw in a correction. Maybe coffee too 😉

Catch you wonderful peeps later on x
Just checking that someone at DUK is actually aware of the tech issues.
@Josh DUK can you check that they do know please!
Although I cannot speak for for DUK, I know the mods and admin are well aware of the problem (I was doing overtime yesterday removing duplicate after duplicate). I am sure it has been referred to the boffins!

Liked your description of The Nutcracker @ColinUK. Was that the "modern dress" production that has been greeted with critical scepticism?

EDIT.... I have just posted this and got the "server" error. I just ignored it and found that the post had been made but the "reply" box had not been cleared. So for the time being, if anybody gets the "server error" message then maybe just ignore it and do not try to repost your message because it will have gone first time.
Last edited:
It's been a while since I got one of these. 🙂

Morning all - 9.2 :( here this morning. How is it so easy to fall back into bad ways? I had a really good two weeks and then things have crept in again. I had my annual check at the Churchill last Friday. I felt oddly sentimental going back there and looking up to see where my room had been for my big surgery a year before. The doctor was very pleased with me, especially my last HbA1c (don't think the next one's going to be so good!). I explained about my tethered feeling and tightness/discomfort I get in my abdomen and he has ordered me a CT scan for reassurance. I'm having this afternoon (sorry @ColinUK, I feel rather guilty how quickly it has come through). I do have to drive up to Banbury for it but I'd rather that than wait for ages. Frosty here this morning which looks beautiful. Have a good day everyone xxx. Oh and @MeeTooTeeTwo I wanted to give you a start for your house special but the computer wouldn't let me :(
Although I cannot speak for for DUK, I know the mods and admin are well aware of the problem (I was doing overtime yesterday removing duplicate after duplicate). I am sure it has been referred to the boffins!

Liked your description of The Nutcracker @ColinUK. Was that the "modern dress" production that has been greeted with critical scepticism?

EDIT.... I have just posted this and got the "server" error. I just ignored it and found that the post had been made but the "reply" box had not been cleared. So for the time being, if anybody gets the "server error" message then maybe just ignore it and do not try to repost your message because it will have gone first time.
The mods and admin here do a great job and I’m very grateful for the effort they go to which helps make this place what it is.

Nutcracker was suitably traditional.

I found a trailer!

Morning all - 9.2 :( here this morning. How is it so easy to fall back into bad ways? I had a really good two weeks and then things have crept in again. I had my annual check at the Churchill last Friday. I felt oddly sentimental going back there and looking up to see where my room had been for my big surgery a year before. The doctor was very pleased with me, especially my last HbA1c (don't think the next one's going to be so good!). I explained about my tethered feeling and tightness/discomfort I get in my abdomen and he has ordered me a CT scan for reassurance. I'm having this afternoon (sorry @ColinUK, I feel rather guilty how quickly it has come through). I do have to drive up to Banbury for it but I'd rather that than wait for ages. Frosty here this morning which looks beautiful. Have a good day everyone xxx. Oh and @MeeTooTeeTwo I wanted to give you a start for your house special but the computer wouldn't let me :(
Honestly I can’t complain about the speed of things really. They first said the initial appointment in clinic would be December 30th and I’m now likely to have had the initial consult, MRI and other scans twice, two surgical consults and physio by the end of December. That’s quite a result.

And I hope that they can sort you out quickly as well.
@ColinUK i never knew the plot to the Nutcracker until now!! I just loved the music and dancing.

Morning all. A high 12.6 again. I really don't know whats going on atm apart from feeling unwell since both vaccines (though i've not got covid). I'm tired with all the highs, drops from corrections and rebounds, feeling unwell, shattered with the business of work in the run up to christmas and fed up generally with everything else. I thought i wasn't doing too bad managing but these last two weeks have been awful.

Sorry for the moan first thing in the morning but i don't even feel like i have the energy to get out of bed let alone go into work and act all jolly and excited.
Good morning, I too have felt rubbish since I had my flu and covid vaccines mid november, my worse weeks were the last week of november/beginning of december, my bg went back to what they were in june/july and I could have cried after almost 6 months of diet and exercise. I'm semi retired now, but have my adult daughter to care for so like you I can't just go to bed. I have no advice other than the usual drink plenty etc just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and hope things improve quickly for you (((hugs)))
Although I cannot speak for for DUK, I know the mods and admin are well aware of the problem (I was doing overtime yesterday removing duplicate after duplicate). I am sure it has been referred to the boffins!

Liked your description of The Nutcracker @ColinUK. Was that the "modern dress" production that has been greeted with critical scepticism?

EDIT.... I have just posted this and got the "server" error. I just ignored it and found that the post had been made but the "reply" box had not been cleared. So for the time being, if anybody gets the "server error" message then maybe just ignore it and do not try to repost your message because it will have gone first time.
If you hit page refresh in between replying or reacting it shows reply's emoji's, bit of a pain but better than all the duplicates
Good morning all, cold and frosty here but the sun is 'struggling' to shine through the clouds, much better start to the day than yesterday when it did nothing but rain.
4.1 for me this morning at 7.30 pm
Hope everyone has a good day
Morning all, first frost agh I was perished putting the wheeliebin out. Brrr. 6.3 today yay, that's better. 🙂

I always wanted to be Clara. Wanted to be a ballet dancer and if not a figure skater. Ended up a fat ol' bag. :D Can you do Swan Lake next Colin? I'm never sure what's going on. Don't think much of the YouTube's Clara nightie, she should have had puff sleeves at least! o_O:rofl:
08:52 BS 6.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Love your ballet plot @ColinUK 😛

Made a discovery last night as to the recent waking BS in the 4’s: my cooking & eating of omelettes needs MUCH less bolusing that I’d forgotten about as it’s been quite a while since I last ate them; it’s also a different shape to the graph, is the best way I can think of describing it, as it’s mainly protein so, takes longer for BS to rise afterwards but, also stays elevated for longer once it hits! :confused:

I kind of remembered that yesterday & didn’t bolus until 2 hours after eating it to see where my BS was at, 14.something, & then correct that at my usual correction factor of 2units/mmol I want to go down which meant a dose of only 14NR! BUT, that meant there was still active NR on board when I ate lunch 2.5 hours later with a instinctual guess of 38NR, in between my lunch dose of 40 & my dinner dose of 36, because of that remaining active bolus & things seemed ok when testing!

The problem showed itself when going to bed around midnight when I ate dinner after all active bolus were gone & my BS was 4.7 so, I ate dinner of toast & tea with no bolus at all or I might have gone hypo in the night & woken in the 4’s again? 😱

THAT made me remember about the difference in profile when eating omelettes & I only used 52NR yesterday for all 3 meals when normally it’s 120NR: less than half the total bolus; no wonder I’d been waking up low! 😱

I’ve remembered NOW & will reduce my NR accordingly & given how high my BS was at the two hours after mark: test & add bolus at the 1 hour mark; less problems with guessing, or maybe not have at all with an hour earlier bolus, the next meal dose with less active bolus left? :confused:🙂

AND less insulin needed is always a good thing! 🙂
Morning all, first frost agh I was perished putting the wheeliebin out. Brrr. 6.3 today yay, that's better. 🙂

I always wanted to be Clara. Wanted to be a ballet dancer and if not a figure skater. Ended up a fat ol' bag. :D Can you do Swan Lake next Colin? I'm never sure what's going on. Don't think much of the YouTube's Clara nightie, she should have had puff sleeves at least! o_O:rofl:
I’ve seen Swan Lake twice and twice it’s left me a little confused.
I’ll see it again and will try and unpack the really threadbare plot for you!
Morning all. Clear blue skies from horizon to horizon today, which likely means it will be cold. Dug out my big coat yesterday, rarely have need of it, but I did wear it and it was very cosy. Pity I forgot to take gloves out!

5.3 and a straight line overnight, seems my bit of fiddling with basals from 10pm for 3 hours last night worked.

Just spent the last half hour on the phone trying to sort out a prescription for Liothyronine which had gone to the wrong chemist. Apparently the tablets are £110 for 28, whereas the capsules are only £55. Only one chemist in town (not my regular) can supply the capsules. I do a written request for the script to be sent there and that's twice the surgery have sent it to my regular chemist who cannot supply them. Then the script gets lost on the spine.

@ColinUK I adored your plot analysis! I've not seen Nutcracker but when we went to Budapest for the Xmas markets they were streaming the film onto the front of the basilica and the music was being played over loud speakers... it was very atmospheric (even though you couldn't really see what was going on with 3 metre high soldiers marching across the ornate stone work of the building). As to Swan Lake, I await your analysis with anticipation. Long ago (early 1970s when I was flying) I saw Swan Lake at the Kremlin Theatre in Moscow. Unlike the very traditional Bolshoi theatre, the Kremlin theatre was a huge concrete auditorium, quite unwelcoming, but we had superb seats. At the end I turned to the F/O who was seated next to me and said "what a strange production, the swan didn't die!" and he said "She did actually, you were snoring!". Hardly surprising, we had worked our way round to Moscow via Anchorage and Tokyo which both had huge time changes and involved crossing the date line!

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats on another HS.

@Gwynn, sorry to hear your wife is suffering again.

To all those who are not well, I hope you feel better soon... big HUGS
Morning all and 4.9 for me.

Weirdly the cold weather is leading to reductions in basal and bolus or is that just a coincidence?

@ColinUK this old punk has seen the Nutcracker a couple of times and it is a real treat for the ears. At least with ballet it's easier to ignore the plot absurdities than it is with opera. One day I'd really love to see Petrouchka and the Rites of Spring.

Down the studio later. Taking soup as it's not heated.

Have a good day everyone.