Group 7-day waking average?

5.2 this morning!😎


Hoping a good day BG-wise follows now, probably won’t given how this game twists and turns!

@ColinUK - looking forward to January and your plot summaries! But that’s a long time off so you’ll have to give us a pantomime plot summary for Christmas!

@eggyg - love the photos you have been posting! Looks like you are having a really great time and have some good weather!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning 6.0 @06:00 am (maybe I should’ve woke 40 min earlier)

Its a cold morning, according to my phone it s -3 (but it will feel like -6)

yesterday put the the purchase of bungalow under instruction of solicitor
having had the mortgage offer confirmation the day before.
didnt have any reason to think we would have a problems with mortgage
but ended up fixing (as expected) at 5%, very different to the 2% we were offered
previously earlier in the year.

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 🙂 The DF’s been up to no good again. 😉 After a week without that pesky 6am BG hike, it’s back, ho hum. 10.1 for me. 🙂

My mum’s loving your pics @eggyg - she spent every August as a child in the Lakes with her family. 5 kids, two adults, a cat and a dog, all packed into one car with a trailer for their belongings. That must’ve been a fun journey!

I hope the next seven days are better @freesia and then a nice relaxing deserve a break! Can you chuck a sickie? Dealing with constant highs is a more than good enuff reason in my book.
@Bloden Luxury! Sheer bloody luxury! Closest my mum got to in the summer was a puddle in the middle of the road!
Good morning everyone

Very cold. Determined to keep the heating off and getting my heat from an ekectric throw. Works a treat.

Off to Preston Royal Infirmary today. A cold slow bus ride there and back. This is the first consultant apointment I have had in years (not to do with diabetes).

We had a much better day here yesterday thank goodness.

BG 5.4 which is fine.

Mothing else planned for today

Have a great day whatever you are doing
I hope the next seven days are better @freesia and then a nice relaxing deserve a break! Can you chuck a sickie? Dealing with constant highs is a more than good enuff reason in my book
Thanks. Its been an exhausting one this term. I would love to chuck a sickie but we're so short staffed atm though i will see how things carry on.

Morning all. I had a straight line on the libre last night, albeit in mid 11s.
5.1 at 8.00am
Still battling the cold bug and coughing for england overnight very cold but sunny here this morning, Have a good day everyone
Thanks @rebrascora. It makes you feel rubbish at trying to manage it and rubbish with the constant highs. I really hope you are feeling a little better in yourself
It's very definitely not you being rubbish @freesia. It's one of those things and all you can do is firefight. So don't be too hard on yourself. I've been through periods like that and all of a sudden things have just gone right again. An example was extreme stress when we were buying this house... another one was when I had to have some utterly vile antibiotics. Managing BGs was terrible, then suddenly all went as normal. You'll see, things will right themselves at some point. I hope it will be before Christmas for you.
Morning all. 🙂 The DF’s been up to no good again. 😉 After a week without that pesky 6am BG hike, it’s back, ho hum. 10.1 for me. 🙂
Try increasing basal for 2.5 hours by a conservative amount from 4am. i.e. the lowest hike you can make on the Omnipod, which is 0.05u. If that doesn't work then hike it a touch more, but give it a couple of days first. Hope this helps.
Morning all and it was 5.9 for me.

Bright and cold but I'm all thermalled up.

Rehearsal studio wasn't too cold yesterday. The heating pipes for the units up stairs run through ours so that took the edge off. Had to take my hat off.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. White all over here and nippy brrr. Listening to Driving Home For Christmas, I likes that one. 6.0 for me today, yay, going down. Found an old photo of me last night that had me quite shocked. Never realised I was quite that fat! It was back in the 90s so there's not a line on my face and there wouldn't be anyways, as I look like I've been blown up with a pump. o_O

Stay warm everyone. 🙂
Morning all... another "can't make it's mind up" day... black clouds through the front windows, blue skies at the back.

7.2 at 9am, following 2 x JBs at 05:30 when I was rudely awakened first at 4.3 and again at 5:47 with another 4.3 and 2 more JBs. Completely different pattern to previous nights. Still, I was never actually hypo.

@ColinUK , I await your comments on the ballets you have booked. I saw Carmen (the ballet) at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. A beautiful traditional theatre. We had good seats in a box. Unfortunately we had to share the box with several Russians who had been given the "treat" for producing the most wheat (or something). They all had the most terrible BO... but then all Russians had BO in those days, but we didn't usually have to get so close to them except briefly in the hotel lifts!

WOW! What a clutch of HSs. Congratulations on @Barrowman , @MeeTooTeeTwo , @Eternal422 and last but not least @Colin g

Must get ready... we are hosting a drinks and snacks do at 6pm before going down to the pub to watch "The Four Tunes" one of which is a doctor at my surgery. Very good group and they will be doing Christmas tunes tonight. Should get us in the mood.
20.2 :( at 07:15, up from about 8 at 04:00.
Bit off last couple of days, had to rush back when out, then sick early today.
Down to < 10 by 11:00.
Coffee-at-the-beach open today, bit surprised as it's very stormy. Sea is impressive as it breaks over the sea wall by the harbour, may have another walk by harbour but take camera