Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

Well the ice seems to have disappeared outside but it is still very cold. I will venture out later on I think but stay in the warm this morning.

BG 4.9
BP elevated (cold ?)
Pulse 53

I might consider putting the decorations up. I used to love every aspect of Christmas and I would stick the decorations up very early in the season. But as my wife has shown zero interest it has put me off. Sigh. dreams have evaporated.

At least my App is going well and the graphs it produced really helped at my recent consultation.

I do find it odd that you travel to a consultation, wander around a hospital and as soon (ish) you arrive, being slightly stressed and cold (the busses were freezing), they take your blood pressure and pulse, and then say 'oh, its a bit high'. Doh !!!!

So the blood pressure charts from 2 years of readings were useful for that part at least.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 5.9 Light covering of snow overnight. Not sure what the day will bring. Managed to turn the horses out yesterday for 11a/m.- 4p.m. but will have to see what happens today. The old man, Louie, is OK to tie up whilst one mucks out, Peachy just politely gets out of the way and keeps munching, but the foal thinks it is a great game - nipping, dancing and up ending the wheel barrow - so even an hour out on the yard makes life easier.

@Pattidevans and @42istheanswer - I will talk to Taras about the electricity but I can understand why he has not being using the gas - it is over £90 a bottle (which he pays) while electricity has been free. Quite interesting to do a full days monitoring yesterday - he used £13.05 in 24 hours while I, in the same period, used £2.24! I want to monitor it for a few days before facing up to the great language struggle - it is a bit difficult to be tactful when your fellow conversationalist has almost no English. Not sure how to mime 0.34 a unit...
@Gwynn BP and white coat syndrome - I always tell them that I am running much higher than home monitoring and the hospital then re-measures after a bit of a chat with the consultant. That second reading has always reduced splendidly.

Keep warm everyone.

Couldn‘t sleep, so decided to get up. Anyway 5.6 today which I am really pleased with. Today I am going to make my Christmas Wreath with a couple of my friends in a barn, so going to wrap up warm.

Yesterday, I covered another 4 Christmas cakes in marzipan, only 3 left to do, but needed more marzipan, covered 7 cakes in sugarpaste icing, only one of the cakes has traditional royal icing, the rest have sugar paste (aka fondant icing) as it is softer. And made my Bakeclub Christmas cake rocy road, which consisted of a cake that got stuck in a fluted cake tin, chocolate, digestive biscuits and some extra cherries I had left over, all made in the shape of a Christmas Pudding, no prizes for guess this month’s theme is Christmas.

Have a great day everyone and hope you all manage to stay warm.
Morning all. Over the moon... 5.2 good grief I can't believe it. :D

Off to swimming today, not sure if should go with this cough but I've struggled into a new cozzie so it's fate, I'm going. Can't believe that neither. :D Have a nice, warm day all. 🙂
5.6 this snowy morning. My wife has to work a late shift today due to staff shortages, so she is not looking forward to driving 20 odd miles in the snow. Luckily we have a Ford Ranger so 4WD is an option if things get bad!

Hope everyone has a good day and can keep warm!

Here’s our snowy garden!

Well done @Ditto on the HS. 🙂
Missed it again - today 5.3.🙄

Good morning - 6.7
Morning all. 5.7 and I managed a lie in!

-5.1 on my weather thingy me gig. We had a slight fluttering of snow yesterday but nothing to write home about. Too cold to snow, as the old saying goes, maybe.

I was annoyed last night, and not just about the footie, we watched the first episode of a spy drama on the new ITV X, based on the Kim Philby scandal. One of the characters, played by Damien Lewis, was being interviewed by MI5 when he stated shaking, excused himself and went to the bathroom, he was staggering all over the place and eventually collapsed, he then took a syringe out of his pocket and injected himself in the stomach and heaved a big sigh of relief. Hmm…I thought, surely not, but yes, returned in minutes fully recovered and announced he was diabetic! When will TV and film makers ever get it right. 😡

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, have a fabulous wintery day.
@Ditto huge congratulations on your HS, and enjoy your swim. 🙂
Good morning! A 7.4 for me. A late breakfast for me as forgot to inject 15 - 30 minutes before. A plonker from Bombay named Barry (!) with 0121 number rang about life insurance. Strung him along using tips from other forum (I apparently smoke 40 a day [oh to be so well off] and drink a bottle of vodka as well) before he decided I was uninsurable! 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

Nice work @Ditto !!! 🙂

Good grief! That’s just plain scary @eggyg. How can we complain? I don’t want some busy body giving me insulin when I’m hypo cos they “saw it on the telly so it must be right”. 😱
Good morning 6.2 today

have a great day everybody 😎
And it’s a happy 5.3 for me this foggy cold morning, can barely see your hand in front of you.
Morning all. 5.6 and a night spent in target. Yay! After 2 days of feeling better i've woke this morning to my throat closing up again and a snuffly nose :(. Again. When will i be able to shake this off? Dosing up with paracetamol again will hopefully see it off. Its been snowing here too, cold and icy. I shall be staying in today.

@Ditto Congrats on the HS, enjoy your swim.
@eggyg, oh no! Why can't film makers/scriptwriters check their facts?!
My bird baths are solid. Put some warm water on them and it’s just froze again! Their seeds have frozen too, brought the feeders in last night to thaw. I’ve put mealworms and bread out on the lawn for them too.
Bread isn’t the best thing for birds. I know it’s what we always used to throw out for them but it’s now no longer advised.
Apparently it’s like crack for them!
I’ll try that. Thanks I never knew that about sugar.
Or do the tennis balls floating in the water trick. Unless they freeze as well.