Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Very cold in the house this morning. CH on for a while to warm everything up.

BG 4.9 as an experiment I immediately did annother test on the other side of the same finger 5.6 !!!
BP is up a bit (its the cold temperature)

My walk yesterday was really good, cold, but good. 3 hours 22 minutes. Appointment went well. I mentioned that I can no longer see when the light levels are low, eg evening. A bit worrying that. But sight seems fine in good light.

I am amazed that I am not tired nor aching after yesterdays exercise. What an athlete

Today gotta go out to get a few supplies (a pizza and maybe a fan heater - not to be eaten at the same time !!!). Bought a turkey crown for the christmas meal when I got into my home town after my long walk yesterday. £51 pounds. Cost a lot, but it will be worth it once a year. Got to eat it by 29th so it will be fine for Christmas day. Just got to get some parsley for the lemon and pasley stuffing. Oh and some bacon and, and

Incredibly my wife has invited my friend to Christmas dinner. For someone who cannot cope with anyone else in the house that is truly remarkable. A good sign. It will be a good meal. A good time. I will be doing all the cooking ! Yikes! Mind you I do the cooking every year and to be honest, most days too.

I still haven't touched the Christmas decorations !!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning folks. 🙂 7.4 here.

Aw, hubby’s very thoughtfully passed his cold on to me. 😉 Good thing I always keep loads of Paracetamol in the house. And I stocked up on comfort foods yesterday. A day of sofa-surfing awaits!
And it’s a 5.7 for me today…..
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - so far dry roads and just grey, though the sun is trying to peep out.

6.3 this morning after an uneventful night and a fairly good sleep except for a nightmare.

Had a complete meltdown yesterday over the database and Christmas cards. The problem is that my database is on a laptop we inherited that has a completely unfamiliar version of Microsoft Office and basically I have only used the database half a dozen times in the 10 years I've been retired and that was using Office 2003. Office has changed out of all recognition since 2003. Cannot make a query run cos I haven't a clue how - we can't get the help files as the laptop doesn't have up to date anti-virus so we don't want it connecting to the internet and frankly I don't want the hassle - just getting too old to be bothered. So after an argument with hubby and bursting into tears I dried my eyes, pulled myself together and decided to just email people with our newsletter apart from 3 cousins who's phone numbers and emails I don't have, to whom I will send actual cards. To be fair some of the people we've been sending cards to every year we don't see from one year to the next and one or two we've not seen for over 20 years. Those who live locally will get an actual card handed to them.

@TinaD I meant to say yesterday and forgot, why don't you write down what you want to say to Taras, then run it through Google Translate and show him the translation on your laptop/phone/tablet or whatever you use? He could use it to talk to you too!

@eggyg and@Eternal422 many congrats on your HSs.

@Eternal422 loved the compressed story of A Christmas Carol... very clever!

@Grannylorraine your wreath is just beautiful!
@Pattidevans Good idea - the phone translator is a real bore. However until I have a weeks statistics under my belt I am holding off the conversation. Have, however, talked to local council to see if they can help as it seems weird he isn't eligible for some heating benefit - awaiting an answer.
Good morning - only it isn't much of one here - everything frozen solid and yard like an ice-rink. My days for winter sports are well over...BG 5.4, animals fed and wood burner blazing. Happily it has a hot plate and an oven so breakfast is sorted.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone from a cold, very cold morning, sun is trying it's best to break through the cloud but is struggling.
4.9 for me about 90 minutes ago, before I got out of bed to feed and let dogs out, they make me smile as they go down garden to toilet then sit at back door waiting to be let back into warmth, I'm sure they're saying 'hurry up its cold out here' :rofl: :rofl:
Making bath bombs this morning and then Drs late afternoon for my bloods taking, 2nd since diagnosis keep your fingers crossed for me, hoping HbA1c remains under 48!
Have a good day everyone :rofl:
Morning all. 5.5 after a restless night. This cold is not shifting, despite feeling better. So full up with catarrh, any ideas what i can take (sorry if you're eating breakfast!)? I can't wait to finish now, very tired. Only 4 days left.
Would Sudafed help?
Morning all, very grey but no snow or even frost.

8.1 no doubt due to correcting a 4.3 in the early hours. Just realised that the reader is still on BST!!

Off to meet an old school friend for lunch. We went to school in Nottingham, didn't keep in contact and 40 years later we got in touch again as a colleague of mine lived next door to her. Very complicated. We now meet 3 or 4 times a year for lunch and it's like we have known each other all our lives.

Have a good day all and keep warm!
Morning everyone

6.9 for me today, achieved nothing yesterday, sat under a blanket all day. Did have a telephone call from the drs to see how I was getting on, anyway will be doing a phased return to work in January.

Still snow on the ground here but sun is trying to break through.
I see I am in very good company with a 5.8 this morning too. I ate too much peanut butter before bed and not enough exercise yesterday so needed 2 corrections through the night but kept it in single figures, just and then the second correction dropped me nicely the last couple of hours before I woke up
I have had my lovely farrier visit this morning to take Rascal's shoes off for the winter and trim him up. Can't believe he is working without gloves on in -6 degrees! I offered him my bright pink kids size magigloves with glow in the dark hearts and stars on the palms but for some reason he refused and said he would manage! 🙄
I was very pleased to get back home and get a cuppa and thaw my toes out as they were really starting to ache with the cold. My walking boots are definitely warmer than my wellies even though they are neoprene ones. Water wasn't running in the water trough this morning but there was enough liquid water for them for now after I removed the ice. Hoping the supply pipe will thaw by the middle of the day and top it up. Haven't worked out a plan B just yet so keeping fingers crossed it resolves itself. I am not fit enough to haul water up that hill for 4 GGs as well as all their feed, so they may need to come back down to the village if it doesn't thaw and that will be fun considering the hard packed snow/ice everywhere. Bit oif a case of "Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink!" Hopefully last night will be the coldest of the week and the frost will start to ease a bit. I don't mind frosty but extreme lows like this do make things a bit more challenging.
Good morning everyone! 5'7 today, and very excited.

I have my first Libre sensor on! Was a bit nervous in the moment of applying but it was all fine. I feel like a child with a new toy. Very appropriate for this time of the year 😉


That reminds me I don't have my Christmas decorations out yet. I might do it later today, if I don't have other plans. I've been off for 2 days and still have today and tomorrow. Had I known it in advance, I would have planned a short trip somewhere. Would like to get out of my town today for a change, but it's cold and there's a rail strike. Is that a sign to stay cozy at home? But I also know if I stay ALL day I will feel like I wasted it. I'm waiting to see if a friend is available to meet this week. Tomorrow I'll probably go with this man I'm seeing so at least there's something to look forward to.
Morning all. 5.5 after a restless night. This cold is not shifting, despite feeling better. So full up with catarrh, any ideas what i can take (sorry if you're eating breakfast!)? I can't wait to finish now, very tired. Only 4 days left.
I find Sudafed very good better than anything else, but it does have ingredients that are not suitable for everyone so you would need to check.
Good day all. Did I forget to post yesterday? 6.3 today anyways. Second to the last piggy is blue from when I stubbed four of my toes on the swimming baths floor on Sunday. Good grief. Have a great day all, stay warm, it's perishing out there.