Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.7 for me. Had to get up early as hairdresser came to give a quick trim then a late breakfast and a walk to the chemist to get something for the cough and blocked nose. I'm so sick of feeling ill now. Hopefully over the next two weeks i can rest more and shake it off.

@Lily123 Congrats on the HS

Stay warm everybody, its still freezing out there.
Hello everyone. 5'2! I expect a nice house 😉

For the past weeks, Friday and Saturday nights in the hotel where I work have been busy with party dinners and dance, all sort of events. Last night was a gay "bear" community, there was some interesting outfits and a drag queen. I really wanted to work in this event but was sent to our plain old restaurant for the first half of the shift.

The other highlight of the night is we received a Christmas box from the company. This year it's from Waitrose, which I was excited about as I don't have one anywhere near me. The contents? Not diabetic friendly, except for a bag of assorted nuts: tree shaped tortilla chips, shortbread with cranberries, mince pie flavoured fudge, Stollen, lebkuchen and a bottle of mulled wine. I do eat sweets but none of those are my favourite. Never tried Stollen but doesn't look like something I will enjoy. I love the fancy coordinated packaging, tho. And at least the mulled wine makes me happier than last year bottle of Prosecco, which is still unopened!

With this and the Spanish products my parents brought me recently, I have a good Christmas stash. I'd like to see what they have in M&S as well, not that I need any more but they usually have interesting seasonal products and it feels like a little luxury.
Good morning everyone.

I like the people on this forum. Friendly, kind, patient, helpful, uplifting...

BG 5.0 (I am sure it meant 5.2, probably a worn out battery ! 🙂 )

The Chistmas tree and decorations are up at last thanks to my wife yesterday evening. I spent my time making the lemon and parsley stuffing (minus the eggs) which is now in the freezer waiting for Christmas day. It takes ages to make the stuffing but it is well worth it.

Today, if it is not too icy, church and then hopefully a walk with my friend

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning. 6.2 today and I’m still in bed! No, the kids haven’t all become angels and having a lie in. Mr Eggy is up with them as I can’t get up!

Had an incident yesterday morning. I stupidly fell down the last couple of stairs whilst carrying an airbed! My ankle twisted underneath me, absolute agony! Of all the days. Thought it was a sprain and I’d be fine in a few minutes. Not the case I’m afraid, I can’t weight bear on it. Possible ligament tear I thought ? Poor Mr Eggy had to do everything whilst I laid with my foot elevated with a bag of frozen peas! The kids were great and helped us both, except Zara of course who just kept banging into my ankle! A pair of crutches were dragged out of the shed ( metatarsal break, daughter no:3) but I can’t get the hang of them. So have bumped down the stairs on my bum and crawled back up and just generally hopped holding onto door frames, husbands and large grandchildren! Two visits to loo through the night seemed a bit easier, lots of rest perhaps and I was able to bear a bit weight, albeit gingerly. But I’m lying in bed as long as possible as it’s exhausting trying to get around! Still swollen but no bruising appearing, I think I’ll survive as I’m thinking now it’s just a bad sprain. But it’s so frustrating! 😡

Have a good day everyone. 🙂

Photo of injured ankle. The grandkids ( couldn’t get them all to look/and or smile at the camera, and Mr Eggy’s wonderful spread.


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Good morning 5.1 for me,

@eggyg hope the ankle heals quickly, grandchildren are gorgeous, hope they enjoyed their meal looks lovely.
Morning folks. 🙂 11.4 here - still full of this pesky cold, getting better tho.

Wow, it’s wild out there - wet n windy. A quiet Sunday awaits...once we’ve walked the dogs (they’re so insistent!).

Aw, @eggyg poor you. I hope it’s just a sprain. Lovely pic of the grandkids. 🙂
Good morning 6.5 on waking about an hour ago
@eggyg hope the ankle is ok 😱 take care of it

have a good day everybody 😎
Morning all. Much warmer here but somebody said snow! Still hospital visiting so keeping an eye on the weather. Why is hospital visiting so expensive. :( 5.6 for me today. That's at least three days consistent 5s yay. I put weight on today and that's fine by me, it's all the peanuts. 🙂 Weight for this week then 13st 9.8lb yay.

@eggyg what is that in the smiley face tray? I want to eat it nom. Hope you ankle is better soon. Photos are fab.
I'm a bit late to the party today with a 5.6 🙂
Glad to see it's raining and the temperature is a positivly tropical 4C.

No sunshine today but fingers crossed it will appear soon.
It was a 5.4 for me today at 8.15,
Good morning - 6.6
Good morning everyone! 4.1 this morning.

The Libre has been reading lower than BG by about 2. For me this is unusual as previous sensors have been pretty close to BG. Then I remembered that I hadn’t had much to drink all day yesterday as we were out all day and ended up not having much to drink, in fact I just had a couple of coffees all day which is very little for me. I seem to remember people saying that the Libre does read low if your hydration is poor. So I’m going to have a normal day of drinking today and see if the readings start to get closer to BG. I really don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of continually testing and worrying that the Libre readings are inaccurate. Worse if I start trying to head off hypos when my BG isn’t actually as low as the Libre says!

@eggyg - lovely pictures of your Grandchildren and a lovely spread of food! Sorry to hear about your ankle, hopefully it will get better quickly and not spoil your works do!

It’s started sleeting here just now and the patch of ice on the pond I have been melting each day was much easier to melt this morning, so hopefully it is getting a bit warmer.

Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing!
Morning all. 8.2 for me today. Could have been worse as we were out to dinner last night and I completely avoided my past favourite pudding at this particular restaurant of a sharing Apple Tartin. Only drank fizzy water but did have one piece of bread. Been a bit AWOL these last couple of weeks. Went for a check-up at Churchill (year since surgery) and was referred for a CT scan which I had only 5 days later. I'm a bit worried as I was going to have a telephone call to discuss but a face to face appointment came through for late January. I emailed his PA saying I was fine with a telephone call but another face to face appointment came through instead for 9am this coming Friday (my son's birthday). So keeping everything crossed that he just wants to reassure me. I'm sad to see the back of the cold snap as it felt so lovely and Christmassy, but obviously it's better all round for people and lessens the risk of injuries. @eggyg have you got any arnica? I frequently turn my ankle and find it really helps if I take it quite a few times early on. Have a good day everyone xxx
Good morning, of sorts...

Gale force winds, spitting rain, skating rink yard and almost no water pressure - just dribbling. Staggered round to check for obvious leaks but none apparent. Rang neighbours - it seems to be a burst main from yesterday as yet unfixed so images of my water meter spinning like a vortex are assuaged.
BG 5.6, wood burner blazing away, animals fed, looks like a good day to stay in with a book.

@eggyg Hope the ankle better soon.

Have a happy Sunday everyone.