Group 7-day waking average?

It's lovely to see you back on posting @Lanny 🙂
Take good care of yourself.

Hey all. 5-6 ish.
Had multiple waking's but have ended up back in bed until now which was 6.8.
Had a terribly upset tummy all morning and just proper crashed out for most of the day. Amazed my bloods have held steady to be honest but also haven't eaten and my basal is pretty steady.
Will get a bit of toast in a few mins to get some carbs and insulin in, think I can stomach it at least.
5.1 when I got up at 7.30 after a horrendous night of coughing, sneezing, sweating and shivering, feeling lousy today, had a bacon and egg toasted sandwich and was surprised to see blood glucose rise only 2 when it had been high for me before bed and during the night.
Back to my hot lemon and tissues for now
hope everybody is having a good day 🙂
Hello All - I've just realised I've been AWOL the last 2 days. This morning was 5.8 so very happy with that. I went up to London last night to meet my daughter and her boyfriend and we went to the venue where she works on Tottenham Court Road to see Sam Ryder - he was very good. It was a short set but that suited me as it didn't start until 9.15pm and I needed to catch a train back to Didcot. Got home at 11.45pm much to the doggies' delight. Today has been a strange day as I drove down to Sussex to my brother & sister-in-law's house to meet a couple of removal companies. My sister-in-law is already up north and I felt very sad looking round the house imaging my brother there. I then drove to Horsham, where I grew up, and collected his ashes from the undertakers. Then I (we - yes I was talking to him) did a drive round all my old haunts from when I was a child. All rather melancholy. I had one of the dogs with me (boxer) and he enjoyed his day out but didn't get a walk (apart from running round their house). Back home now and I've lit the fire. Sorry to bore you all with that but with hubby down under there's no-one else to talk to, apart from the dogs and they're not that chatty xxx
It's not at all boring @zippyjojo! Will your sister in law come back down for the actual removal?
It's not at all boring @zippyjojo! Will your sister in law come back down for the actual removal?
Aah thank you! No I don't think so - we've found a really nice local firm who can do it which I do think makes all the difference. She's coming down here to be with us for Christmas with my nieces so that will be lovely. Although my brother was called Robin and everything this Christmas seems to have a Robin on it (and he loved coming to us for Christmas) so it will be odd but I'm sure we'll all talk about him and raise a glass on Christmas Day.
Aah thank you! No I don't think so - we've found a really nice local firm who can do it which I do think makes all the difference. She's coming down here to be with us for Christmas with my nieces so that will be lovely. Although my brother was called Robin and everything this Christmas seems to have a Robin on it (and he loved coming to us for Christmas) so it will be odd but I'm sure we'll all talk about him and raise a glass on Christmas Day.Maybe you should
Nice that you did some reminiscing with him but shame that it was just the two of you as I think it needs a 3rd person to laugh and cry in such situations. Easy to cry on your own and be melancholy but harder to remember the funny times and have a laugh without someone else to stimulate those thoughts and memories.... You also probably end up looking a bit mad laughing in a car when essentially you look to be on your own.
I love that he is called Robin and there will be so many robins at Christmas time.
What are the plans for his ashes? Do you know? I hope he spends Christmas with you before being scattered.
Nice that you did some reminiscing with him but shame that it was just the two of you as I think it needs a 3rd person to laugh and cry in such situations. Easy to cry on your own and be melancholy but harder to remember the funny times and have a laugh without someone else to stimulate those thoughts and memories.... You also probably end up looking a bit mad laughing in a car when essentially you look to be on your own.
I love that he is called Robin and there will be so many robins at Christmas time.
What are the plans for his ashes? Do you know? I hope he spends Christmas with you before being scattered.
I did worry that people would be concerned seeing me blubbering at traffic lights - but it was good to get it out. We're scattering his ashes in three different places (he'd be fine with that!). One lot with my Dad who died when we were young; one lot that his wife and girls will scatter at their new home - or rather somewhere in that area, where we'll all hopefully be too and the last lot up on the Isle of Harris which is very special to all of us. We also had a little bit put into a tin and his wife and girls are going to have a piece of jewellery each made with it in. And yes - he'll be here in the glass cabinet in the dining room on Christmas Day 🙂
Been awake since 3:15am
Don’t really see the point in testing as any figure will be skewed by the lack of sleep.

It was good to see my therapist again yesterday and today I have a creative writing salon type thing with Survivors.

Unsurprisingly I’m exhausted.
7.0 and had a couple of hours sleep. Tummy is still playing up. Sorting out some hydration and will probs try and go back to bed again if things settle a bit.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesss again!!!
BP 112/75

Nothing much planned for today. Still its all good.

I noticed that my smart meter display showed that I had exceeded my weekly budget !!!! That will be the heating plus the thanksgiving cooking this week. Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning fellow bloodletters/zappers. A very nice 5.3 ( oh so close), following a unicorn day. Happy Eggy.

Wanted a lie in but like many others on here, been awake for hours. I had strange dreams, not pleasant at all, a family member died and although I know that is said to indicate there’s an imminent birth, it’s still unsettling. It was Mr Eggy’s youngest brother, I won’t mention it to him. Then I just tossed and turned until my stomach forced me to get up as I’m starving. Unfortunately, I need at least 45 mins before I can eat, blooming insulin resistance! :(

I’m home alone today, Camera Club Northern area competition in Keswick. I was thinking I might go and have a walk around Derwent Water whilst Mr Eggy is busy but I talked myself out of it. Rain is forecast but I also need Mr Eggy as my look out as I can’t walk 11 miles without needing a “comfort” break, and it’s always very busy! 🙄 So I’m going to stay at home and put on my pinny and make filled pasta and ragu bake. I’ve got those fancy huge pasta shells that you can only buy in TK Maxx and I will fill them with mozzarella, ricotta, garlic and fresh basil. A fiddly job but worth it. I might also have a nana nap!

Have a smashing Saturday.
Congrats @Gwynn on another HS.
Good morning.
Looking out of the window is depressing - shrubs bobbing about against a grey sky, rain misting down and visibility less than 100m. Forecast vile after a bad night.
Was anticipating a poor score after indulging in scampi for supper. I need a recipe for shellfish which uses less carbs. Can't spend all my remaining years eating mussels with garlic butter...Cheering surprise to get a reading of 5.0.
Enjoy the weekend.
Morning all. 🙂 7.1 here. I woke up around half 2 to find my BG shooting up, cheeky so-n-so. Ha, gotcha, I thought, as I zapped it with a correction dose.

So my new overnight pattern is: two nights in a row, a nice flat line; followed by two nights in a row, BG sky-rockets at 3am and/or 6am; repeat...Weird.

So nice to hear from you @Lanny - not so nice to hear about your struggles, poor you. (((Gentle hugs))).
Morning all, 6.1 here, after correcting a 4am hypo with a couple of jelly babies. And I’d reduced overnight basal by a whole unit. Combination of using the long handled loppers overhead to reduce the height of a large buddleia for the winter (Monty's instructions on a Gardeners World episode, can’t disobey those) and a glass of red wine in the evening.
5.6 first thing this morning. 🙂 Rain, rain and more rain forecast for today. 🙄
