Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Andy Williams is singing it's the most wonderful time of the year... I luvs the Christmas tunes. I am so tired though, no sleep whatsoever, coughing all night. I don't feel I will ever be well. Have a good day y'all. 🙂
Oh no! I've got that in my head now!
Good morning! Woke up perspiring with blurred vision to a 3.4. At the time I was dreaming I was eating mashed potato and sweetcorn - was my brain telling something useful? Whilst I was eating this strange meal I was looking for a house as I was taxiing in my old Omega. Actually it was the most unreliable car I have owned apart from a Friday afternoon Volvo. Both expensive nightmares! :( Tried Wordle but brain still befuddled! :(
Good morning everyone, 6.2 and a lovely straight line overnight🙂

About to be spoiled as breakfast is about to be consumed, so I’m in the process of cheering on my insulin to try and build it up to tackle the carbs.

Have a good Friday everyone, whatever you are doing.
Good morning, and it’s a 5.5 for me this fine sunny morning.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! Woke up perspiring with blurred vision to a 3.4. At the time I was dreaming I was eating mashed potato and sweetcorn - was my brain telling something useful? Whilst I was eating this strange meal I was looking for a house as I was taxiing in my old Omega. Actually it was the most unreliable car I have owned apart from a Friday afternoon Volvo. Both expensive nightmares! :( Tried Wordle but brain still befuddled! :(

Thought I was still hypo. I was looking at chess sets on Amazon and saw a board with black chess pieces on the right and white draughts on the left. Tried to work out how to play this hybrid game! 🙂
@ColinUK I didn’t dare open your link. Already got an ear worm this morning. Apparently Zara can sing ( in her own way) Frosty the Snowman, so we had a rousing rendition all before 8.30! :rofl:
Good morning - 6.8

No school today because it’s the Christmas light switch on tomorrow
I lied...despite the dark, wet, cold, windy conditions, I did my usual walk.

What inspired me? Fear I think. Not exercising = disaster?

Oh well :D
5.5. I haven't actually removed the Libre2 yet but it isn't fixing itself - it said 3.4. Yesterday's graph looks too flat as well as too low. On a positive note, Abbott customer services must start work on checking emails/Web messages early as I got an email at 7.55am asking for more information on the sensor from completing a webform at about 10..30pm last night. Sent one back with all the info they asked for, plus I attached the last 2 days Daily Graph so they can see that it is consistently reading low not just compression or similar.

Not had a call yet from GP to book bloods. I'm wondering if I should call them to try and make the appointment before my work Christmas night out as that could affect the liver function tests or just wait
It’s really easy. Shallots, garlic sliced sweet peppers and chorizo sautéed in olive oil. I added white wine, cooked off. Pinch of smoked paprika, two tsps paprika. Passata, stock, butter beans, spinach or French beans or whatever green veg you fancy, par boiled new potatoes. S&P to taste. Cook until ready! I pan fried the pork sirloin in olive oil and butter and added fresh sage and garlic to the pan and laid it on top of stew. I sometimes use white meaty fish ( cod or monkfish are our favourites) for about 5/6 minutes to the stew at the end and sometimes use sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. I use whatever I’ve got in the house. It’s the chorizo, tomatoes and paprika that gives it the Spanish flavour.
I'm going to try that with some cod loin I have in the freezer! Thank you.
Morning all and a lovely one it is. Forecast to stay dry too!

6.1 this morning. I made the mistake of starting a new sensor with my phone last night at 10:30 just to see if it worked. It did but scanning is taking forever. Unfortunately I was tired and neglected to also use the reader and now I am stuck with slow scans for the next 2 weeks... bah humbug!

Off on a mission to Aldi today to see if I can get one of their special Christmas puds. They do a "Bucks fizz" one and a "Marc de Champagne" one all loaded with yummy looking glace fruits on top. I draw the line at making them, I did it once and on Xmas day discovered they had gone mouldy.

@ColinUK fingers crossed you hear about your MRI appointment today... you did make me laugh with the Olympic squits.... the vision it conjured up was unmentionable.

@Ditto hope you feel better soon.... Hugs.

@Gwynn so pleased both you and your wife enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner.
A very nice 5.3 for me this morning with a steady decline from 8s when I eventually climbed into bed and then levelled out beautifully in the high 4s/low 5s and just started climbing a little as I woke up. Very happy with that considering recent rather less good results.
About 07:10 ish this morning BS 9.2

Little Miss Distracted & Not Been a Well Bunny, at all, has just remembered to post this morning! 😳, an Away With The Fairies emoji & a Green Sickly emoji too although, I’m getting back in line & not looking QUITE so green now; a greyish green? A Greyish Green Looking emoji! :D

My BS is more or less in range now but, the waking one is still a bit high; that ALWAYS take longer to get that back in target range! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I was already semi struggling BEFORE the double whammy flu & covid jab anyway then, THAT hit me hard & I went down pretty heavily with that one! At first my BS was low, every covid jab lowers my BS, before they were rising because a) I was pretty ill with a cold which turned chesty, I’ll not call it flu as I wasn’t feverish, b) could barely move a few steps my breathing, with the chesty cough, was SO bad; there’s only SO much inhalers I can take before the tipping point of faster heart rate outweighs the very little improvement in breathing & c) naughty confession time here, I ate like a pig as I DO when I have a cold. But, in a little bit of self defence, I couldn’t eat much at any one time; just a lot of times at very odd hours as my sleeping pattern didn’t exist! o_O That’s for being stir crazy! :rofl: So, I just injected NR about every 4 hours in between the eating: mostly cans of cold soup in the bedroom to save my gasping for breath too much with every little step I took; loo trips left me PANTING!

It was a slow recovery & I still cough a bit now & then but, it’s more or less behind me now! My heart rate has been fast for a while now but, not worryingly fast like all of my other covid jabs before now with no trips to A&E so, that’s a plus! 🙂

Just in time for my 51st Birthday on Monday & I’m NOT in the mood for cake this year given the battle I’ve had to keep my BS in reasonably “not too high” range ie below 13mmol with a few at 15 & 16 point somethings at the highest, or worst, points! 🙄 So, no cake at all this year: I REALLY don’t want any!😱

One plus though, is my family are now back in NI & my dad has gone into a nursing home in HK. So, my youngest brother is now, after all these tears stuck in HK with dad, is back in London with his wife & son, still not met them yet, & are coming over sometime next month for a visit! 😛
FINALLY the kitchen is being cleared out professionally next Tuesday at 09:30am & it’s SUCH a relief to get that done! :D

You can skip the rest if you wish as it’s about a Chinese drama? :confused::D Honestly: I won’t know; it’s cool either way?😎

I’m sinking my teeth into my first ever contemporary Mandarin drama since last week watching it live ish, as soon as it finishes airing, on the Chinese TV website just to see if I can handle it? And I’m REALLY surprised to find that despite the SUPER DUPER fast speed of the dialogue & up to date language, I’m learning a lot of new vocabulary, I CAN hear about 75% of it: my historical vocabulary is up to about 90/95% after watching 7 of them since July this year very quickly & can speak some now from practicing pronunciation every time I in the loo, all that pretesting hand-washing too as I “go” first because of the extremely strong Pavlovian association I have, with just a bit of figuring out what the terms are being using in each drama depending on the historical era! But, I STILL watch on myasiantv for the English subtitles as I’m finding that THAT 25% I can’t hear is very often VITAL to the understanding of the plot! But, a bit more practice at that & I can improve my hearing of “bang up to date” contemporary Mandarin as spoken “today”? :confused:

I’m watching 2 episodes a day Mon. to Fri. around 11/11:30am on the Chinese TV website, at first, & now watching waiting until 2pm to 3pm on myasiantv for the English subtitles &, by today’s 2 episodes up later, will be halfway through on episode 20 of this 40 episode’s contemporary drama! I’ve never watched pretty much live before & it’s a bit frustrating as I have to wait! 🙄

I’m signing off on this long post now & it won’t be so long tomorrow: I promise! 😳🙄:rofl:😉

I’ll try & remember to post but, maybe at odd hours? I’m taking 2 steps forward & 1 step back at moment in terms of tiredness & sleeping as sometimes after a longer semi normal length day, 15/16 hours, I find myself only lasting 10/12 hours the next day & need more sleep so, I still can’t establish any pattern really! 🙄