Group 7-day waking average?

Well Libre showed a 3.3 for me this morning which was my 3rd dip into the red on the Libre graph overnight although in reality at least 2 of them will have been low 4s including my waking one, so not as bad as it looks by a long chalk.... I didn't double check it though.
I knew I was either going to be high or low this morning because I had no idea how my body was going to react last night. I opted for a 1 unit basal reduction at bedtime but I should have gone for minus 2. I feel rough today but hypos don't usually bother me, so really think there is something else going on. I have a bit of a niggly cough and my body aches but then I gave it a lot of hard work yesterday so that probably accounts for it. I am not as young as I used to be and my body is letting me know. 🙄 Levels are reasonably steady now so hopefully I am back in control.

Many congratulations to @Lily123 on your House Special this morning and brilliant HbA1c result.

@Pattidevans Just Wow! What a fab few days of food and friends. Sounds like heaven even if the weather didn't always cooperate. I love that they left you a box of JBs as a thankyou gift.
I might go for a finger print security too rather than password. Anyone here had experience of that and was it trouble free and reliable?

you have to have a passcode too, I use a PIN for that back up and it demands PIN when I turn phone on, and when I have failed the fingerprint 5 times in a row and don't want to wait to try again.

It's mostly reliable, but if hands have been wet for a while then it doesn't always work
Libre2 continuing to read low....

This morning it said 3.0 while fingerprick said 6.1... and 18 minutes later it said 3.6. Checked again with fingerprick pre-lunch and 3.1 compared to fingerprick 6.1. It's currently saying TIR 36% which should really be 100% assuming it is showing a relatively accurate graph in terms of difference between peaks and troughs as I only had about 70g carbs yesterday split fairly evenly between meals. I'm definitely going to email Abbott but will do it later as need to get on with work!
G'day all. Torrential rain here, but now the sun shining gold and nice. 🙂

Unless there’s a fault in the entire payment system I guess but it’s never been declined when I’ve used it. And I use it to pay everything. I don’t carry cards or cash. Everything is in the wallet on the iPhone. Bank cards, all loyalty cards, everything.
I don’t think I can pay by phone if the transaction is over £100, on Apple Pay, unless that’s changed. I take a bank card to collect my car from the garage repairs in case, but that’s about it. And once in Sainsbury’s they had a system issue that meant they weren’t arable to take phone or contactless payments. Annoyingly they only told you at the till so left without any shopping. But that’s happened once in total in many years.

Sounds delicious Patti, how much do you charge for three courses, with matching wines? :rofl:
I love cooking too but I find it stressful at times, everyone enjoys it but we rarely get invited round to anyone’s for dinner! I might need to stop putting so much effort in. 😉

I’m doing a pork Spanish style stew tonight, just for us two. Last night I did a spicy salmon fillet ( first time recipe) with vegetable pilau rice. We really enjoyed it, will definitely do it again. I like trying different things but still go back to the old favourites.
Oooh, I like the sound of the Spanish pork - recipe? Also the Salmon. We do get invited back to other people's homes for dinner, though in latter years the circuit has shrunk as people have sadly passed away. I always tell our friends who are in their 80s that there is absolutely no need for them to feel they must reciprocate as it's such a joy to have them over and we love to see them.

@rebrascora - to be fair our friends reciprocate in more than JBs. They brought some lovely wines (far more costly than we can afford) and it's a fight who gets to pay the bill when we eat out, John is very sneaky and finds ways to pay without us knowing. Plus after last year's parking fiasco they have offered to have our car whilst we fly out of Heathrow on our summer holiday next year and they will drive us to the airport + accommodate us.... how do we reciprocate that???? We are most fortunate.
I don’t think I can pay by phone if the transaction is over £100, on Apple Pay, unless that’s changed. I take a bank card to collect my car from the garage repairs in case, but that’s about it. And once in Sainsbury’s they had a system issue that meant they weren’t arable to take phone or contactless payments. Annoyingly they only told you at the till so left without any shopping. But that’s happened once in total in many years.
I guess different banks have different limits, but on Barclays I can definitely use Apple Pay on individual transactions over £100, most recent was for around £300 and that worked fine.

Unfortunately due to my wife’s bank imposing a total daily limit of £200 on Apple Pay, she now has to take a physical card with her as well - just buying a few things quickly totals more than £200 nowadays.
Morning all.... another unsettled day with teeming rain followed by sunny spells.

6.5 this morning which is a huge improvement on the last 3 days, during which time I've had a mare with BGs,Tuesday night I spent most of the time with a -55% basal on and was still dragging along the floor alternating between 4.1 and 3.9 with alarms seemingly every few minutes waking me. BGs have been either too high or two low the whole of the time our friends have spent with us.

Mind you, I have been eating and drinking well out of my normal comfort zone. Monday night we served foie gras with melba toast, confit duck legs with Sarladaise potatoes ( which did not come out how I wanted as I was trying them out in the air fryer), chantenay carrots, peas and buttery leeks. Followed by a selection of French cheeses... did not get round to my creme brulees, though luckily I hadn't caramelised the tops. We then went out for a pub lunch of tapas on Tuesday and a wander round town. Tuesday night we had pan fried pheasant breasts in a wine and mushroom sauce, with parmesan broccoli done in the air-fryer (that did come out OK). Followed by the creme brulees properly caramellised on top. Weds we went into Mousehole on the bus and had sausage baguettes in the Ship Inn. Bus home and a wander round the Range before going to the local pub for meal. I could only manage the Salmon fishcake starter... home to eat up the chocolate and Tia Maria pots that should have been eaten on Tue. This morning a cooked brekkie for all before their long drive home. I can now have a rest as there are enough leftovers for dinner tonight. I love cooking, but it takes it out of me at my age now.

It was a delight to have the friends staying as we are very much on the same wavelength and did nothing but laugh the whole of their visit and the icing on the cake was missing the nasty heavy showers whenever we were out. Oh and they left me with an enormous kilo box of JBs as they had been finding childlike delight in pinching mine each time I had to get them out.

@Lily123 huge congratulations on both the HS and Hba1c.

Have a good day all of you..... look after yourselves and most important of all be kind to yourselves.
A candidate for MasterChef next time with all that exotic sounding food.
Oooh, I like the sound of the Spanish pork -
It’s really easy. Shallots, garlic sliced sweet peppers and chorizo sautéed in olive oil. I added white wine, cooked off. Pinch of smoked paprika, two tsps paprika. Passata, stock, butter beans, spinach or French beans or whatever green veg you fancy, par boiled new potatoes. S&P to taste. Cook until ready! I pan fried the pork sirloin in olive oil and butter and added fresh sage and garlic to the pan and laid it on top of stew. I sometimes use white meaty fish ( cod or monkfish are our favourites) for about 5/6 minutes to the stew at the end and sometimes use sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. I use whatever I’ve got in the house. It’s the chorizo, tomatoes and paprika that gives it the Spanish flavour.
It’s really easy. Shallots, garlic sliced sweet peppers and chorizo sautéed in olive oil. I added white wine, cooked off. Pinch of smoked paprika, two tsps paprika. Passata, stock, butter beans, spinach or French beans or whatever green veg you fancy, par boiled new potatoes. S&P to taste. Cook until ready! I pan fried the pork sirloin in olive oil and butter and added fresh sage and garlic to the pan and laid it on top of stew. I sometimes use white meaty fish ( cod or monkfish are our favourites) for about 5/6 minutes to the stew at the end and sometimes use sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. I use whatever I’ve got in the house. It’s the chorizo, tomatoes and paprika that gives it the Spanish flavour.
Good morning. New sensor activated last night shows 9.8 and a big spike overnight. I'll check it with a finger prick in a minute. Yesterday's unicorn day was ruined with the sensor firing up a 2.6 when the finger prick showed a 4.2. Hopefully its just settling down.

So glad its Friday, its been a very long week. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 7.0 on the nose today

TC, have a great dat everybody 😎
Morning all. 6.3 today. I really didn’t want to get up but it’s Zara day so needs must. She’ll soon liven me up with her chatter and toddler exuberance! Is it bedtime yet? 😉

Don’t know what lies ahead today, all depends on the weather. At the moment it’s wet but, fingers crossed, hopefully it will dry up enough to allow us to have a trip down to the river. Hope mummy has packed Zara’s wellies, it could be slightly muddy!

Have a fab Friday all.
After spending the evening fixing a bug that has been stressing me out, I had a late night and woke this morning to a 5.1!

Not had any Metformin for two days now, keep forgetting it.
8.9 this morning.
Almost zero sleep.
Emailed PALS and the orthopaedics dept again this morning saying thank you for the two voicemails left on Wednesday but would really rather actually have an appointment for the MRI booked as opposed to people calling me to tell me that they’re booking it and will get back to me with details within an hour.
I’ve highlighted the impact the pain is having in my mental health and have also played the diabetes card.
The consultant happens to be the diabetic lead orthopaedic surgeon for London.
He’s also on call as orthopaedic surgeon for the England football team and for the Olympic squits so when I do get to see him I’m sure I’ll be in good hands!

Oh and in other news I’m off for a therapy appointment! She’s back at work after being off ill for so long!

And I’ve used far too many exclamation marks!!
Good morning everyone.

We had a great Thanksgiving meal and time last night. My wife really appreciated it. So did I. It didn't take me as long as I expected to prepare the meal too. Mixed grill with fillet steak. Hmmm.

Hopefully an Amazon delivery today.

BG 5,5
BP 116/71

Today seems to look cold, dark and wet so I'll use my Amazon delivery excuse not to get out and exercise !!!

New phone is really good. Truly a step up from my old one. A good move getting it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Andy Williams is singing it's the most wonderful time of the year... I luvs the Christmas tunes. I am so tired though, no sleep whatsoever, coughing all night. I don't feel I will ever be well. Have a good day y'all. 🙂