Group 7-day waking average?

6.8 for me this morning.
Just had Ian on the phone saying that he opened the new inhaler I picked up from the pharmacy at the doctor's surgery on Friday night and there was no sealed foil pouch as there normally is around the inhaler and when he looked at it, there were only 4 doses left, so it has clearly been used! 😱 Can't believe this could have happened as our surgery/pharmacy are normally really professional. I have sent off an urgent online custom request to inform them and ask for a replacement as he needs his inhaler and doesn't have a back up beause he just used the last dose from the old one.
Could you be lying on the arm with the sensor during the night? That will sometimes cause what is known as a compression low.
No, I don't sleep on that side. I either sleep on my back or the other side. It's not just over night either, it's all today, sensor is definitely reading low. Pre- lunch (about 3pm as I got an extra meeting added last minute for 1pm) sensor showed 3.3, fingerprick showed 5.5.... and just now for post meal sensor says 5.1 but fingerprick says 6.7

I have had a couple of "compression lows" when I have leaned on my arm - they were more like 4.1 or 4.3IMG_20221123_170245_696.jpg
congrats on your HS @eggyg

was 5.5 for me at 7am this morning, this cold/virus is not very pleasant and doesn't seem to be going anywhere in a hurry, woke early hours of morning with a temp and BG of 6.3 :( been in high 5's all day, after averaging 5.4 for weeks average today is 5.8 :(
Hope everyone has had a good day
No, I don't sleep on that side. I either sleep on my back or the other side. It's not just over night either, it's all today, sensor is definitely reading low. Pre- lunch (about 3pm as I got an extra meeting added last minute for 1pm) sensor showed 3.3, fingerprick showed 5.5.... and just now for post meal sensor says 5.1 but fingerprick says 6.7

I have had a couple of "compression lows" when I have leaned on my arm - they were more like 4.1 or 4.3View attachment 23043
I had a sensor do that on me, in the end it was reading about 4 lower than finger stick tests, so I ended up reporting it to Abbott, giving the, 3 examples of differences between BG glucose meter and sensor and they sent out a replacement sensor. Luckily since then my sensors have on the whole been pretty close to BG and accurate throughout their 14 day life.
did you get an inhaler sorted in the end @rebrascora ?
Yes, in the sense that they rang him to say they had dispensed a replacement for him to collect, but he said there was no apology as such, just that it must have been issued to a different practice doctor and then somehow got left at their dispensary. I am repeating that explanation as a third party who didn't hear the actual conversation but it didn't sound terribly plausible of like they were treating the matter particularly seriously. If Ian hadn't been on the medication for a long time he probably wouldn't have twigged that it should be sealed in a foil pouch or then noticed that not only had it been used, but out of 140 doses there were only 4 left, so had clearly been used very regularly.

Completely forgot to congratulate @eggyg on her House Special this morning.... although I had already awarded her a much deserved gold star.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.8
BP 112/78 back in the normal range

I managed to set up the new phone relatively easily yesterday evening. The toughest bit was remembering so many passwords. It still isn't finished tho. I chose to action a Sim swap so that I could keep my old number. The on screen advice was that it could take up to 24 hours. So for now I have a phone without a number !!!

Is it better than my old phone? I really cannot say as most of the useful stuff is not operational yet. But the stuff that is working works well.

I signed up to Samsung pay. Not sure if I will complete it tho. Is it really secure? I don't know. So I am holding off adding my debit card details for now. Besides I am not sure how to even fire it up when I might want to pay for something. Anyone here use it and any advice?

I might go for a finger print security too rather than password. Anyone here had experience of that and was it trouble free and reliable?

Lots of cooking this evening in readiness for thanksgiving.

I got my energy 'bill' through yesterday. A while back they tried to hike my monthly direct debit to some crazy unpayable level. I opted for a much more sensible, affordable level. Well, I was nervous as we now use the heating for an hour a day, we use an electtic throw for the rest of the day and my wife serms to have been cooking bread and cakes for England. Amazingly my energy useage costs are just slightly less than the direct debit, so for this last month we are ahead. Phew.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 6.4 today,

ive just been online and booked a early morning visit to the vampires
my GP hasn’t requested it, but I’m sure it’s due

have a great day everybody 😎
Motning all. 5.6 thid morning. Tired and arms a bit sore from covid and flu jabs yesterday. Heavy rain forecast and i don't want to get out of bed.
Good morning - 5.2

The annual review went well. They took the blood sample then (HbA1C they do from a finger prick) the nurse was nice but it took him 5 attempts to actually do it.
5.9 this morning, much more like it! Also 86% in range yesterday, although porridge (aka rocket fuel) spiked my BG to mid 14s briefly before dropping right back into range within an hour, and that was giving myself a bolus on waking up. Once I finish these porridge pots I’m going to try homemade porridge, maybe even something like overnight oats.

In other news I got my new Novopen 6 pens last night! Love how they integrate with Librelink and allow downloading of insulin shots. The one issue was that the doctor wrote the script for a blue pen, specifying quantity of two and then writing please supply blue and silver. The pharmacy had to supply two blue pens as that tied up to the quantity and code on the script :( The pharmacist was really apologetic and totally understood why I would want different coloured pens for the different types of insulin, but they could only issue what was on the script. I’ve ordered some sleeve type stickers from Typeonestyle specifically for the Novopen so that I can make my Levemir pen look different to the Novorapid pen rather than go back to the GP to get another script.

@Lily123 - congratulations on your HS and a brilliant HbA1c!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning. 6.5, not as good as a HS but I did have a 100% day, and I had rice for tea. So I’ll take it.

A bit of Aldi shopping today, might get an Amazon delivery, not due until tomorrow but I got one yesterday which wasn’t due until today. Operation Christmas shopping almost complete, some odds and ends to get and that’s me done! #smug! Wanted it finished before our holiday on 2nd December, just to Ambleside, only an hour down the road, but the lakes are so Christmassy and hopefully we’ll get some frosty mornings. Can’t wait. 🙂

Congratulations @Lily123 on the House Special.
@Gwynn I’ve finger print ID on my IPhone, it works fine most of the time, if I’ve been bleaching or had my hands in water, it doesn’t always work but you just use your passcode.

Have a good day folks.
Well done @Lily123 on that House Special.
5.8 for me today. 🙂


Had a call from the hospital to apologise and explain what happened. They have a standard practice where they book the follow up appointment before booking the scan session. Apparently it’s to stop “patients being lost in the system”.
If the follow up appointment arrives and there’s no scan results the consultant cancels the appointment and remind them to book the scan one. So they then book a second follow up and so on.
I did point out the flaw in their system.

@Gwynn My phone has face recognition but previously I’ve had some with finger print tech. It generally worked absolutely fine but if it doesn’t it’ll always ask for your passcode.
Regarding Samsung Pay, I use Apple Pay but they’re all the same whether it’s Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay etc.
They are all much more secure than carrying a physical card with you.

No card details are stored in your device.
No card details are passed to the retailer’s terminal.

What they do is store on your phone an encrypted version of your card number alongside an ever changing encryption key.
The combination of those two bits of information prove to the retailer terminal that your card is legitimate. Retailer signals their own payment system which knows the transaction is legit and that then messages Samsung Pay with the encrypted number and key.
Samsung matches that up and sends a message to your bank who also know the key to decipher the encryption. They do that and apply the charge to your account.

The only people who have your bank details stored anywhere are your bank.

Samsung needs the details initially in order to generate the necessary encrypted info but it’s immediately deleted.

You’ll find some type of picture of the bank card in your wallet but even that doesn’t have sensitive info on it.

My folks have finally been persuaded to no longer carry physical cards but to use Apple Pay as not long ago mum had her cards (and driving licence) stolen from her handbag whilst out shopping.
The cards were used in numerous contactless transactions and the details were used to open loads of phone contracts. That sort of thing is impossible with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. There is no physical card.
@Gwynn i use iPhone not Samsung but only use Apple Pay to buy things not my bank card, and fingerprint (now face) ID. Never had a problem with either. To pay for things I just put my phone near the payment machine then confirm on screen. With the fingerprint I have a PIN code too so if the fingerprint doesn’t work (eg got gloves on or wet hands) I would use the number.