Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 🙂 3.9 here.

We decided to do some Xmas shopping yesterday in Carmarthen. First stop, a v nice cafe where the staff speak Welsh and the menu’s in Welsh as well as English. Ordered our food in Welsh, looked at the waiter - bright red! Turns out he’s a learner too so hadn’t understood everything. Then off to the Welsh bookshop where they definitely speak Welsh fluently - my turn to go bright red! I think I did okay tho...

A day in the office for me!
Morning all. 6.7 here for me this morning. It's tipping it down outside so I've already mopped up muddy paws. Got a removal company coming in 45 minutes to do a quote so I'd better go and get dressed - so inconsiderate of them to make such an early appointment 😉 Have a good day everyone x
Regarding the hospital appointment yesterday. I wasn’t impressed.

Turned out that they hadn’t actually booked me for the MRI but had booked the follow up appointment with the consultant where he’d look over the scan results and we’d decide on the surgical intervention plans.

You’d have thought that someone would have realised that the scan needed to be done before he could look over the results but no, that seemed to have slipped past them.

They called literally half an hour before the appointment time to cancel and said they’d call me back later to confirm when the MRI was now scheduled for. No phone call. No email. No text.

I’ve emailed the orthopaedics department cc’ing in PALS, the GP surgery and the consultants secretary. I’ve been very calm and have said I understand that these things happen etc and I’ve also reiterated that I have pre-existing mental health conditions which are exacerbated by last minute cancellations and people promising things and not delivering.

I’ve asked that someone confirms that I have an appointment for the MRI booked ASAP as the consultant said he wanted me scanned within two weeks as an urgent case.

As I said I do realise that these things happen but I’m also firmly of the belief that unless you speak up things can slide.
Terrifficly heavy rainfall during the night. 😱 5.1 for me today. 🙂

Morning all after a lie in. And I’ve only gone and hit the blooming jackpot! 5.2! That’ll be the 10.5 mile very, very muddy walk we did. I took one unit off my basal yesterday morning, then a unit off my breakfast basal. Usually when we’re out walking we don’t know when or where we will stop for our packed lunch so I never get to pre bolus, but because yesterday’s walk was a local and done many times walk, we knew which bench we were heading for and I estimated the time to get there and pre bolused accordingly. It worked, no nasty spikes and no hypos either come to that. I’m wonderful for my age! 😉

Wet, windy and miserable today, and the weather is rubbish too, so just staying home.😛
I won’t be watching any football either @TinaD.
Good luck @Lily123, you’ll smash it.
@ColinUK do you feel at times that we’re surrounded by incompetence? I do.
@Robin its either a feast or a famine at the moment for you it seems.
@zippyjojo your morning readings are brilliant, good work. Hope the house sale does go through and you’re up where you belong very soon. We can compare scars! :rofl:

Have a wonderful Wednesday folks. 🙂


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Morning all after a lie in. And I’ve only gone and hit the blooming jackpot! 5.2! That’ll be the 10.5 mile very, very muddy walk we did. I took one unit off my basal yesterday morning, then a unit off my breakfast basal. Usually when we’re out walking we don’t know when or where we will stop for our packed lunch so I never get to pre bolus, but because yesterday’s walk was a local and done many times walk, we knew which bench we were heading for and I estimated the time to get there and pre bolused accordingly. It worked, no nasty spikes and no hypos either come to that. I’m wonderful for my age! 😉

Wet, windy and miserable today, and the weather is rubbish too, so just staying home.😛
I won’t be watching any football either @TinaD.
Good luck @Lily123, you’ll smash it.
@ColinUK do you feel at times that we’re surrounded by incompetence? I do.
@Robin its either a feast or a famine at the moment for you it seems.
@zippyjojo your morning readings are brilliant, good work. Hope the house sale does go through and you’re up where you belong very soon. We can compare scars! :rofl:

Have a wonderful Wednesday folks. 🙂
Well done on those muddy miles! I've found someone who sounds brilliant Near Penrith who has the same qualification as my Scar person so I'm so pleased. It really has already made a big difference just with one session. For anyone interested in reading up on it, the qualification is ScarWork.
Well done on those muddy miles! I've found someone who sounds brilliant Near Penrith who has the same qualification as my Scar person so I'm so pleased. It really has already made a big difference just with one session. For anyone interested in reading up on it, the qualification is ScarWork.
I Googled it when you mentioned it the other day, is it a fella called Tom with a double barrelled surname? He seemed to be the only one in Cumbria I could find whose website mentioned scar tissue massage. I still think it’s too late for me. But glad you’ll have someone when you move up.
I Googled it when you mentioned it the other day, is it a fella called Tom with a double barrelled surname? He seemed to be the only one in Cumbria I could find whose website mentioned scar tissue massage. I still think it’s too late for me. But glad you’ll have someone when you move up.
Not sure if I'm allowed to put a link on here but here goes:
7.0 on fingerprick, 3.9 on Libre2 and it shows me having been hypo most of the night which I'm 99% certain that I wasn't.... bit annoyed, 1-2 above which it briefly was earlier feels much more workable than 2-3 below. Going to do a couple more fingerprick checks today and see if it improves back closer to fingerprick before I decide whether to email Abbott (it was the free one anyway but the false lows are starting to move me away from "I would probably buy these if I could afford it"...)

10.8 here, lower back is quite sore today due to sleeping position last night but Bubbles sleeps however he pleases and we fit in however we can haha

Was delighted to get this notification from RM yesterday

Only opened the small box to all this, lovely little closed box of wax that I've been adding to for months, will be opening the big box tonight, it has a wax advent calendar in that Bruce bought me for my birthday

Bruce also picked this up last night at Aldi, isn't it gorgeous? Now just need to get lights to put inside and lights for out tree which will be going up this weekend
Morning all and 6.7 at bed time and 6.7 on waking with a flatfish in-between. No idea what I did right.

Rehearsal again this PM. Gig getting closer and we're sounding good even if I say so myself.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone! 7 this morning.

My parents visit was short but nice. My period did come back (before they arrived) and my BG is a bit up, maybe need to adjust basal. Will wait a few days with normal diet, because I had been eating different things and at different times while doing tourism with the family.

Oh, and yesterday I went to clean a table at work and found an used insulin needle. I'm not scared of them, of course, but I find it unsafe and inconsiderate to leave them like this. I don't think we have the appropriate place to dispose of them at my workplace. Hopefully was a distraction and the guest didn't do it on purpose.
10.9 here. Awoken early by a migraine so off work again. It’s now reduced to a throbbing headache so see if I can persuade it to go away completely.
Good morning all, hope you have a good day. 🙂 Who cuts all your toenails?
Good morning all, hope you have a good day. 🙂 Who cuts all your toenails?
I cut them myself. (Not everyone’s, just my own)
7.0 on fingerprick, 3.9 on Libre2 and it shows me having been hypo most of the night which I'm 99% certain that I wasn't.... bit annoyed, 1-2 above which it briefly was earlier feels much more workable than 2-3 below. Going to do a couple more fingerprick checks today and see if it improves back closer to fingerprick before I decide whether to email Abbott (it was the free one anyway but the false lows are starting to move me away from "I would probably buy these if I could afford it"...)
Could you be lying on the arm with the sensor during the night? That will sometimes cause what is known as a compression low.