Group 7-day waking average?

@Grannylorraine.... The "Wow!" is for 6 MORE Christmas cakes.... in one day!! Blooming heck, that is industrious!.... No wonder you needed a nap!... Even without the mental health assessment. Hope something helpful comes of it.
Good luck with your exercise today. I failed to motivate myself to get out yesterday for exercise and my mental health, diet and diabetes all suffered for it so I must give myself a big kick up the pants today.
@Eternal422 How did the extended prebolus go with the porridge? Hope you didn't end up hypo. o_O My Libre is saying that I waited too long and hypoed this morning but it is telling porkies as usual! 🙄
Sadly no, I ended up actually with a one hour delay between bolus and eating (due to getting tied up with work!). Bolus at 07:48 and started eating at 08:46.

Just had a call from the hospital cancelling my appointment today.

I’d assumed it was an MRI appointment but it wasn’t. It was to see the surgeon. Obviously no point doing that before the MRI is done so they’ll now go ahead and book the MRI, which they hadn’t actually done.
Asked when they will likely be able to book it for as I was told “within two weeks” last week.
“Well as you know we’ve been busy with covid and there’s still a backlog and everyone thinks their department is urgent and the imaging suite is always busy…”

Not a happy bunny.
Sadly no, I ended up actually with a one hour delay between bolus and eating (due to getting tied up with work!). Bolus at 07:48 and started eating at 08:46.

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Looks like porridge is rocket fuel for you as it is for me. Maybe worth another attempt or possibly try Fiasp if you are using NovoRapid but it took me months to figure out how to make Fiasp work for me so I am wary about recommending it and it is only slightly faster than NR for me and I still need 45 mins prebolus with it. The only thing I would try if you don't do it already is to bolus before you get out of bed, if that is possible for you to fit that into your routine for breakfast..... assuming you didn't do that this morning.
Looks like porridge is rocket fuel for you as it is for me. Maybe worth another attempt or possibly try Fiasp if you are using NovoRapid but it took me months to figure out how to make Fiasp work for me so I am wary about recommending it and it is only slightly faster than NR for me and I still need 45 mins prebolus with it. The only thing I would try if you don't do it already is to bolus before you get out of bed, if that is possible for you to fit that into your routine for breakfast..... assuming you didn't do that this morning.
Sadly it does! I’m struggling a bit at the moment with quite high spikes. I did manage to get things under control a bit better, but last week on the boat we ate out a few times and I underestimated carbs, so just trying to get back into range more. My last 24 hours TIR is only 55% which is the worst I have been since starting with Libre back in August. And to think that my DSN back in October was saying my Libre charts were among the best she had seen! But I guess that’s the nature of the game so I’m sure I’ll be able to get back to being better again.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Off to Castle Howard today as it's all decked out in it's Christmas finery.

Have a good day everyone.
Oops. For a moment there, I thought that was Barnard Castle and you were going there to test your eyesight. 😱:rofl:
wups forgot to actually post. was 6.4 :D

Picked up my new glasses yesterday. They are bifocals and was so weird to walk about town yesterday with them on but Ill get used to them.
My old ones for reading/pc were okay so can still have single lenses for that so they can pretty much live in my bag so when I forget to change them for going out (which will be 99% of the time) I can have them on me :rofl:

My DUK store order came yesterday and was totally happy with the process. Loving my new case already. I do appreciate bags and purses so this is right up my street and its easier to move about the house with me than lugging my rucksack/handbag (which i also love but is full of stuff I don't need on hand 24/7)
@eggyg I might be be a while answering. I thought that the simple Toucan phone might be just the start. After all there was no instruction book. So I waited for that..

It turns out I was right. Heres the whole phone handset which just turned up. I have managed to assemble it with the help of about 6 neighbours.

But which bit do I pick up to answer? I need that instruction book!


Then they had included the external phone too (for when I am out and about). I hadn't asked for that but they threw it in as a gesture of...?...

scottish kiosk.jpg

But most worrying was the replacement battery. I wanted a long half life one. They sent me this...

I think it is a kit form one. Some parts feel oddly warm, still that will reduce my winter heating bill. Quite thoughtful of them. I just have to assemble it now. It does seem a bit big tho.

At last the instruction book arrived. I may have to stay up all night just to read it.



Not sure if they sent the right one...

I give up. I will use snail mail. Oh I can't. Something to do with some dispute?
Good morning 6.9 today
woken up early (by the central heating starting up)
still it’s good to wake up early and warm, we gave in and decided it needs to go on in the morning now
still it’s only on for an hour and a half, in the morning.
I think the boiler is related to the same technology as @Gwynn ‘s phone

have a great day everyone 😎
Back to my usual near miss BG 5.3

New phone arrives today...really

And a separately ordered charger. They sell the phone without any means of getting it going!!! The phone has a different configuration of charging port too so none of my present chargers or cables will work. And a new Sim. And of course that is a new smaller size to fit the new sim port on the new phone. I guess I will be faffing about trying to get it all working all day.

Geting new Phone Working.jpg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.3

Annual review today. Libre estimates HbA1C at 45
Good morning. 5.7 today.

Quite chilly this morning so CH on for a bit. Spent yesterday evening happily feeding the woodburner - it does fill in the advert slots on the TV now that the BBC is solid football. Doubtless I am in a national minority but I have no desire to spend what remains of life watching over paid young men running around kicking a ball. Once the childhood of the players is passed I find football excessively tedious.

Depending on the weather I am either constructing a new raised bed, partly to get rid of last of manure, partly to finalise obstructing the view of the house from the road, or emptying the last of the lettuce floats in the polytunnel. It will be supermarket salad for me now that winter proper seems to be starting.

Have a good day all.
Good morning all! A higher than normal 8.3 for me today, but went to bed with 8.4 and although it touched around 10 overnight it tended to keep around low 8s all night. My first reading on waking was 10.4 which shocked me and made me wonder if I had missed my Levemir (I hadn’t). Second reading when actually getting up was 8.3 though. Tested against finger stick and that was 8.9, so the Libre is keeping its accuracy.

Trying out @rebrascora suggestion today to see if I can take the rocket fuel of porridge by having taken my bolus now on getting out of bed. Let’s see if that helps.

Will be picking up my prescription from the pharmacy later today, which will (hopefully) be my new Novopen 6 pens! I really must be leading a boring life as I find that exciting!

@Gwynn - lovely to see both your sense of humour and BG really good! Glad that you are both ok.

@TinaD - I must be in the minority too - I don’t follow football at all, but thankfully we tend to watch stuff that we have either previously recorded on the Sky box or stream from various other services so what is on the broadcast schedule never really affects us.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all, 8.2 an hour ago, last nights pizza taking its revenge, but then (supply your own expletive) Dawn decided to make a reappearance and kicked me up to 10.2 just now. Always shoving her oar in when she’s not wanted!
OH is glued to every kick of the ball, @TinaD and @Eternal422 , I always spend most of whatever tournaments are on in a different room, though I can usually gather what’s going on by the groans or cheers emanating from just in front of the Telly.
Morning all. 6.8

No MRI yesterday. Hospital cancelled half an hour before the appointment time.