Group 7-day waking average?

They’re saying that statins don’t have any impact on sleep!
Maybe I interpreted it wrong … “Another Lancet study from 2018, in which I was also involved, of 10,000 patients taking a statin (atorvastatin) or placebo, showed significantly less sleep disturbance in those taking the statin.
More detailed studies of sleep duration and quality show that statins reduced the number of times people woke and the time they spent awake during the night, compared with a placebo.”
Maybe I interpreted it wrong … “Another Lancet study from 2018, in which I was also involved, of 10,000 patients taking a statin (atorvastatin) or placebo, showed significantly less sleep disturbance in those taking the statin.
More detailed studies of sleep duration and quality show that statins reduced the number of times people woke and the time they spent awake during the night, compared with a placebo.”
I meant any negative impact 🙂
Just scored a 5.2!

Yes I know it’s not morning but I’m claiming it as an Afternoon Delight!
Morning all 5.2 for me this morning. Strange day yesterday bloods great till after lunch . Called into town for a few things. Called in for a coffee, tested 18 4 .took a correction dose of 12:units to bring it down quickly didn't work. Tested before tea 19.4 tested two hours after 20.5.tooj dog out for an hour tested when I get home 7.2 (at last ) The joys of diabetes eh. Well have a good day folks
If that sort of thing happens to me, given the amount of correction doses needed I'd be inclined to think the insulin in my pen might have gone off and I would try a fresh pen/cartridge.
It's a possibility I suppose . Was wondering if I was coming down with something.. Feeling ok today , just got back in with dog been out over three hours .. Was thinking about yesterday . I was in Costas when I injected the correction dose Had to use my arm instead of thigh . Lot of hard lumps and bumps probably start kicking in tonight sometimes happens . Check it every half hour . See if I can keep on top of it Cheers
Well I've not been asleep since 2.35 but it was 6.3 then
Good morning everyone! 8'4. Should have posted yesterday, when all my pre meal readings were in the 5s!

Yesterday I went clothes shopping, didn't get much but I lost my handbag. In there I had my keys and a 20 pound note, which would be annoying to lose but not the end of the world. My actual worry was the glucose meter, more than that, my precious Fastclix. I'm so used to it that the thought of the lancing device that comes with my spare meter ruined my day. I have to get a spare of the Fastclix as well! Thank goodness, went back to the previous shop and the cashier had found my bag. She asked if I had any ID there to check it was mine, me out of breath "well, there is this, uh...medical equipment...I can show you..." That and probably my face of immense relief was enough.

Have a nice Friday, and be careful with your bags! 😉
Morning all. 5.4 this morning and a unicorn day yesterday. Glad its Friday.
Morning all. 6.8 on this frosty morning. That’s more like it, better than mild and damp.

@MikeyBikey was correct, a camera will enter my posterior! Checking for any twists. 😳 I have had a colonoscopy before and by far the worst thing is the prep! A day spent in the loo isn’t fun, I took in a chair, a cushion, a tub of Vaseline and lots of reading material! Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. Consultant a bit concerned that I’m having these “attacks” of bloating, nausea, needing to lie down after a meal etc 2/3 times a week. I’ve had three already this week. He was also concerned I’ve cut my Creon down to one a meal, he tried to persuade me to take at least two but I said no, I’ve been experimenting the last two years and one suits me, so he relented when I told him I wasn’t losing weight. On the whole he is happy with the way I’m managing it, low fibre, limited fruit and veg, no skins, seeds or nuts. If the colonoscopy shows nothing untoward, I’m afraid it’s just a case of managing the problem. If they cut out the adhesions, that will probably cause more adhesions. Deep down I knew this, I wasn’t expecting a miracle cure but for an expert to say it makes it so final. From today I’m going to be tougher and stop sneaking in the odd tomato, jacket potato skin etc, and will reduce my portions once again. I can’t chance having another bowel obstruction. Ce la vie.:(

The day wasn’t all gloom and doom, we saw a nice sunset ( not the best) and had a walk along the prom. It was very cold as I wasn’t dressed in my walking gear but it was nice to get out. Enjoyed a fish and half a portion of chips, I really should have had half the fish too, as I was unwell later on the evening. Lesson learnt. Then Masterchef: The Professionals was on. I just like to torture myself! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday, we’ve got the gorgeous Zara to keep us occupied. 🙂

Congrats to @Colin g and @rebrascora on your HSs yesterday, good work both.


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Morning all, 5.3 here, so close! Is it a gloriously sunny morning here? Yes, of course it is, I’ve got my annual retina screening. I used to be able to trot a couple of minutes walk down the road to the surgery, but now it involves OH driving me to the one in the next town, waiting, and bringing me home. Now the bus service is only one every 2 hours, it would mean too much hanging about. Apparently that's progress.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 6.4 here.

Off to knitting this morning. Haven’t been for a month! I haven’t got any knitting on the go atm so I’ll take my knitting book and a random selection of needles and wool to look the part - it’s the coffee and chat I’m interested in!
Good morning - 6.2. Quite a nice autumn morning. Blue sky with fat fluffy white clouds and no rain (as yet). Pulled the muscles in my lower back yesterday when removing a large box from the car boot. Painful but not agony only it does reduce progress to a careful shuffle.
Have a good day everyone.
Well I've not been asleep since 2.35 but it was 6.3 then
Managed to sleep a lite bit after this so back in with another waking reading of 8.2 any way danfee starts today
3.8 on the Libre, 4.8 on a finger prick once I got the meter under the duvet with me and warmed up enough to function. 🙄It really doesn't like anything other than tropical temperatures and complains that the battery is low as soon as the temp drops below 15, but works perfectly well and the battery light goes off if I warm it up. What a wimp!

First frost of the season here but bright and clear, so I will happily take that. Since it is now Nov I have switched on a couple of the storage heaters which have definitely warmed things up a bit, despite my meter's protests.
6.7 this AM

Still no joy, or response, from the hospital even though the referral is now marked on the NHS system as Overdue. No response from the GP either. I'll call the hospital clinic again today and I've now got an email for them so I'll use that as well.
I'll also send another request to the GP for assistance. Frankly if they don't come back to me today I'm likely to head to the Urgent Care unit (it's not A&E!) and see if that helps move things along a bit.
5.8 for me today. 🙂
