Group 7-day waking average?

5 for me this crisp Autumn morning (no frost here though and the white stuff on the pond was just bubbles made by the waterfall, no ice).

@ColinUK - I feel your pain with trying to get through the admin mess of appointments! Hope you get someone soon!

Hope everyone has a good Friday!
5 for me this crisp Autumn morning (no frost here though and the white stuff on the pond was just bubbles made by the waterfall, no ice).

@ColinUK - I feel your pain with trying to get through the admin mess of appointments! Hope you get someone soon!

Hope everyone has a good Friday!
Well today I’ve used Patches to send a message to the GP, I emailed them as well.
I’ll call the clinic number after 9am when they open and follow that with an email to them which I’ll cc both PALS and the referring physio in on.
Hopefully someone decides to give me an appointment for my urgent MRI and surgical consult.
5.1 after a 3.3 last night when I walked back from the pub!
Well today I’ve used Patches to send a message to the GP, I emailed them as well.
I’ll call the clinic number after 9am when they open and follow that with an email to them which I’ll cc both PALS and the referring physio in on.
Hopefully someone decides to give me an appointment for my urgent MRI and surgical consult.
I presume Patches is a dog with a message attached to his collar?😉 :rofl:

Fingers crossed for you! Wave your stick at them!
I presume Patches is a dog with a message attached to his collar?😉 :rofl:

Fingers crossed for you! Wave your stick at them!
Patches is another online comms channel from patient to GP.

I've just sent this to the clinic at the hospital and cc'd in PALS and the GP surgery. Let's see what happens.

I was referred urgently to your clinic on 20th October. I have as yet been unable to book an appointment.

I had been told that someone from the clinic would contact me and that if I had not been contacted by 2nd November to call 020 3447 9216. Messages have been left and nobody has responded. I have also called the mobile telephone number left in the answerphone message on that number and it fails to connect.

NHS Appointments Line cannot help as they tell me you are in charge of your own appointment bookings not them so it falls to you to arrange them.

I am in increasing pain as my injury continues to worsen. The pain and my increasingly limited mobility is having a negative impact on my mental health also.

I would appreciate it if someone would contact me as a matter of urgency to book an appointment.

My contact details are:

5.6 for me today

Had to get up to the loo just before 7am thanks to Bubbles stamping on my bladder a couple of times, jeezo it was chilly, 2C and Bruce has the bedroom window open! Tried to go back to bed for a while but had gotten far too cold to be able to get back to sleep xx
Morning all - looks quite nice out, but like yesterday that can change!

I'm on the 6.7 step along with Northerner this morning. Not bad as I went to bed on 13.4 after home made Lamburger that had been lurking in the freezer long past BBQ season and french fries.

The film my friend and I saw, Triangle of Sadness, was OKish. Had some funny moments (not enough IMHO for an 8 minute standing ovation at the film festival) and a real surprise ending.

Today I have to do some very minor amendments to the minutes of the PPG and scan in some documents the chair had handed to the members present. How many times do I have to tell the Practice Manager that I cannot alter the minutes to include stuff that has happened after the meeting as minutes are supposed to be be a "true and accurate" record of what went on at the actual meeting.

Congratulations to @Colin g and @rebrascora on yesterday's HSs

@eggyg Last time I had a colonoscopy it was a "virtual" one. Had to do the same unpleasant prep but didn't have to have the tube up the bum. I was put through a doughnut shaped scanner and had dye injected. The dye was a very odd feeling - like iced water passing through my veins, but not at all painful.

@ColinUK I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed that you get some response to your excellent email. Arghhh - just seen your updated post... at least you have someone on your case now.
Morning all. 7.5

Been into town for bits that I forgot to get with tesco yesterday and took kiddo for a coffee once we were done.
She's struggling being out in the cold and its not even winter yet. Going to have to look for a knee support just to try and keep her knee warmer under trousers. Very doubtful it will help keep her knee stable but if it keeps it cosy then it will be money well spent 🙂 Her just being out and about is massive progress and I don't want the cold stopping her.

Time for another coffee to warm up and then ill decide what needs done for the rest of the day :D
Morning all. 7.5

Been into town for bits that I forgot to get with tesco yesterday and took kiddo for a coffee once we were done.
She's struggling being out in the cold and its not even winter yet. Going to have to look for a knee support just to try and keep her knee warmer under trousers. Very doubtful it will help keep her knee stable but if it keeps it cosy then it will be money well spent 🙂 Her just being out and about is massive progress and I don't want the cold stopping her.

Time for another coffee to warm up and then ill decide what needs done for the rest of the day :D
I had a couple of knee supports from Amazon which were very good. one you pulled on and the other you wrap around and it holds in place with velcro so can be worn over leggings or trousers.
Managed to sleep a lite bit after this so back in with another waking reading of 8.2 any way danfee starts today
First season of DAFNEE(eventually had trouble joining at first) done to be honest i did get a bit skeptical as I was thinking "well it's been a year I had and I've learnt a lot(nurses have actually been impresed by the by the amount I've pick up) but there were allrready small things I was like "oh I was on I didn't actually know that"
Afternoon folks, it was a 5.9 for me at 9.15 this fine sunny but chilly morning.
My other half was on bread making duties this morning only to discover that 50% of the bags of various flours were infested with flour mites so sadly they went in the bin.
He still made 5 different breads for freezing. An experimental pear and stilton has turned out well.
Morning (oops it's the afternoon) all. 8.3 for me this morning but just did a pre-lunch check and it's only on 5.0 did it on a different finger just to check and it's 5.2 - good I'm going to have a yummy lunch. I've got my youngest son home from uni for the weekend so drove him into Oxford this morning - it's so nice just being able to chat to him in the car as we drive along. Big birthday lunch here for my brother's 60th tomorrow - I was going to do all the cooking but we've got a new 'Cook' shop open in the next town and I had a 10% off voucher so I'm afraid I've cheated and bought beef bourguignon and chicken dijon and will make a mountain of mashed potato (potatoes already dug up from the garden) and frozen peas and then I'm doing a blackberry & apple crumble and his friend is making another mountain of profiteroles - I'm going to buy some cheese too from a local cheese shop so we're all set. Have a good day everyone xxx
Good afternoon. All that I have eaten today is one biscuit and that was at 6am. I have had 2 walks with my dog and done little else except sit at the computer ordering Christmas presents. My dinner is about to be prepared and my reading is 15.1. I don't understand why this should be, Can anyone enlighten me?
4.3 this morning at 5.45 am, as I had school run to do I've been rushing since getting up until lunchtime, brief respite and then on the move again, both granddaughters back home until tomorrow when the youngest is back for an overnight stay, am enjoying the peace until then.
Good afternoon. All that I have eaten today is one biscuit and that was at 6am. I have had 2 walks with my dog and done little else except sit at the computer ordering Christmas presents. My dinner is about to be prepared and my reading is 15.1. I don't understand why this should be, Can anyone enlighten me?
I wonder if your liver has received signals that you haven’t eaten, and you need energy to function, and has therefore put out a bit more glucose than normal. In a non Diabetic, this would be matched by an increase in insulin production, but in us Ds, it shows up as increased blood glucose, if the body hasnt actually used the extra energy. I would watch out tonight. If the liver has put out extra glucose from its stores, it will recoup this overnight, and you might hypo. A bit like when you have taken exercise and used up extra stores from your liver, it always hits me overnight, when it replenishes itself.