Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. I'm joining @Northerner with a 6.7. Its drizzly herr too, very wet underfoot so it must have chucked it down overnight.

Off out with a friend today. Got to go and get ready as being picked up soon. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
After a short run of high fives a lowly 4.6 for me today. 🙂

7.7 managed to complete all of week 1s danfees work last(granted it was late of night after I had intaitly good to bed but couldn't sleep was felling sick and had something to eat in the hope it may settle it but after still wasn't all that sleepily so decided I continue with the rest of the work(need alert)

Anyway been consider a few things to try to see if it helps my issues

One of them being that maybe try the low fodmap diet again (only did for a few days before) but you shouldn't really do that without guidance and that's hard to get in the UK.

.the other thing I'm been considering is cuting out gluten and dairy for a couple of weeks(cerloic decaises has been ruled out now but doesn't mean I'm not sensitive to it and have had suspicions of the two sometimes)
5.1 for me this morning.

Meal out with friends tonight so I’ll be playing Guess The Carbs and Judge The Bolus Timing - wish me luck! Other than that probably a lazy day.

Hope everyone has a good day whatever you’re doing.
2.9 on the Libre and a 4.0 with the second finger prick (first one gave me 7.6... clearly rogue 🙄) which is about what I would expect since Libre reads about 1mmol lower.
I took 1 less unit of Levemir last night (good call 😎) and ate rather a lot of peanut butter with a square of dark choc before bed and levels were 7.3 and an upward sloping arrow when I climbed into bed. I so nearly stuck in a 1unit correction but held out and with hindsight that was definitely the right decision. In fact no Fiasp in my system after that 4 unit correction in the afternoon, but then I didn't really have any evening meal as such, just a bit of cheese and a Lemsip plus that square of choc and peanut butter at bedtime Oh.... and about 4-5 fresh raspberries. By the time I got the horses sorted for the night it was 10pm and I just couldn't be bothered to cook.
7.6 which is the best this week I think. Dashing around cooking for the big lunch - have a great day everyone xxx
Morning all on this gloomy day with pouring rain!

5.7 first thing, odd really as I woke at 5 am and didn't get back to sleep until gone 6:30 and woke at 8:30.

Not a lot on today really, hubby will be glued to the rugby on TV after we've had a cooked English brekky for brunch. Then to a local friend's house at 6:30 for drinks and nibbles. Everyone then going on to the local as there is a very good group playing from 9:30 but I think we might come home then instead.

I notice @Lucyr hasn't posted on this thread for a long while, nor has @Gwynn since last Sunday. Hope they are both OK.

@rebrascora you are going to waste away not eating proper meals!

@zippyjojo hope the big lunch goes well!
Good morning! 8.2 before breakfast. It was 10.1 in the middle of the night. I really need that Libre 2 now to fully understand what is going on. Think the polenta was a slow burner! Will ask Diabetes Lead at GP practice to back me up.
if you want you really should be able to get it now as there shouldn't be any certia.
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7.2 🙂
Only third < 7.5 of last 21 pre-meal BGs, so good start to the day.
Had porrage for breakfast, only caused a small increase (sometimes 1/2 slice bread increases BG by much more).
Followed by coffee-at-the-beach, again no change in BG. 🙂
So one good BG makes such a difference to mood, hope it continues.
@rebrascora you are going to waste away not eating proper meals!
No chance Patti. 😉 I eat too much cheese for that and I love food too much. I just go in spells with cooking and eating. Sometimes I am really motivated and enjoy cooking when I have the time of course and other times I eat whatever is easy and fits in with my low carb approach with one eye on keeping it reasonably balanced.... well apart from the cheese.... and then I have a variety of cheeses with an apple to create balance :D Desperately need to go shopping today as I need a nice big head of savoy cabbage and some butter and yoghurt and cream and cheese and most importantly some horse and chicken feed which will ultimately get me to the shops. There is always something in the back of the cupboard or fridge I can make a meal of for myself but can't let my animals make do!

7.2 🙂
Only third < 7.5 of last 21 pre-meal BGs, so good start to the day.
Had porrage for breakfast, only caused a small increase (sometimes 1/2 slice bread increases BG by much more).
Followed by coffee-at-the-beach, again no change in BG. 🙂
So one good BG makes such a difference to mood, hope it continues.
Sounds like you need to do a basal test if you are getting so few premeal readings below 7.5.
I know exactly what you mean about it making such a difference to your mental outlook when you get a better result though. It really can lift your day.
Sounds like you need to do a basal test if you are getting so few premeal readings below 7.5.
I know exactly what you mean about it making such a difference to your mental outlook when you get a better result though. It really can lift your day.
atough beare in mind it will also depend on what you sated(so would need more information to fully suspect if it was a background issue or not) for example if you sated the day of 8.5 and ended at 9.5 and hadn't done corrections then it does say that its being kept steady.. are you doing corrections and there still saying above for me personally i don't tend to worry and 8.5 before meal(even though i know its not ideal) hoever if i was that morning and i wasn't going to eat backfast teight away i meant give myself a tiny bit of insulin(maybe about half a unit just to stop to raising futher as i got up and stating moving around)
4.7 this morning for me and a busy morning getting to swimming and back for a quick early lunch before heading out again. Hope everyone's having a good day
8.0 - as my diabetes has progressed, I realise that I definitely have FOTF phenomenon! BS was a bit of a mess overnight though. 5.4 before bed, so I did have a small biscuit before I went to sleep. Unfortunately, according to my graph, this didn't have the effect I'd hoped for and I was low whilst asleep (last of fast acting insulin from a late dinner at work, I think). I then awoke at 2.20am with a BS reading of 9.5? (Biscuit consumed prior to bed was only 3.5g of carbs, so shouldn't have seen this). I caught it with a single unit of fast acting insulin, but then still woke up at 8.0. I've been 8 a few times on waking, the other day was randomly 10? Starting to wonder if overnight basal needs upping by 1.

Feeling totally wiped out and shattered. A struggle to do anything.

Slowly catching up on “recorded” tv stuff. The walk in - very good and worrying and bloodlands that ended on a big of a cliff hanger.

Have a good rest of the day
@Pattidevans thsnks for asking about me

We have had a terrible week and I had to call in the mental health crisis team.

Unfortunately, except for upsetting my wife a lot, they were a fat lot of use. They could see how ill she is but could not hodpitalise her nor get her agreement to have her meds reviewed. So we are left waiting for her to have another serious mental breakdown before she can get some real help.

My life has gone down the tubes
