Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.5 for me this dreary morning.
My two cats used to just completely ignore fireworks. It’s not as if they were as scary as me opening the cupboard where the vacuum cleaner lived obviously.

The cats were unbothered by it but the dog went mad barking continuously while it was on attacking the cleaner head. I was always tasked with taking him for a walk so we each got our preferred option. 🙂
Good morning, 6.4 this morning.

Last night’s meal out with friends was really enjoyable, so nice to catch up again. My Guess the Carbs game went quite well, peak of 10.7 which very quickly dropped down to 6.4, dipped to low 4s around midnight but then settled around 6 for the rest of the night without any extra carbs. I passed on the Judge the Bolus Timing game and just took some when the main course turned up and then another bolus for dessert. Funny how sometimes it just works out, other times it can be a real disaster.

Only heard a few fireworks around here early on last night, otherwise it seemed pretty quiet. Sadly I guess spending money on fireworks is a very low priority at the moment for lots of people.

Probably have a lazy day today, even a walk isn’t appealing with it being grey and damp.

Enjoy your day whatever you get up to!
5.6 for me first thing this morning. 🙂

Good morning unknown what my BS was on waking
but I can shout a 7.1 pre breakfast

TC & have a great day everybody 😎
I thought stress was supposed to affect BG. This last week in particular has been horribly stressful but my BG has remained normal thoughout. However my blood pressure rocketed to levels I have never seen before.

This morning BG 4.9
Morning all - bit mixed today, some blue, some white fluffy clouds and some big black clouds. Rain forecast for this afternoon.

5.2 this morning, but as you see that followed a long stretch in the red, 2 JBs and a piece of ginger cookie.Screenshot_20221106-093025.png

The red was probably induced by dancing most of the evening as the group playing in the pub were absolutely fab! See Sandy Acre 7 . We weren't going to go after the drinks and nibbles at our friend's house, but really glad we did in the end. I had a huge grin on my face all night, stayed to the bitter end! So, apart from a young family down the road who were lighting silent fireworks, we didn't hear any others.

@Gwynn, very very sorry to read your post! What a very miserable time for you. I sincerely hope things improve soon.

@Lucyr - also very sorry to hear about your ME and lack of support/or being seen to confirm the diagnosis. I confess I did not really know what ME was, so I googled it - it sounds terrible. I know you are well versed in internet searches, but have you come up with these websites? ME Action Scroll down - there are links to support groups/forums online such as this one Phoenix Rising and this one Science for ME. Hope this helps a bit.

Have a good day all.... was going to boil a gammon in cider but forgot to put it in to soak yesterday and don't want it to be salty, so I've now put it in to soak and we'll have it tomorrow when our neighbour is coming in for supper. Meantime we'll have bangers and mash tonight!
Afternoon folks, would've been morning but hadn't logged in since Friday so a lot of posts to go through lol

We were lazy this morning and didn't get up until 9:30 when I then produced a lovely 5.2 on the meter, no pic as phone is on charge in the kitchen

Lots of fireworks round about last night, was surprised that a local village still had their display last night as was bad weather all day, Stonehaven are going ahead with theirs tonight as well despite it being wet and miserable xx
6.5 for me today, which is better than it has been - I think was helped by an earlier dinner last night so I had a really clear picture of where everything was heading before bed.

I also went out for breakfast with a friend to a garden centre, had a white chocolate waffle and stayed in range - @Eternal422 I was also playing 'judge the carbs' game here and was happy how it worked out! :D
Morning all - bit mixed today, some blue, some white fluffy clouds and some big black clouds. Rain forecast for this afternoon.

5.2 this morning, but as you see that followed a long stretch in the red, 2 JBs and a piece of ginger cookie.View attachment 22806

The red was probably induced by dancing most of the evening as the group playing in the pub were absolutely fab! See Sandy Acre 7 . We weren't going to go after the drinks and nibbles at our friend's house, but really glad we did in the end. I had a huge grin on my face all night, stayed to the bitter end! So, apart from a young family down the road who were lighting silent fireworks, we didn't hear any others.

@Gwynn, very very sorry to read your post! What a very miserable time for you. I sincerely hope things improve soon.

@Lucyr - also very sorry to hear about your ME and lack of support/or being seen to confirm the diagnosis. I confess I did not really know what ME was, so I googled it - it sounds terrible. I know you are well versed in internet searches, but have you come up with these websites? ME Action Scroll down - there are links to support groups/forums online such as this one Phoenix Rising and this one Science for ME. Hope this helps a bit.

Have a good day all.... was going to boil a gammon in cider but forgot to put it in to soak yesterday and don't want it to be salty, so I've now put it in to soak and we'll have it tomorrow when our neighbour is coming in for supper. Meantime we'll have bangers and mash tonight!
Thankyou for the links. I had seen the action for m.e site but hadn’t found those forums, the only one I’d found wasn’t viewable to browse and wasn’t accepting new users.
Good afternoon everyone. 8.6 for me this morning which wasn't surprising as lots of yummy food (and pudding) yesterday lunch time and some toast and marmalade before bed. The big birthday lunch went really well and everyone loved the food I served up (I confessed to cheating and letting Cook frozen meals help me - the beef bourguignon was absolutely delicious!). My brother had a lovely time. Lots of drink was drunk which I find quite hard now I'm a non-drinker (3 years in January). I don't mind people having it around me at all, in fact I bought it for the lunch, but I find it really hard when they get drunk, which my brother often does and I worry then that something's going to happen to him during the night etc, especially having lost my other brother so recently - morbid thoughts I know, but it's hard not to. Anyway - he's fine and dandy this morning and him, my hubby and sons are all watching the rugby and I'm about to serve up sausages & onions in rolls with tomato soup. Have a great day everyone xxx
Thankyou for the links. I had seen the action for m.e site but hadn’t found those forums, the only one I’d found wasn’t viewable to browse and wasn’t accepting new users.
I hope you might find them useful then.
5 for me at 8.00 am this morning
6.2 and I’ve caved and put the heating timer on. It’s far too cold in the mornings now without it coming on to at least take the chill off the place.
Good morning 7.2 today

My sister came over for dinner and stayed on Friday night, she was on her way to one of her friends wedding, she was up early and gone early on Saturday it was nice to see her.

Yesterday afternoon my wife treated me to a new BIG screen tv (65” on offer In Tesco’s) it only JUST fitted in the car I still need to work out to how it works, if all else fails I’m sure there will be some idiot guides online,
was thinking we’ve come along way since TV sets had an ON-0FF switch and a few channel preset buttons 🙂

Have a great day everybody 😎