Group 7-day waking average?

A high figure for me this morning : 8.2 . Looking at the chart it was around 6 most of the night and shot up to 8.2 after giving me a “Unable to read sensor try again in 10 minutes” message, so I guess it was rising fast from 6 to the eventual reading of 8.2. I’ll have to be careful what I have for breakfast and timing for a bolus. All part of the fun!

Busy week ahead with work and getting ready for a visit to my wife’s relatives in Ireland next weekend then straight onto the narrowboat for a week to help move it northwards from our marina at Dunchurch, near Rugby, for its winter maintenance and repaint. We’re handing it over to another one of the syndicate owners just north of Wolverhampton all being well on the following Saturday afternoon for him to continue the journey up to Middlewich. As we need to get all our stuff back to our car at Dunchurch by taxi we need to plan more carefully what and how much we take with us.

And of course, my sensor will need to be changed on the Tuesday we’re on the boat. Did the change last time whilst we were on the boat, but had to resort to my spare sensor as the first one failed to stick - first ever to not stick. I put it down to the fact I was really hot and felt like I was burning up when I tried to attach the first sensor. This time I’ll make sure I’m cool and unstressed when i do the change!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning. 5.9 today. Filthy looking day - hope it improves.

Yesterday was pretty good with only a few showers to dodge albeit heavy ones. Had cleared one bed and was just sitting down to a well earned cuppa when Alex turned up. He got a fairly brisk greeting but had arrived ready to work (wellies and tools in boot). So we cleared the rest and filled one new compost pen completely. He then chucked all the fresh manure to the far end of the midden before the skies opened. We had a firm but friendly discussion about him needing to turn up to do his own GG and to provide the required work or money. Seems he has been runoff feet at work with overtime until after dark fixing leaking roofs. Firmly told not my problem where was Carla in that case? I am too old to be struggling to get a bargey cob in as well as my Section As. All sorted I hope and think. Next job is to top up the beds with the black stuff from the midden and to batten down the beds under weed suppressant fabric for the winter.

Mr Wolf enjoyed the day - whist we were working he pottered about being friendly and helpful it seemed until I spotted the 3 large holes excavated in the side lawn. Hah - I shall have my revenge and book him in to the dog groomer. It's a bit too cold to do him at home as my dog drier doesn't really get his under coat thoroughly dry.

Meanwhile I am happy to report that back has recovered - barely stiff at all this morning. May be able to start reducing steroids if this continues.

Wishing everyone a happy Monday.
8.6 had a small pack of chocolate buttons at around midnight.
Morning all. A Len Goodman. SEVEN! That’ll be the slice of homemade bread at 10pm. In my defence I was reading 4.8 at 9.50, don’t know how that happened. Could have been the two hours of gardening I did earlier in the day. I’ve also had two unicorn days on the bounce.

Wet and miserable at the moment, set to last the day I would say. Glad we got the garden tidied up yesterday, last cut of the lawn, tomatoes and courgette plants dug up and raised beds all nice and weed free. There was still courgettes growing, in November! Fortunately, last week’s frost had gotten to them and they’re now in the compost heap! I still have bags full in the freezer I really didn’t want anymore! 😳

@ColinUK talking of heating. We’ve been very frugal with our gas and electricity for months now, I’ve not had the tumble dryer on since last winter. Mr Eggy has turned the temperature down on the hot water, we now don’t need to turn the dial down in the shower to add cold water, it is just perfect. We’ve done other things, like utilising the oven to its full capacity. We used to have lights burning all day as it’s a low ceiling dark cottage, we’ve knocked them off until it really is dark. It all takes planning but it turns out all this has been worth it. After logging into our BG account last night we saw there was a bill ready. We are in credit by £800, they’ve reduced our DD by £30 ( they had raised it £80) and they have offered us a credit of £650, which we have taken. It might as well be in our bank as theirs. We live in an old draughty house and our next job is to buy a big heavy curtain for the front door, and insulate our en-suite a bit better. This was built 20 years ago in a void in our dorma roof and wasn’t done properly ( Mr Eggy was the builder)! Currently, Mr Eggy is obsessed with our smart meters, I feel a spread sheet coming on, but it’s paid off, so far. We haven’t had any really cold weather yet!

Have a good day folks. 🙂
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. A Len Goodman. SEVEN! That’ll be the slice of homemade bread at 10pm. In my defence I was reading 4.8 at 9.50, don’t know how that happened. Could have been the two hours of gardening I did earlier in the day. I’ve also had two unicorn days on the bounce.

Wet and miserable at the moment, set to last the day I would say. Glad we got the garden tidied up yesterday, last cut of the lawn, tomatoes and courgette plants dug up and raised beds all nice and weed free. There was still courgettes growing, in November! Fortunately, last week’s frost had gotten to them and they’re now in the compost heap! I still have bags full in the freezer I really didn’t want anymore! 😳

@ColinUK talking of heating. We’ve been very frugal with our gas and electricity for months now, I’ve not had the tumble dryer on since last winter. Mr Eggy has turned the temperature down on the hot water, we now don’t need to turn the dial down in the shower to add cold water, it is just perfect. We’ve done other things, like utilising the oven to its full capacity. We used to have lights burning all day as it’s a low ceiling dark cottage, we’ve knocked them off until it really is dark. It all takes planning but it turns out all this has been worth it. After logging into our BG account last night we saw there was a bill ready. We are in credit by £800, they’ve reduced our DD by £30 ( they had raised it £80) and they have offered us a credit of £650, which we have taken. It might as well be in our bank as theirs. We live in an old draughty house and our next job is to buy a big heavy curtain for the front door, and insulate our en-suite a bit better. This was built 20 years ago in a void in our dorma roof and wasn’t done properly ( Mr Eggy was the builder)! Currently, Mr Eggy is obsessed with our smart meters, I feel a spread sheet coming on, but it’s paid off, so far. We haven’t had any really cold weather yet!

Have a good day folks. 🙂
I’m currently £192 in credit on my Eon Next account. They’ve reduced my DD to £2.32 a month and I’ve asked for £125 partial refund to be processed.
They’re also doing the peak hours reduction thing and I’m curious how that’s going to work when I’ve cut usage as low as realistically possible already.
And in preparation for any powercuts I bought a rechargeable lantern thing which has a hook and fold out leaves so you can hang it up and light a whole room. That arrives today.
5.1 for me half an hour ago, had a blissful lie in after early mornings whilst my granddaughters were staying.
Have a good day everyone 🙂
8.8 this morning (bit piggy last night). Sitting in my fleecy dressing gown and bed socks - no heating on here but got a few stoves and very good log supply. Our heating is so complicated (water source heat pump) that much to my hubby’s Joy I don’t understand how to change any settings. It really frustrates me though that I need him to do it. He goes off to Oz for a week on business later this month so I must make sure I know what’s what then! Luckily I’m a dab hand at lighting a fire Have a good day everyone x
8.8 this morning (bit piggy last night). Sitting in my fleecy dressing gown and bed socks - no heating on here but got a few stoves and very good log supply. Our heating is so complicated (water source heat pump) that much to my hubby’s Joy I don’t understand how to change any settings. It really frustrates me though that I need him to do it. He goes off to Oz for a week on business later this month so I must make sure I know what’s what then! Luckily I’m a dab hand at lighting a fire Have a good day everyone x
We have two coal fires, living room and dining room. I’m a dab hand at paper sticks and lighting fires without the aid of fire lighters. We also burn logs which we get from our eldest daughter who has a farm. There’s always some tree falling down.
9.2 for me and I have a rather impressive table top mountain on my Libre graph overnight. Totally lost control of my eating last night. Really should have just gone straight to bed when I got in from sorting the horses, but no I raked through cupboards and stuffed my face. Not hunger, just comfort..... I am blaming this cold.... what do they say... feed a cold and starve a fever. I think the most impressive thing is that I managed to keep it in single figures.... JUST... but I don't want to think about how much insulin was involved. Anyway, I hit it with 7.5 units this morning before I got out o bed and I am nicely down at 5 now after my yoghurt berries and seeds so back in the driving seat.
Morning everyone. 11.5
Was running high at dinner yesterday which I blamed on me possibly not calculating homemade noodle soup properly but now I have no idea.
Hopefully some low carbs and corrections will get back on top of things 🙂

Have a great day peeps x
We have two coal fires, living room and dining room. I’m a dab hand at paper sticks and lighting fires without the aid of fire lighters. We also burn logs which we get from our eldest daughter who has a farm. There’s always some tree falling down.
Mark and my brother (& sons) are a bit hooked on being lumberjacks. Whenever they see a fallen tree they get in touch with the landowner who invariably is very happy for them to take it away. We've got a car trailer so they take that off and load it up with huge rounds. They then spend hours splitting it with our very fancy log splitter before making a Holz Hausen log pile and leaving it to season for a couple of years - Mark also wears checked shirts!
Morning all, vile weather. Forecast all wrong as it says no rain until 6pm. I hate to tell them it's lashing down now!

7.4 this morning after a long drawn out period in the red until 02:46 when I treated it with 2 x JBs and a 4 hour -25% temp basal. Funny how that resulted in the 5.2 yesterday and yet 7.4 this morning. Oh Diabetes mine you are so fickle!

Spent nearly all day yesterday trying to track down an air fryer. Seems absolutely everywhere is out of stock. Did find one on Argos @£60, but when I went to claim the £20 Argos voucher from Honey Gold it took them so long to send it by email that I missed out because the last one had just gone! In the end I found one at £104 straight from the manufacturers Karstein, but this one has multi-functions including baking, roasting, dehydrating etc etc. We'll see, let's hope it's not another useless gadget like the electric spiraliser which is taking up much needed space in the larder.

@TinaD glad to hear your back is much improved and you got some work out of Alex.

@ColinUK you reminded me, a couple of Xmases ago I bought hubby a wind up lantern. Just asked him where it is and apparently it's in the loft because he says it never gives more than a very dim light. Ho hum, tit for tat for the electric spiraliser he gave me! LOL!

I noted @Lily123' s birthday, it's a long time since we've seen her on this thread isn't it? Hope she is OK.
We have two coal fires, living room and dining room. I’m a dab hand at paper sticks and lighting fires without the aid of fire lighters. We also burn logs which we get from our eldest daughter who has a farm. There’s always some tree falling down.
My Gran had a coal fire and we used to make paper knots for lighting the fire. Not so easy now as people don't have Newspapers.