Group 7-day waking average?

6.2 this morning.

Therapist still off sick so at least another fortnight without any sessions.

Atorvastatin - I was prescribed 20mg straight off the bat also. No side effects other than it doing what it was designed to do very well. There’s possibility of reducing the dosage next year.
Morning folks 6.8 for me this morning. Pretty good day yesterday did have one hypo . My fault. Out with dog should have checked earlier when we were having our 3 o'clock down by the river . Must have been a new software update on phone since Monday. Certainly a different different noise when you first scan and in some cases you have to scan half a dozen times. Keeps saying error. Try again . Anyone else have the same problem . It's an Android phone Have a good day folks
And it was a 5.9 for me today at 9.15.
Morning folks 6.8 for me this morning. Pretty good day yesterday did have one hypo . My fault. Out with dog should have checked earlier when we were having our 3 o'clock down by the river . Must have been a new software update on phone since Monday. Certainly a different different noise when you first scan and in some cases you have to scan half a dozen times. Keeps saying error. Try again . Anyone else have the same problem . It's an Android phone Have a good day folks
It's the updated software that they introduced last Thursday. I have spoken to them and they are aware of it and working to sort it out... they didn't say when they might have it sorted! There are new alert sounds available if you go into the settings. The default low alarm is particularly irritating, but you can change it. If you hold the phone still over the sensor you should see "scan sensor" and a blue revolving circle. Don't try to scan again, just leave it, it takes aboout 3 minutes to show your level.
Morning all, another grey and uninviting day with a louring sky and brisk wind. Several thunderstorms yesterday, but we were lucky and didn't lose electricity unlike some areas of Cornwall.

6.1 this morning which is fair enough! I did have 1 square of Lidl 70% salted caramel dark choc before bed.

So I went to the meeting and it transpired that it was not the practice manager who had set the agenda, but the new Chairman, it was just that the practice manager circulated it. That could have been made plainer! I was early for the meeting and chatting to the Chair who was also early it seems he is making a good start and had a meeting with the GPs before setting the agenda to see what they wanted from the PPG. Yada yada... that's been going on for the last 4 years with no clear answer. I still suspect the Practice manager is responsible for the fund raising clause, but no matter as it has been thrown out. We'll see how it goes from here, at least we have two new members, one of whom I know as she is the niece of a close friend, but both are intelligent women. Anyway, job for today is to make a coherent set of minutes from my practically illegible scrawl!

@ColinUK so sorry to hear the news of your therapist still being sick. Hugs.

@zippyjojo good luck with the statins. I am firmly against them in light of the fact that several studies show that women past menopause have less all cause mortality with higher Chol.
7.1 this morning for me.

We were out yesterday at Cheshire Oaks to celebrate my wife’s birthday - lots of shopping, emergency hot chocolate to correct a BG drop for me (!) and some fantastic Indian Street food at Mowgli- not been before, excellent food and sitting on swings at the table to eat! Didn’t have too many carbs, but as the food came out at unpredictable times I couldn’t judge or risk when to take insulin, so I ended up taking some as soon as I started eating and then a correction bolus afterwards. Only got a peak of 12 before bringing it all back down, so not too bad considering! Then managed to fit a new Libre sensor whilst in the car before heading back home afterwards!

Back to normal today, although BG is around the 7s, which is higher than normal for me (new sensor matches finger stick tests though) - maybe still some of the effects from yesterday?

Hope everyone has a good day!
It's the updated software that they introduced last Thursday. I have spoken to them and they are aware of it and working to sort it out... they didn't say when they might have it sorted! There are new alert sounds available if you go into the settings. The default low alarm is particularly irritating, but you can change it. If you hold the phone still over the sensor you should see "scan sensor" and a blue revolving circle. Don't try to scan again, just leave it, it takes aboout 3 minutes to show your level.
Cheers Chuck . It seems to be working fine . Have to have a look at the settings to change the noise .
A whopping 9.6 when I first woke up. I knocked a unit off my evening basal after the hypos of the last 2 nights but clearly that wasn't the right decision. 🙄 I hit it with 3.5 units Fiasp and my morning Levemir dose and went back to sleep for 50 mins and it had managed to bring it down to a marginally better 8.1 by then. Not happy with either but it is what it is. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Now down to a very steady 5.8 I might add.

When I got back from evening stables last night (very late.... or should I say early 🙄) it was a fabulously clear starry sky (got soaked going up to the stables) and it is really dark down at home and as I was standing looking up identifying the various constellations, 2 meteors whizzed across the sky above the house in the space of less than a minute. I stood for ages afterwards hoping for more, but that was it and then cloud started coming down from the north and it was almost like a theatre curtain coming down and ending a show, so it was time to go inside before the rain started and soaked me again. I was really lucky to see the two I did. It always reminds me of The Day of the Triffids when I see meteors. Pleased to report I am not blind this morning!

Congrats to @khskel on your House Special yesterday and good to hear they can fix your hernia with relatively minor surgery... and pretty promptly too considering the current climate. Hope that all goes smoothly.
Morning folks 6.8 for me this morning. Pretty good day yesterday did have one hypo . My fault. Out with dog should have checked earlier when we were having our 3 o'clock down by the river . Must have been a new software update on phone since Monday. Certainly a different different noise when you first scan and in some cases you have to scan half a dozen times. Keeps saying error. Try again . Anyone else have the same problem . It's an Android phone Have a good day folks
Yes, same difference since the weekend on Samsung A5.
If it's broken ribs they don't do anything about it anyway. However if it gets worse he does need to see someone.
Yeah I know, thankfully he's feeling much better today xxxx
Afternoon folks

5.8 for me this morning

Just had a lovely hot bowl of chicken & Sweetcorn Soup, well needed on a day like today as its cold and miserable (not that we've had a rain free day in about 2 weeks now) intended to have toast with it but forgot to take my butter out the fridge when I got up so bread it was lol xx
Good afternoon! Still catching up. It was 7.5 this morning, the same as yesterday evening but I doubt it was level for 24 hours. I didn't test at bedtime as I had a headache and fell asleep reading my book, woke and went to bed. Deamt my prosthetic got stuck in the shine at Hastings and the tide was coming in fast. Woke again and had to answer a call of nature! 🙂
If you are worried about the statin you could cut in half and take that for a few days to start with. I am only on 10mg atorvastatin and that seems a sufficient dose for me with no side effects.
A bit mean of your hubby to go off again so soon after getting back.
I know isn't it just! Don't worry - I'll get my revenge :rofl: I might try that with 10mg if I can halve it - thanks
Certainly a different different noise when you first scan and in some cases you have to scan half a dozen times. Keeps saying error. Try again . Anyone else have the same problem . It's an Android phone Have a good day folks
How annoying! The only difference on my Android phone since the update is that the app often wants my attention - beep beep beep, beep beep beep - like a petulant child and for no apparent reason. The low and high alarms STILL don’t work tho...:(
Morning all, another grey and uninviting day with a louring sky and brisk wind. Several thunderstorms yesterday, but we were lucky and didn't lose electricity unlike some areas of Cornwall.

6.1 this morning which is fair enough! I did have 1 square of Lidl 70% salted caramel dark choc before bed.

So I went to the meeting and it transpired that it was not the practice manager who had set the agenda, but the new Chairman, it was just that the practice manager circulated it. That could have been made plainer! I was early for the meeting and chatting to the Chair who was also early it seems he is making a good start and had a meeting with the GPs before setting the agenda to see what they wanted from the PPG. Yada yada... that's been going on for the last 4 years with no clear answer. I still suspect the Practice manager is responsible for the fund raising clause, but no matter as it has been thrown out. We'll see how it goes from here, at least we have two new members, one of whom I know as she is the niece of a close friend, but both are intelligent women. Anyway, job for today is to make a coherent set of minutes from my practically illegible scrawl!

@ColinUK so sorry to hear the news of your therapist still being sick. Hugs.

@zippyjojo good luck with the statins. I am firmly against them in light of the fact that several studies show that women past menopause have less all cause mortality with higher Chol.
Thank you - I was against them too but I had a good chat with a GP friend of mine and she convinced me. I'm on HRT (don't know if that makes a difference to not being past the menopause, in that I'm still having oestrogen. Also got a history of heart disease (Dad died when he was only 48) and stroke (brother died this summer having had a stroke last year) so I think that's all being taken into consideration. Anyway - I'll see how I get on with them and if they don't suit me I can always stop.
Good morning 7.9
dentist appointment today

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. Wasted a lovely bead of glistening ruby blood when I realised I'd freeloaded the wrong strips off my sister, cheesed isn't in it. 🙄

I did not like that wind last night howling down Mum's chimney, scary especially with the big precarious trees in this garden. I'm gonna be found one of these days with my feet sticking out from under some roots like the wicked witch of the west, that Eucalyptus is going to be coming down. Good grief. Have a great day all. 🙂