Group 7-day waking average?

Just after 13:30, panting after picking up my mail & can’t be bothered to look at the meter, BS 6.4 🙂

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I have a 2nd asthma review this year on the same day as my flu & covid jabs earlier at 3:30pm on 09/11. So, maybe a good thing as my asthma has been more troublesome lately? :confused:

Everything sorted out, AT LAST, with O2 yesterday & I’m BACK, connected & available to callers! :D
Wouldn't ruin it for my grandad, it was his day, he's feeling more comfortable today thanks, I said if it got worse he'd need to see a Dr but he can't afford the time off work, he's had so many days off unpaid this year due to stuff for the new house etc and he was off 1 and a half days the other week after his reaction at work and as his blood results were sent to a specialist he may require more time off to do with that but he's still not heard anything about his results 🙄 xx
If it's broken ribs they don't do anything about it anyway. However if it gets worse he does need to see someone.
@rebrascora i hope your levels are settling and you're feeling ok

@ColinUK keep posting, we are all here for you. I'm salivating at the thought of chocolate and sour cherry trifle and chocolate cake. Enjoy it, tomorrow is another day

@Wannie and @khskel congrats on the HS

@Kaylz they've showed their true colours. Now everyone will see what they are like

@Pattidevans go get 'em girl, sort them out that meeting. I hope it goes well

@Michael12421 great to hear. I hope your levels have gone up now
Good morning woke up to a nice surprise 5.3 today,
can’t believe it’s already Wednesday

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 8.2 and still quite dark out there atm.
Morning all. 6.6 and after 2 days of back to back corrections I'm back in the green zone :D

Got more blood letting this morning and need to be out the door by 8 so mad dashing to get showered and sorted out :D
I thought I would be all organised and shower last night but put deep heat on my neck after that without thinking it though :rofl:.

Hope you all have a brilliant day.
Morning all, 6.3 here. Had a good afternoon the arboretum, even if most of the pretty leaves were on the ground. One amusing moment, we were having tea (and cake, of course) looking out over the hillside, and saw a huge bird of prey. Now, we have buzzards and red kites round here, and it definitely wasn’t one of those. Was just thinking, where on earth had it come from, and how and why, when it dived down towards the buildings next door, and I remembered there is a falconry centre next to the arboretum. So it was something exotic, but tame!
Morning all. A very nice round 6. I put a new sensor on after my shower yesterday but didn’t activate it until evening. So far, so good. Fingers crossed.

Absolutely no plans today, as I believe we’re due very heavy rain and gusty winds later. Had a very muddy walk yesterday, it does make it hard work, so can’t imagine what it will be like after today’s deluge.

Monkfish tail got turned into kebabs and we went all Greek, including my delicious, well, Nigella’s really, hummus and homemade tzatziki. Chicken tonight! 🙂

Have a good day. Congrats to yesterday’s HSers @Wannie and @khskel. Good job.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

4.8 this morning 🙂 Have a good day everyone
8.6 this morning and the scary thing is that I'm thinking that's good! I have really slipped back into old sugary habits (I say old, I really think I only picked them up after my surgery last year when I was feeling sorry for myself). Could someone send a big kick up the backside to Oxfordshire please? I've received my Atorvastatin which I will start taking tonight - oh joy, another pill to remember. I'm a tiny bit concerned though as I'm having 20mg x1 daily and I notice on the leaflet that came with them (quite unusual for me to actually read that) that you are generally started on 10mg and work up gradually. I can't get a call into the GP as there were 30 other people in the queue and I just couldn't be doing with that. Does anyone else on statins remember if they started straight in at 20mg? I know that's not a high dose as it can go up to 80 (my GP isn't suggesting I'll need to go higher than 20mg but who knows). Sorry to have dipped out for a few days - hubby came back from Uganda on Monday (I was a bit grumpy for the first day which was pure jealousy) and I picked him up from Heathrow at 5.30am and then stuff just got in the way. I'm doing a house viewing today so need to get tidying/cleaning - mind you with only me and two dogs in the house (hubby now up in Scotland fell running) there's not too much to do. Have a good day everyone xxx
8.6 this morning and the scary thing is that I'm thinking that's good! I have really slipped back into old sugary habits (I say old, I really think I only picked them up after my surgery last year when I was feeling sorry for myself). Could someone send a big kick up the backside to Oxfordshire please? I've received my Atorvastatin which I will start taking tonight - oh joy, another pill to remember. I'm a tiny bit concerned though as I'm having 20mg x1 daily and I notice on the leaflet that came with them (quite unusual for me to actually read that) that you are generally started on 10mg and work up gradually. I can't get a call into the GP as there were 30 other people in the queue and I just couldn't be doing with that. Does anyone else on statins remember if they started straight in at 20mg? I know that's not a high dose as it can go up to 80 (my GP isn't suggesting I'll need to go higher than 20mg but who knows). Sorry to have dipped out for a few days - hubby came back from Uganda on Monday (I was a bit grumpy for the first day which was pure jealousy) and I picked him up from Heathrow at 5.30am and then stuff just got in the way. I'm doing a house viewing today so need to get tidying/cleaning - mind you with only me and two dogs in the house (hubby now up in Scotland fell running) there's not too much to do. Have a good day everyone xxx
If you are worried about the statin you could cut in half and take that for a few days to start with. I am only on 10mg atorvastatin and that seems a sufficient dose for me with no side effects.
A bit mean of your hubby to go off again so soon after getting back.
it wa 9.3 I did get down to 3.5 last night probery due to a bit of silly mixstake(althoughvir was just over 4 hours later when I woke to it) I made when it had something to eat as had custard from a 2 good to go order that needed using. Silly me was thinking of per 100ml instead of per 100g. I did realise one half hours later but when I had just checked my blood sugar and it was 8.2 so second mistake was thinking to myself it will probably been fine them. Not to worry.
5.4 this morning.

Hope everyone has a good day. I’m going back to bed and reading for a bit longer.