Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 9.0.

Just realised I "missed" my 1 year diagnosis mark which was a couple of days ago. I'm sure if I had noticed I would have done nothing different 😛.
Has been a bumpy road but glad I am mostly sorted now 🙂
Good morning. BG 5.8 this a.m. Weather not promising but looks a bit better than yesterday when I got "drenched to the drawers" 4 times.
Trying to resist a run to Screwfix where there is a garden shredder on offer at 40 quid less than Amazon. Looking out of the study window at the 2m buddleias and the 3m Rambling Rector roses my determination to spend less and use less diesel is leaking away....I am sure (well weakening to self-indulgence) that it will be an investment for next year's attack on the willow hedge - which grows 2m in a year...Anyway I can be economical and "do an Aldi" whllst I am in town, can't I?
Have a good day everyone.
Where dyou live @TinaD - Planet Triffid?! 😉
Afternoon folks, it's a chilly one here today

6.5 for me this morning

Had a stressful weekend, well only Saturday, had to go out to attend my grandads 90th birthday party, not only did I feel uncomfortable cause I didn't want to be out let alone in a room of people but the dirty looks from his other daughter! My grandad was sat at the head of the table for a little while and then came down to talk to my mum, Bruce and me which made the dirty looks even worse then the jealousy started so she started shouting at him that he'd need to go back down as he'd need to have a seat, these shouts happened a few times, you should have seen the look on her face when he pulled up a seat next to us and sat down! 😳 he went to cut his cake so she wanted a picture with him so put her arm round him and he shouted on my mum to go and join him for the picture and then came back up with her to sit with us all 😳 they spent years not bothering with him, only visiting when there was something in it for them (birthdays and christmas), didn't visit when he was in recovery from his hip replacement while we were running about doing everything, we cooked his tea and visited him every day for 26 years and they have done much worse but now they are trying to act like angels because of all the other folk round about in the retirement housing place! If she'd ruined it for my grandad I would have said something but when I phoned him at night he commented how unhappy she was when he shouted on my mum for the picture then laughed at it

Yesterday was spent leaning into Bruce all day, he's injured his side and the only relief he was getting was me putting my weight into him, he's in agony but at work and requested light duties xx
Good afternoon. I was happy with 8.5 when I woke up for my tablets at 5am but then when I got up up 8.30 it was 10.5 needed four units of bolus over an hour because tummy was still digesting last night's dinner - but it was a yummy cheese fondue served with bread and sliced sausage so well worth it 🙂
I can’t tell you how many people have asked me that when I have been seeing them for unrelated issues. Next time I will ask what they mean by “good!” Because I don’t think they have a clue.
I like that reply I shall use that one on the dentist later this week @Pattidevans
Good morning 6.9 today after a good sleep, was feeling exhausted and so went to bed about 8pm yesterday so had almost 10 hrs sleep.
Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 8.6 after a night of needing the loo (x5!), high alarms (x2) and a correction (x1) so tired this morning. Back at work today, where did last week go?!!!
Morning good folks. 5.8 on the meter as I have ripped ( well, gently pulled) THAT sensor from my arm. 10 days of false highs, yesterday was the final straw. Apparently at about 4pm I was 18! I’ve never been 18 in all my diabetic life, even when I wasn’t on insulin. That was the final straw. I may have a break today and put a new one on tomorrow. Grrrr…..TBF I’ve been lucky in the year I’ve been prescribed it. One fell off, and one just stopped working after a day.

Today I will mostly be doing whatever I want. No childcare, no prepping for parties and no cleaning up after parties. My only “concern” is deciding what to do with an expensive piece of monkfish tail that Mr Eggy got out of the freezer mistakenly thinking it was a chicken breast! 😳 He had ONE job! 😉 Monkfish, on a Tuesday? That’s a Saturday/ special occasion meal. We can’t even make it a special occasion as we eat early on Tuesday as Mr Eggy leaves for Camera Club at 6.45 and can’t even have a glass of wine!

See you all tomorrow, have a good 1st November. 🙂
Morning all, 7.0 here. Knew that pesky fairy would be back! Was 4.9 at 3am.
Booked tickets to visit a nearby arboretum today. Listened to the heavy downpours all yesterday evening and am wondering if there’ll be any leaves left that haven’t been washed off the trees, or if we’ll be paddling round.
Good morning! 9.5 today. After yesterday evening's lowish reading I thought I wod be OK preparing supper - I wasn't and obviously overtreated. After supper watched last week's episode of Mastermind. There was a huge gap between the top two and the bottom two. The latter two seemed fairly week on general knowledge! :(
5.9. I did some baking/cooking last night as I had clotted cream to use up - made chocolate pots (70% choc and no extra sugar so pretty low carb though high calorie! Had one for dessert with my tea), fudge and shortbread. Fudge is going to bf's mum and work, had just a taste to check it turned out well and shortbread is partly going to work and partly being saved for a group that I'm meeting up with on Saturday but again I did try the smallest one late last night while it was warm :D and very nice it was too!
5.9 for me today. 🙂

Good morning everyone. 8.4 at 5.30am so did a correction and went back to bed. At 8.30am it has gone up to 9.4 so another correction. Had lovely home made moussaka last night with some baguette. Very yummy.
Today I'm planning to do some diamond art, knitting and go to my first podiatry appointment at the University's podiatry clinic.
Just to explain... I ate my feelings and fear last night. Leg was playing up so couldn't really get further than Waitrose during the day. Went with a friend to IKEA last thursday and it was a long long day. Hired a van and drove and walked about 18k steps. Was out for 12 hours. Leg still hasn't recovered. Felt really sorry for myself yesterday and then (and yes I know this sounds silly) went to Waitrose specifically to use my vouchers and forgot to swipe them at the checkout!
Bought foods I really should know better about buying so rather than throw them away I ate them.
Checked medical records on the GP app to see if there was any news about my referral and nothing has been updated so felt doubly sorry for myself. Put the gym membership on suspension as I'm paying for it and can't go so felt triple sorry for myself at that.
Then dad texted to say "Mum's ok. All went well and she's back home x" and I checked my calendar and didn't have any clue why she's been in hospital at all so then felt even worse than useless and felt I'd let them down by not knowing what was going on.
So I ate. It was a lovely chocolate and sour cherry trifle from Waitrose but I hated almost every single mouthful I swallowed as I knew I was punishing myself and it was not going to help BG levels.
Pretty immediately after that I went to bed (it was still early but just didn't want to engage with the world so retreated). Slept atrociously even by my standards and joined an online OA meeting this morning where the reading was all about love.

I've been attending OA meetings for a couple of weeks now and am fighting the God concept thing and also the surrender to the program thing as well. I feel that I ought to be strong enough to do this by myself, which is of course my ego driving an erroneous logical outcome as I clearly cannot. Hence the OA.

On a wider note I've heard from the Investigating Officer in charge of investigating my allegations (he's the one who sits atop the whole thing - the SOIT officer was the day to day contact) and because the SOIT officer is still off ill he's encouraging me to reach out directly to him with any concerns or questions I have. It's still being investigated and he's also said that he hopes to have a "significant update" within a few weeks. So I'm anxious about that and am now having dreams (which implies I'm sleeping but I'm not however it's the only way I can think to describe them) of sitting in court and seeing the face of the man who hurt me so badly all those years ago. I worry I won't recognise him. I worry I will.

Checked the NHS app last night and there's a note on there saying that the hospital will contact me "before 2nd Nov 2022" to book my appointment so obviously I'm anxious about that as well. I want the surgical consult asap but I'm concerned about what might go wrong. Will I recover fully? Will I recover quickly? Will I go even more bonkers staying at mum and dad's for a few days convalescence? Will I permanently need a stick afterwards? Or not? I don't know but it's clearly playing on my mind.

I am still writing poetry and do find that helps. As does this place. As do you all.

I wrote these two yesterday and I think my shift in mood between times is evident.

I sit on a stone bench
One of many in the square
Overlooking a fountain
now a computer controlled
water-based installation

People stroll
Some with purpose
Many seemingly without

One side of the square is Central St Martins
overflowing with creativity
And limitless people
wrapped in High Fashion

Children play dare with the fountain
Tempting jets to shoot from the under croft
and change their experience of now.


I want to write a poem.
I want to entertain.
I pick up pen and paper
and hear the distant rain.
I see a page of potential
And blank it does remain.

I want to live my life
Free to find my way
Not haunted by shadows
that darken my every day.
I have years of potential
To silence the old refrain.

You don’t deserve to love
It says so loud and clear
Oh so empowered
by each and every tear.
I again am deferential

and feel the pain.
